War in Ukraine

Sweden is about to be part of NATO because of Putin’s actions in Ukraine.
And again, it is irresponsible for NATO to allow them to join. To be clear, this isn't about the sovereignty of Ukraine or Sweden. They can have the desire to join NATO or any other organization. But if NATO was really about bringing peace and stability, they would not allow them to join because it is an escalatory move.
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Curious: what would have been on their border if they had amazingly taken Ukraine in 10 days?

NATO is a defense pack. Never invaded a country for territorial gain. All of this NATO talk is BS and you know it. Putin wanted to get the old band back together and his old bandmates didn't want to.
What was the defensive action that needed to be taken in Serbia in 1999?
And again, it is irresponsible for NATO to allow them to join. To be clear, this isn't about the sovereignty of Ukraine or Sweden. They can have the desire to join NATO or any other organization. But if NATO was really about bringing peace and stability, they would not allow them to join because it is an escalatory move.
And invading a sovereign nation isn’t escalatory?
And invading a sovereign nation isn’t escalatory?
The Russian's spent 8 years trying to allow diplomacy to work with the Minsk ceasefire agreements. meanwhile, Kyiv regime continued to bomb and attack the people of Donbas. Russia wasn't the one engaging in escalatory action... it was the US and NATO sending arms to Ukraine after overthrowing a democratically elected govt.
And invading a sovereign nation isn’t escalatory?
I think Russia hoped this would go the way of when they ‘special military operated’ Georgia back in 08. Main difference this time is that they headed West instead of South.
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The Russian's spent 8 years trying to allow diplomacy to work with the Minsk ceasefire agreements. meanwhile, Kyiv regime continued to bomb and attack the people of Donbas. Russia wasn't the one engaging in escalatory action... it was the US and NATO sending arms to Ukraine after overthrowing a democratically elected govt.
Ok, boomer.
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Humanitarian intervention because the Russian-backed A-holes were killing ethnic minorities.
The Kosovo precedent... the very precedent that Putin used for going into Donbas.

Remind me, did NATO claim any territory for its member states in that conflict?
Technically not, but I'm sure that at some point NATO has goals of ceding Kosovo to Albania.
I think Russia hoped this would go the way of when they ‘special military operated’ Georgia back in 08. Main difference this time is that they headed West instead of South.
I think that is obvious. The difference is that Russia almost had a deal that Ukraine was going to agree to that would have ended this back in march. But instead, BoJo came in and convinced the Ukrainians to not cut a deal. At that point, it was clear that Russia was not just fighting Ukraine, but that they were fighting NATO.
The Kosovo precedent... the very precedent that Putin used for going into Donbas.

Technically not, but I'm sure that at some point NATO has goals of ceding Kosovo to Albania.
There was never any ethnic cleansing or genocide going on in the Donbas. This is all Russian propaganda that no legit NGO or international organization has ever agreed with Russia on.
There was never any ethnic cleansing or genocide going on in the Donbas. This is all Russian propaganda that no legit NGO or international organization has ever agreed with Russia on.
It wasn't on the level of Rwanda or Cambodia, but where do you draw the line? Is 15k too low of a threshold? Should the Russians have waited a few more years for that number to reach some arbitrary total?
It wasn't on the level of Rwanda or Cambodia, but where do you draw the line? Is 15k too low of a threshold? Should the Russians have waited a few more years for that number to reach some arbitrary total?
There wasn’t any going on at all Moe. You Russian lying idiots invented the whole scenario. 🤡
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It wasn't on the level of Rwanda or Cambodia, but where do you draw the line? Is 15k too low of a threshold? Should the Russians have waited a few more years for that number to reach some arbitrary total?

This is not a difference of degree, it was a difference in kind. It. Was. Not. Ethnic. Cleansing/genocide. Full stop.
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More 5d chess by Pootin 😂

Maybe there are some high quality egg farms around Bakhmut.

Russia invests 'disproportionately costly' offensive to take Bakhmut despite low strategic advantage: UK intel | Fox News

Russia’s fight for the city of Bakhmut has become "disproportionately costly" for Moscow who despite throwing "significant" amounts of its military might too capture the city will gain little strategic advantage if successful officials said Saturday.

The U.K. defense ministry warned that Russian forces are attempting to encircle the town and have made "small" advantages on the southern axis.

But the ministry also assessed that despite the immense amount of resources thrown into the fight for the city in Donetsk, Russia stands to gain little strategic advantage if it is successful in capturing Bakhmut.
OK, so how many more people need to have been killed in 8 years before it becomes a crisis in your eyes?
How many need to be killed for Russia to understand their folly Moe? This whole situation was caused by overt Russian aggression and direct invasion of Ukraine. So spare us your ******** pearl clutching on deaths.

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