War in Ukraine

Okay, what are your thoughts of China now being in Afghanistan? Building mines to strip their ground?
I suppose they are there conducting business. Meanwhile, why were we in Afghanistan?

So let me get this straight... China goes around the world building infrastructure and cutting deals with countries for mutually beneficial trade. Meanwhile, the US goes around the world to bomb the s^^t out of countries, regime change them if they don't play ball and engage in rapacious resource robbery.
How is it lunacy? Liz Truss and Joe Biden are far more dangerous and far less intelligent than Putin. Biden can't stop shaking hands with air and Liz Truss didn't even know Rostov was part of Russia, yet she was the British foreign minister... and she came off as far too willing to push the nuclear button a month ago during the debates, in spite of being fully aware that it would possibly lead to the destruction of humanity.

The collective IQ of Biden, Truss, Olaf Sholtz, and Ursula van der Leyen wouldn't be enough to light a Christmas tree bulb, muchless match Putin. Those are facts.

So you're stating that one side perpetuating this evil out of ignorance and the other side perpetuating this evil knowing full well what they are doing...... You do realize you're only bolstering my point right?

Putin isn't some night on the side of right here. He'd gleefully bury innocents by the thousands to perpetuate his interests.
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You have to admit, anybody would, no matter how stupid, that the European countries did somehow stop killing each other after 1000's of years of doing so. You have to admit that. You have to consider that nobody has used an atomic weapon since 1945, and nobody has ever used a fusion weapon at all. You have to admit that. And it was the USA, mostly, that held NATO together and kept everybody interested. I don't really know if NATO would really fight a war against anybody. They haven't needed to. Everybody is afraid to find out and with good reason.

Even if I didn't see any reason for it, I wouldn't be saying "I don't see the reason for it" and therefore there's not one. Because I am oh-so-smart. It may well be, honestly, that some of its purposes haven't occurred to you.

On the other hand, I have to admit that I don't understand why Russia wouldn't want to prosper. Putin obviously gets nothing for this; there's no upside to it. As you all know, there's nobody going to invade Russia. That's just dumb. And it does show that paranoia plays a real role in geopolitics. It really does. He's gone around the bend.
NATO/the US is using Ukraine as a proxy against Russia. They were going to do the same with Georgia and most of these other lesser countries in Eastern Europe. Their ideal situation I've come to realize is use these former Warsaw Pact countries as their tools to drain Russia and military capabilities so that Russia would be weakened and returned to the state it was in under Boris Yeltsin. Then, Russia would be not much different than how Ukraine is being used right now... a place where they can rape/pillage, engage in all kinds of criminal activity and skim off resources and wealth for Western elites and connected politicians. The West was well on it's way of making Russia into Ukraine has it not been for Putin...
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So you're stating that one side perpetuating this evil out of ignorance and the other side perpetuating this evil knowing full well what they are doing...... You do realize you're only bolstering my point right?

Putin isn't some night on the side of right here. He'd gleefully bury innocents by the thousands to perpetuate his interests.
You are speaking out of ignorance and bigotry right now. Putin hasn't shown the desire to be anywhere near the man you portray him as. Else, they would have flattened Ukraine to the stone age in 2014...

He's far more reserved and patient than any leader that the US would have had.

Keep in mind... 8 years of this in Donbas. And really, 15+ years of dealing with NATO encroachment (his 2007 Munich speech).

I will never understand the level of bigotry that I have seen with regards to Russia right now. That is concerning to me.
So you're stating that one side perpetuating this evil out of ignorance and the other side perpetuating this evil knowing full well what they are doing...... You do realize you're only bolstering my point right?
I have no idea what point you call yourself making.
Wait, why were we in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan? Why was there a need to wipe out those countries but not address the Saudis?

We really never needed to be in Iraq. The only good that came of it was drawing in "insurgents" and getting to kill them. Many of those would have probably just showed up in Afghanistan anyways. That's about it really. Afghanistan, yes. Al Q, and the Taliban. We should have took 2 or 3 years there to gut all the Islamist's and make them fear us forever. But what did we do? We tried to make friends and educate kids. Those people could give a rats azz about that.

900 troops in Syria now, I don't really care. Why do you Mr. Pootin?
America has interests..... Sure. But please save the bullshat about Russia caring about people. This is the same regime that is throwing conscripts into the meat grinder to face the enemy with guns pointed at their backs to make sure they don't run.

If you think they care about people you're either a fool or a shill. This about interests plain and simple. Neither sides claims are pure.
You are a propagandized tool right now.

As far as I'm concerned, Putin defending the traditional family and traditional values over this woke/LGBTQ/WEF/green agenda nonsense puts him far above any of the leaders we have here in The West right now.
We really never needed to be in Iraq. The only good that came of it was drawing in "insurgents" and getting to kill them. Many of those would have probably just showed up in Afghanistan anyways. That's about it really. Afghanistan, yes. Al Q, and the Taliban. We should have took 2 or 3 years there to gut all the Islamist's and make them fear us forever. But what did we do? We tried to make friends and educate kids. Those people could give a rats azz about that.
You still didn't answer why we didn't go after the Saudis. You just went on a rant that had nothing to do with what I asked about.

900 troops in Syria now, I don't really care. Why do you Mr. Pootin?
Those 900 troops could be right here at home protecting our borders from the southern invasion instead of being halfway around the globe.
You still didn't answer why we didn't go after the Saudis. You just went on a rant that had nothing to do with what I asked about.

Those 900 troops could be right here at home protecting our borders from the southern invasion instead of being halfway around the globe.

I never mentioned the Saudis, but I will now. At the very minimum we should have sent out assassination squads to kill anyone involved in Saudi Arabia. Anyone who financed it, supported it, carried it out, and burned their houses to the ground. Also, hack their bank accounts and take all their money as well. If a Saudi prince was involved then tough cookies. He suffers the same fate. Cut their throats and put their bodies on display. Those people understand money and fear, that's it. You have to make them fear you.

Your last statement is weak sauce. I do support sending the military to the border. That's where the national guard should be right now.
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You are a propagandized tool right now.

As far as I'm concerned, Putin defending the traditional family and traditional values over this woke/LGBTQ/WEF/green agenda nonsense puts him far above any of the leaders we have here in The West right now.
LOL, he doesn't care about any of those things save them being a propaganda tool. The fact you believe he does is laughable. He used Nazism as justification for war yet doesn't address the rampant examples within his own rank and file.
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You are a propagandized tool right now.

As far as I'm concerned, Putin defending the traditional family and traditional values over this woke/LGBTQ/WEF/green agenda nonsense puts him far above any of the leaders we have here in The West right now.
What some of these totalitarian, theocratic, woke democrats don't understand is that the Ukrainian regime doesn't support the Woke/LGBTQ agenda either.

However the fascist Ukrainian regime is trying to get fully onboard the WEF/green agenda. And they have a state sponsored media, massive censorship, and banning of political parties. So on the other hand it represents many things the party is for these days.
I'm increasingly concerned Putin will use tactical nukes. He's losing badly and has pushed his chips all in. His speech yesterday could be interpreted as laying the groundwork for his "having no alternative but to defend Russia" by using them.

This could get really ugly.
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I’ve wondered for awhile now what Ukraine’s combat troop strength is since mobilizing. I never see any kind of numbers. They don’t talk about it much I guess.
Turkey Builds Up Troops In Northern Cyprus, Rages At "Inexplicable" US Decision

Two weeks ago the US took the historic step of lifting defense trade restrictions on Cyprus. This will take effect for the fiscal year 2023, and the policy will be amended October 1st, according to prior statements of Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
Like with the recent upgraded US F-16 transfer to Greece, Turkey isn't happy, also as military tensions continue to build over Ankara's charge that the Greek army is militarizing islands off the Turkish coast. Turkey now says it will send more troops and weapons to the Turkish-occupied territory of northern Cyprus.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday lashed out at the US-Cyprus partnership, warning that Washington's opening of weapons transfers will trigger an arms race on the divided island.

The United States helping out friends and foes alike. LoL Europe and NATO will find out what the rest of the world already knows about the United States.
I suppose they are there conducting business. Meanwhile, why were we in Afghanistan?

So let me get this straight... China goes around the world building infrastructure and cutting deals with countries for mutually beneficial trade. Meanwhile, the US goes around the world to bomb the s^^t out of countries, regime change them if they don't play ball and engage in rapacious resource robbery.
I didn’t ask about America. I’m asking about China. Do you think China is any better than that the US? Chinas troops were in Afghanistan the day we left (their business people). They were first ones to recognize the taliban as leaders. Going to give a very poor country trillions of dollars. Guess what happens when they ask for that money back? They own them that plain and simple.
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