War in Ukraine

Gotta admit--they are good at dying for their cause.

Not everywhere would you find so many willing to give up their life so their government could grab more land.
No wrong angle... let's say he was in Bakhmut. Why is 3elensky rallying the troops in Bakhmut if it is strategically insignificant???
Because that is where his troops are fighting. And they’re fighting there because your moron troops continue to hurl themselves into a meat grinder for no discernible reason. That’s it. And that’s probably the third time it’s been said Moe. So the next time your idiot ass is trying to be coy just reread this post.
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And Kiev could’ve tried to negotiate with peaceful intentions…and not bent over to US hegemonic ambitions..

Why are you complaining about money? Is this not money well spent to the Putin/Russia haters?
And Russia could have stayed out of Crimea and Donbas prior to that instead of inventing reasons to invade.
Ukraine is being bombed daily by one of the strongest militaries on the planet. It appears their plan is to pound them into the dark ages.
Interestingly this seems to be taken a very long time.
The capitol has not fallen.
They still have nuclear power, internet, electricity, fuel, water.
Groceries stores are still functioning, animal hospitals , theaters. Etc.
While under threat of continuing attack they fly out of Ukraine ( a former actor who played the Ukraine president in a soap opera, and then became the president) to DC to kiss Nancy and beg for more money/ support? Seems a bit risky, I suppose the Zoom calls just wasn't getting the message across.
It's almost like watching a soap opera. 😉
Please explain to us why Ukraine needed to negotiate in order to avoid being invaded? Ukraine wasn't encroaching on Russian soil, hell Ukraine stood by and let Russia steal a chunk of their country without firing a shot. I don't understand what there was to negotiate?

When you choose to move forcibly against your own civilians, you reap what you sow. The annexation of Crimea was a reaction to the US stealing the government of Ukraine…tit for tat.

Negotiations would have prevented the destruction of this country.
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When you choose to move forcibly against your own civilians, you reap what you sow. The annexation of Crimea was a reaction to the US stealing the government of Ukraine…tit for tat.

Negotiations would have prevented the destruction of this country.
You mean the ones moving forcibly against them armed by the Russians who later invaded? Those civilians Homer?

And can you guve a list of US citizens sitting in Ukraine parliament?

This stupid diatribe hasn’t worked in 10 months and isn’t going to work now
No way in hell. With a 100k KIA there would be 2-3 times that wounded, prisoners. That would be basically every Russian soldier involved.
Can you fetch us the latest casualty estimates from the Russian MoD Homer? I mean… they do publish them right it’s their war after all 🤡
Yeah, they had a choice…to settle without violence or with. They made the wrong decision Lloyd..
Lol right now it looks like they made the right choice Homer. Oh and the alternative was being conquered as to date no amount of Ukraine territory taken has shown to appease Pootin.
Ukraine is being bombed daily by one of the strongest militaries on the planet. It appears their plan is to pound them into the dark ages.
Interestingly this seems to be taken a very long time.
The capitol has not fallen.
They still have nuclear power, internet, electricity, fuel, water.
Groceries stores are still functioning, animal hospitals , theaters. Etc.
While under threat of continuing attack they fly out of Ukraine ( a former actor who played the Ukraine president in a soap opera, and then became the president) to DC to kiss Nancy and beg for more money/ support? Seems a bit risky, I suppose the Zoom calls just wasn't getting the message across.
It's almost like watching a soap opera. 😉
Plot twist. Turns out Russia isn’t one of the world’s strongest militaries!
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When you choose to move forcibly against your own civilians, you reap what you sow. The annexation of Crimea was a reaction to the US stealing the government of Ukraine…tit for tat.

Negotiations would have prevented the destruction of this country.

How did they manage to brainwash you? You don't negotiate with a thug, you prepare for the fight then you kick his ass.

If say a rebellion against the federal government started in New York and fighting broke out, is Canadian invasion justified?
100k total casualties is realistic. The invasion force was 190k..
That is what the graphic said. Losses. Not KIA just “losses”. It did say “eliminated” by personnel but again it didn’t claim KIA. And losing 48% of your invasion force isn’t realistic that’s an ass whipping.
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Hell I'm surprised most of these people weren't kneeling. Indifference to the Godking Zelensky is outright blasphemy.

Imagine responding to the performance art with your own staged ignoring performance. They should clap when told to clap. What? He already is demanding more money? Thunderous applause.
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