War in Ukraine

May as well…but not at war. Is that not the excuse by some in here for doing certain things? Being at war…

I can’t ever imagine the First Lady flying to Paris on a shopping expose’ when US cities are being bombarded…when the country’s infrastructure,(water, electricity), sons are being obliterated by the day…

Maybe I’m wrong.

Bombing or at least burning of US cities was a long time ago when jetting off to Paris wasn't a thing, and I'm hoping that never changes, but I get your thoughts and probably agree. Personally I think we make too much of "First Ladies" - they shouldn't be seen or heard - just stashed away out of the limelight. I don't think we need royal families - we elect a person and not a clan.
Bombing or at least burning of US cities was a long time ago when jetting off to Paris wasn't a thing, and I'm hoping that never changes, but I get your thoughts and probably agree. Personally I think we make too much of "First Ladies" - they shouldn't be seen or heard - just stashed away out of the limelight. I don't think we need royal families - we elect a person and not a clan.
Optics be damned. She’s handled her role well. She’s rich. And this very well could be her last Christmas to enjoy the fruits of her wealth. She didn’t flaunt anything this was shills like our resident Pootin nut huggers blowing it out of proportion. Go nuts lady you might not get another opportunity. Hell she was supposed to be dead, captive, or in exile 6 months ago!
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May as well…but not at war. Is that not the excuse by some in here for doing certain things? Being at war…

I can’t ever imagine the First Lady flying to Paris on a shopping expose’ when US cities are being bombarded…when the country’s infrastructure,(water, electricity), sons are being obliterated by the day…

Maybe I’m wrong.
In 2022, I wouldn't be surprised if the Americans we have on the right side of the aisle wouldn't defend a spouse from a leader of Ukraine or Israel if they spent $40k in the same manner.
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Bombing or at least burning of US cities was a long time ago when jetting off to Paris wasn't a thing, and I'm hoping that never changes, but I get your thoughts and probably agree. Personally I think we make too much of "First Ladies" - they shouldn't be seen or heard - just stashed away out of the limelight. I don't think we need royal families - we elect a person and not a clan.

The A10’s favorite meal is a piece of Russian armor.
Any word on when these A10s are going to get a chance to eat some Russian armor? I was clowned in the summer when I was asking if they were really coming in a reasonable time, and so far, no word yet. What is the hold up? And what about those Abrams tanks? Or those Polish Mig-29s?
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Any word on when these A10s are going to get a chance to eat some Russian armor? I was clowned in the summer when I was asking if they were really coming in a reasonable time, and so far, no word yet. What is the hold up? And what about those Abrams tanks? Or those Polish Mig-29s?
I don’t know. Or care. What I said was true. The A-10 is a formidable platform designed and intended (at the time) to destroy Soviet armor.
“Created” a bunch of rebels? Lol. No, those were created by the coup and the ensuing anti-Russian rhetoric and programs being pushed throughout Ukraine.
Uh. The russians armed them. Trained them. Gave them logistic support, information, and direct military intervention. Gave them mercenaries. Generals. Troops. Tanks. Artillery.

Without Russia's intervention this never would have been bloody, as the rebels would have been largely unarmed, never had as many fighters, mercenaries. And if it was still bloody it would have been over quickly, and we would all be at peace now.

So yes, Russia created the rebels.

Regardless of their role in Maidan and buying off Yanokoych.
Yanukovych did not put them in power. You refuse to even acknowledge Yatsenyuk and his cronies that we employed and placed in power following the coup. Multiple Svoboda members placed on his Cabinet or as governors of Ukrainian oblasts…exactly what Nuland and co. had scripted. Multiple links can be found on this subject. I’ve already provided one..

It’s becoming hard to have a conversation with someone who is now misshaping and implying that the pro-Russian Yanukovych was more pro-Nazi than his successors.
I have provided links backing up the facts. In 2010, under Yanokych, there were 37 Svdoba in power. Including Yatsenyuk. And that's just in the Rada. The local support was similarly higher under Yanokych, it was about 10% of the local councils. After the 2014 election there were 6 in the Rada, and less than 7% of the locals. Now its 1, and down to 6%.

Again I have provided these links showing the numbers over time.

Yatsenyuk didnt even serve out his whole term as prime minister. Seems like we have a pretty week hold if "our boy" only stays in power for 2 of his 6 year term. Really it was barely over 1 year. November 2014 to april 2016. Where was that discussed by nuland? We really throw a coup to put someone in power for 16 months?

Is it really worthwhile for Putin to come save Ukraine from the Nazis that left power 6 years prior?
Congress knew there were Nazis there in 4 years after the coup... How can he explain that away?

Congress bans arms to Ukraine militia linked to neo-Nazis
Yes there were nazis, 6 of them. That is 31 fewer than the 37 that were in power under Yanukoych.

If there was a coup it must have been justified to get rid of most of the Nazis and to ensure there hold was broken.

There were more Nazis pre 2013/4 than there were after. Yes there were/are still some Nazis around, but there are less now than there were even after the 2014 election. And you guys cant even admit that simple fact.

You guys just ignore that ignore it ignore it. As is typical your timeline on your conspiracy is wrong. I have provided multiple links on this.
Any word on when these A10s are going to get a chance to eat some Russian armor? I was clowned in the summer when I was asking if they were really coming in a reasonable time, and so far, no word yet. What is the hold up? And what about those Abrams tanks? Or those Polish Mig-29s?
These Ukrainiacs jobbers don't live in what's called reality. That's one thing I've learned these past 10 months in this thread.
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Yes there were nazis, 6 of them. That is 31 fewer than the 37 that were in power under Yanukoych.

If there was a coup it must have been justified to get rid of most of the Nazis and to ensure there hold was broken.

There were more Nazis pre 2013/4 than there were after. Yes there were/are still some Nazis around, but there are less now than there were even after the 2014 election. And you guys cant even admit that simple fact.

You guys just ignore that ignore it ignore it. As is typical your timeline on your conspiracy is wrong. I have provided multiple links on this.
You've provided links pushing western, pro-establishment propaganda and that's it. You haven't provided anything to prove anyone wrong. The Nazis still exist in Ukraine and they are loved by many in their population. Especially in the western part of the country. Which is why they build statues in their honor and name streets and soccer stadiums after them.
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You've provided links pushing western, pro-establishment propaganda and that's it. You haven't provided anything to prove anyone wrong. The Nazis still exist in Ukraine and they are loved by many in their population. Especially in the western part of the country. Which is why they build statues in their honor and name streets and soccer stadiums after them.
He literally provided the actual number of party members countering your usual “Nazi” stupidity Curly. Since these posts have actual numbers in them you should probably sit this one out.

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