If they have to be urged to leave at this point, it is likely they have already made their decision to stay. Don't really blame them. It will be warm and plenty of eggs in Russia. Not so much in parts of the west.
These are not coming from current stocks but brand new built from the factory so it'll be awhile before they get to Ukraine. I think the factory they are built at is in Alabama somewhere.
I fully concede that I don't need to see a direct benefit to America to support Ukraine's fight for assistance. And even then, I think a Ukrainian victory would be to our benefit.
I fully concede that I don't need to see a direct benefit to the America to support Ukraine's fight for assistance. And even then, I think a Ukrainian victory would be to our benefit.
I fully concede that I don't need to see a direct benefit to the America to support Ukraine's fight for assistance. And even then, I think a Ukrainian victory would be to our benefit.
If this is remotely true, the diplomatic and defense structures of the West, namely NATO, is saving Russia. There are a few countries in the area, which left to their own devices, would love to take advantage. The advantages of the being within the superstructure of the West keeps them on tight leash.
"Liberating people". You really have drank the cool-aid. You probably also believe the 98-99% referendums to join Russia in Russian occupied Ukrainian territory are legit as well.
Wild time to be alive to watch right-wing populists and left-wing tankies enter an unholy union to complain about NATO and American imperialism, then turn right around and advocate for Russia to dictate terms to Ukraine for peace. You know, like an imperialist country would do...