War in Ukraine

Because the The anglosphere cries out about things that they are guilty of doing RIGHT FU&&ING now!! You can't take the US?NATO seriously when the US is occupying NE Syria and Turkey is occupying NE Cyprus.

I'm simply pointing out the double standard.
Is "anglosphere" code for something?
"Anglo" as in Anglo-Saxon - the people Ras blames for all the world's evils. Wait + Israel and the Saudis - don't think they are part of the anglosphere.
That's only 10 or 15% of world evil tops. Maybe 30, 35%ish if you include the other two. They deserve credit for good things too though. And evil isn't limited to any one group of people.
That's only 10 or 15% of world evil tops. Maybe 30, 35%ish if you include the other two. They deserve credit for good things too though. And evil isn't limited to any one group of people.

Tell that to Ras. He's the one who thinks a freakishly small part of the population is a freakishly huge part of the world's problem. You have to be amazed by how efficient we seem to be.
It's funny watching democrats support these Republicans like Bush, Bolton, Rick Wilson, Joe Scarborough and The Lincoln Project these days. Shows how bad their TDS is.
Democrats should've always supported most Republicans because they're on the same side. The uniparty has been in charge of our gov. for years.
Yeah but I'm sure you remember what they were saying about Bush just 15 to 20 years ago. Now they love the guy.
Hands down one of the worst votes I've ever cast for president, yet I'm sure so called conservatives will come to his defense and say he wasn't a bad president. He's a uniparty poster child.
The EU needs to be footing the entire bill. It‘s their dumbass decision to be energy dependent on Russia that gave Putin the funds for this fiasco. We shouldn’t be giving crap away.

There is one major flaw in that thinking - at least to me. When a conflict involves Russia or China, it's not really local because both have the means to reach out and touch everybody with nuclear weapons. Waving a white flag and claiming not to be a part of it means nothing at that point. If helping in the fight, removes the toxic leadership, then it's a good fight. Reagan spent pretty freely militarily to bankrupt the Soviets; the Russians weren't smart enough to keep ex-Soviets out of power. Does supporting a country fighting Russia or China insure that they are less a menace to us and the rest of the world? Maybe not, but allowing them to take more land and more resources does mean they become a bigger menace with an expanded base to work from. Your stance would have meant that we should have not bothered to get involved in WW2 since in reality that was a European and an Asian problem if we hadn't intervened.
So just to be clear... Russian leadership is incompetent for not expecting the US and UK leadership (the so-called paragons of virtue and leaders of the ruled based order) to not be honest brokers.

Let that s^^t sit in for a minute...
So to be clear... it is incompetence in your mind to not expect the US and UK to be honest brokers? Because for the past 30+ years, the UK and US has been telling Russia that NATO means no harm to them and that the Russians should trust them...
NATO is only a threat to Russia’s territorial ambitions.

If Putin expected the west to just let him take all of Ukraine with no consequences he may be intellectually impaired.
NATO is only a threat to Russia’s territorial ambitions.

If Putin expected the west to just let him take all of Ukraine with no consequences he may be intellectually impaired.
NATO is only a threat to Russia’s territorial ambitions.

If Putin expected the west to just let him take all of Ukraine with no consequences he may be intellectually impaired.

You're right. This whole NATO thing has always been bs. Just look at Putin's own words. He sees certain lands as historically Russian and wants to bring them back into the fold. To the extent he cares about NATO it's that NATO is check on his ability to do that.
I have no problem with some aid being sent to prevent Russia from annexing Ukrainian territory. I'm skeptical that this aid is going to where it's supposed to always. I don't support a decades long US financial commitment that has no oversight or way to determine the money is spent as advertised.
If the Russians want to kamikaze their military and reputation by getting their asses handed to them in a fight that they started, that's fine with me. Have at it. At some point though, Ukraine should be able to use all this help they're getting to finish off what some are saying is a nearly defeated Russia, which if true, should be soon.
Neither do I but its been going on in our government for decades..at home and abroad. I'm allowed to spend millions in my agency as long as its not a minifridge or Leatherman for my employees. Thats where the buck stops with the federal government apparently. If Russia can show Ukraine is using money to buy those things, I bet the funds get clamped down on.
Neither do I but its been going on in our government for decades..at home and abroad. I'm allowed to spend millions in my agency as long as its not a minifridge or Leatherman for my employees. Thats where the buck stops with the federal government apparently. If Russia can show Ukraine is using money to buy those things, I bet the funds get clamped down on.
Yeah I'm sure. Because if the federal government is good at one thing, it's knowing when to show some financial restraint.
There is one major flaw in that thinking - at least to me. When a conflict involves Russia or China, it's not really local because both have the means to reach out and touch everybody with nuclear weapons. Waving a white flag and claiming not to be a part of it means nothing at that point. If helping in the fight, removes the toxic leadership, then it's a good fight. Reagan spent pretty freely militarily to bankrupt the Soviets; the Russians weren't smart enough to keep ex-Soviets out of power. Does supporting a country fighting Russia or China insure that they are less a menace to us and the rest of the world? Maybe not, but allowing them to take more land and more resources does mean they become a bigger menace with an expanded base to work from. Your stance would have meant that we should have not bothered to get involved in WW2 since in reality that was a European and an Asian problem if we hadn't intervened.
There is only one country that I know of that has used nuclear weapons in a conflict, and it was neither Russia/USSR or China.
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So I am a little curious as to how the Zelensky boot lockers feel about him coming here and begging for money and help? And our demented circus monkey of a president is gonna give him even more billions. Especially when we have Americans suffering in this country.

So are you traitors ok with Biden continuing to pledge billions to a scumbag dictator who is stealing our money?
There is one major flaw in that thinking - at least to me. When a conflict involves Russia or China, it's not really local because both have the means to reach out and touch everybody with nuclear weapons. Waving a white flag and claiming not to be a part of it means nothing at that point. If helping in the fight, removes the toxic leadership, then it's a good fight. Reagan spent pretty freely militarily to bankrupt the Soviets; the Russians weren't smart enough to keep ex-Soviets out of power. Does supporting a country fighting Russia or China insure that they are less a menace to us and the rest of the world? Maybe not, but allowing them to take more land and more resources does mean they become a bigger menace with an expanded base to work from. Your stance would have meant that we should have not bothered to get involved in WW2 since in reality that was a European and an Asian problem if we hadn't intervened.

Don’t go al Ras on me and try to tie completely irrelevant historical events to present day in an attempt to make a point.

Events in Europe pre our involve in WW2 has nothing to to do and is not comparable to what is happening today BUT I’ll play along. Everyone remembers “Lend/Lease” where we sold war hardware and material on credit to allied countries, mainly the USSR and England. We even got paid for most of what we sent, not all but the majority. But prior to the lend/lease act being passed allied countries had to purchase any war material/hardware cash on the barrel head and transport their supplies. So we did help prior to our direct involvement in the war without mortgaging future generations like we are doing now.

Europe has been a welfare continent since WW2 and have lived under the umbrella of the security we provide them all the while acting like petulant children biting the hand that protects them. They need to put on their big girl panties and secure their own back yard on their dime.
Hands down one of the worst votes I've ever cast for president, yet I'm sure so called conservatives will come to his defense and say he wasn't a bad president. He's a uniparty poster child.

Bush was horrible his second term. The other choice that election cycle was John Kerry....GAG!

Bush's last term is when out of control spending really started in Washington. He didn't has the ba!!s to clamp down on it. Then Obama followed and it has been absolutely insane ever since.
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The russians are not happy about zelenskyy's visit. 🤭

They are on the virtual internet attack from their babooshka's basement 32 bit computer. Pretty easy to spot how much of the internet is russian influencers right now.

Wow this group is either brainwashed or they got their talking points down pat. Oh and did you hear what they said about Stepan Bandera? "He died a long time ago" lol. I guess next time a democrat deliver their "fascist" and "Nazi" name calling attacks on their opponents, let them know Mussolini and Hitler died a long time ago.

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