War in Ukraine

I disagree. If Ukraine comes through this mostly intact we have the potential to pick up a militarily strong ally in a strategically important part of the world. They are one of the most agriculturally important regions in all of Europe. Once they have rebuilt all shiny and new they will probably become a strong manufacturing region. If nothing else Russia will not be attacking and or invading another neighbor any time soon. That in itself is worth the cost.

Congress has to be licking it chops thinking about the money laundering possible in the inevitable Ukraine rebuild bill.
Before the new year, everyone likes to make predictions.

Many exercise in futuristic hypotheses, competing in the proposal of the most unexpected and even absurd. We will also do our part.

Dmitry Medvedev

What could happen in 2023:
1. Increasing oil prices to $150 per barrel and gas prices to $5,000 per 1,000 cubic meters. m.
2. The return of the UK to the European Union.
3. The collapse of the European Union after the return of the UK and the abolition of the circulation of the euro as the currency of the former EU.
4. Capture by Poland and Hungary of the western regions of the former Ukraine.
5. Creation of the Fourth Reich on the basis of Germany and the satellites that joined it (Poland, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, the Kyiv Republic, and other outcasts).
6. War between France and the Fourth Reich. Partition of Europe, including a new partition of Poland.
7. Separation of Northern Ireland from the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and accession to the Republic of Ireland.
8. The American Civil War, the separation of California and Texas into independent states. Creation of the union state of Texas and Mexico. The subsequent victory of Elon Musk during the US presidential election in some of the states assigned to the Republicans after the civil war.
9. Transfer of all major stock markets and financial activity from the US and Europe to Asia.
10. The collapse of the Bretton Woods financial system, including the collapse of the IMF and the World Bank. Rejection of the euro and the dollar as world reserve currencies. The return of the gold standard. Transition to the active use of digital fiat currencies.

Happy New Year to you, Anglo-Saxon friends and their happily grunting gilts!

Before the new year, everyone likes to make predictions.

Many exercise in futuristic hypotheses, competing in the proposal of the most unexpected and even absurd. We will also do our part.

Dmitry Medvedev

What could happen in 2023:
1. Increasing oil prices to $150 per barrel and gas prices to $5,000 per 1,000 cubic meters. m.
2. The return of the UK to the European Union.
3. The collapse of the European Union after the return of the UK and the abolition of the circulation of the euro as the currency of the former EU.
4. Capture by Poland and Hungary of the western regions of the former Ukraine.
5. Creation of the Fourth Reich on the basis of Germany and the satellites that joined it (Poland, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, the Kyiv Republic, and other outcasts).
6. War between France and the Fourth Reich. Partition of Europe, including a new partition of Poland.
7. Separation of Northern Ireland from the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and accession to the Republic of Ireland.
8. The American Civil War, the separation of California and Texas into independent states. Creation of the union state of Texas and Mexico. The subsequent victory of Elon Musk during the US presidential election in some of the states assigned to the Republicans after the civil war.
9. Transfer of all major stock markets and financial activity from the US and Europe to Asia.
10. The collapse of the Bretton Woods financial system, including the collapse of the IMF and the World Bank. Rejection of the euro and the dollar as world reserve currencies. The return of the gold standard. Transition to the active use of digital fiat currencies.

Happy New Year to you, Anglo-Saxon friends and their happily grunting gilts!

China is a threat because they manufacture too much of the goods we consume and our military depends on.

China is also a threat to our other trading partners in the region. We are heavily reliant on electronics and devices manufactured in Taiwan, S Korea, and other countries in the region. Even if we get off the China diet, China remains a threat. There's the nuclear threat, too, but annihilation doesn't really do anybody any good.

A key thing that was pointed out in a document several pages back (couldn't find it for reference) is that if this episode finally unites Europe against Russia (and it's been a fine example of Russian arrogance, aggression, and stupidity), then it allows us to pivot our resources toward China. That probably has to be a two pronged show of will toward China - economic and military. Withdrawal of trade could decimate China, but turn China into a huge scale N Korea. Bankrupt in every way, but a military threat unless they fully understand they have no real play. Economically disrupting China makes China a cornered and wounded animal - a big one with a lot of people - both lots of cannon fodder and lots of hungry unhappy people - hard to say which way that breaks.

Totalitarian countries recognize only one thing and that's facing an undefeatable force with the will to use force. Fortunately countries from Australia to Japan are finally waking up and building up to counter China. A relatively neutered Russia can't support China. There really has only been one or two paths that lead to world peace (if you neglect Islam), and that is either to turn Russia and China into enemies, or neuter one so that only the other remains a threat.
China is also a threat to our other trading partners in the region. We are heavily reliant on electronics and devices manufactured in Taiwan, S Korea, and other countries in the region. Even if we get off the China diet, China remains a threat. There's the nuclear threat, too, but annihilation doesn't really do anybody any good.

A key thing that was pointed out in a document several pages back (couldn't find it for reference) is that if this episode finally unites Europe against Russia (and it's been a fine example of Russian arrogance, aggression, and stupidity), then it allows us to pivot our resources toward China. That probably has to be a two pronged show of will toward China - economic and military. Withdrawal of trade could decimate China, but turn China into a huge scale N Korea. Bankrupt in every way, but a military threat unless they fully understand they have no real play. Economically disrupting China makes China a cornered and wounded animal - a big one with a lot of people - both lots of cannon fodder and lots of hungry unhappy people - hard to say which way that breaks.

Totalitarian countries recognize only one thing and that's facing an undefeatable force with the will to use force. Fortunately countries from Australia to Japan are finally waking up and building up to counter China. A relatively neutered Russia can't support China. There really has only been one or two paths that lead to world peace (if you neglect Islam), and that is either to turn Russia and China into enemies, or neuter one so that only the other remains a threat.

There is no path to world peace..that is what the globalists want you to think and it defies human nature as they take over more control and dilute nationalism. The UN and all this BS.
There is not even peace in the USA.
Most people just want to lead their lives peacefully and with prosperity. And I am sure those Russian solders are not to the ideologue task just as much as we learned in Vietnam.
China is also a threat to our other trading partners in the region. We are heavily reliant on electronics and devices manufactured in Taiwan, S Korea, and other countries in the region. Even if we get off the China diet, China remains a threat. There's the nuclear threat, too, but annihilation doesn't really do anybody any good.

China has an over 2000+ year history of being traders and merchants. it is in their DNA. At present time, they are arguably the world's largest importer and exporter. You have shown no evidence in any of your rants that they have the desire to disrupt trade nor have you shown even a high ranking official come close to threatening to disrupt trade in the region. Plus, does China have a history of blockades and sanctions? What about the US?

A key thing that was pointed out in a document several pages back (couldn't find it for reference) is that if this episode finally unites Europe against Russia (and it's been a fine example of Russian arrogance, aggression, and stupidity), then it allows us to pivot our resources toward China. That probably has to be a two pronged show of will toward China - economic and military. Withdrawal of trade could decimate China, but turn China into a huge scale N Korea. Bankrupt in every way, but a military threat unless they fully understand they have no real play. Economically disrupting China makes China a cornered and wounded animal - a big one with a lot of people - both lots of cannon fodder and lots of hungry unhappy people - hard to say which way that breaks.
Good luck on depending on the Europeans to go after Russia on the western front while the US allegedly goes after China on an eastern front.

And good luck at this point trying to go after China on an economic front. Hell, with the clowns we have running the show here, they couldn't run a damn lemonade stand.

Totalitarian countries recognize only one thing and that's facing an undefeatable force with the will to use force. Fortunately countries from Australia to Japan are finally waking up and building up to counter China. A relatively neutered Russia can't support China. There really has only been one or two paths that lead to world peace (if you neglect Islam), and that is either to turn Russia and China into enemies, or neuter one so that only the other remains a threat.

I'm not sure if you have paid any attentions since March 2020, but the West has shown themselves to be moving towards totalitarianism.

And as of 2022, the only path to peace right now is for the Anglo-Americans/Atlanticists to get knocked out of power and begin to embrace the nation state and individual freedoms and learn to work cooperatively with other nations.
There is no path to world peace..that is what the globalists want you to think and it defies human nature as they take over more control and dilute nationalism. The UN and all this BS.
There is not even peace in the USA.
Most people just want to lead their lives peacefully and with prosperity. And I am sure those Russian solders are not to the ideologue task just as much as we learned in Vietnam.

That's true - there's always that somebody, but the world can be more peaceful without some countries on a path to conquer and enslave other countries. Face it, Pootin and his cronies want to put the old gang back together so they can go after more of the world, and China is showing a growing propensity to force feed their brand of fascism to anybody they can seduce ... or in some cases just take by force. If you take away the aggressive tendencies fostered by fanaticism based in religion and doctrines like communism that lead to intolerance and conquest, then you are faced more with just the old fashioned local/tribal lust for power like you see across parts of Africa. But you are right that even when there is peace there is unrest because some people just can't be civil, and there are always those who believe they are better or deserve more than others.
China has an over 2000+ year history of being traders and merchants. it is in their DNA. At present time, they are arguably the world's largest importer and exporter. You have shown no evidence in any of your rants that they have the desire to disrupt trade nor have you shown even a high ranking official come close to threatening to disrupt trade in the region. Plus, does China have a history of blockades and sanctions? What about the US?

Good luck on depending on the Europeans to go after Russia on the western front while the US allegedly goes after China on an eastern front.

And good luck at this point trying to go after China on an economic front. Hell, with the clowns we have running the show here, they couldn't run a damn lemonade stand.

I'm not sure if you have paid any attentions since March 2020, but the West has shown themselves to be moving towards totalitarianism.

And as of 2022, the only path to peace right now is for the Anglo-Americans/Atlanticists to get knocked out of power and begin to embrace the nation state and individual freedoms and learn to work cooperatively with other nations.

Yeah, I've noticed all the countries we and other Anglo countries have been gobbling up lately - kinda makes you giddy with the lust to dominate.
That's true - there's always that somebody, but the world can be more peaceful without some countries on a path to conquer and enslave other countries.
Yes... it can be better without hegemony.

Face it, Pootin and his cronies want to put the old gang back together so they can go after more of the world,
You people buy in hook/line/sinker to the misquote of Putin calling the break of the USSR a tragedy. The reaon why he said that, as obviously seen in places like Eastern Ukraine and the Baltic states, is that millions of people that identified with Russia and/or identified themselves as Russians were at the snap of a finger went from being within the same country to now being scattered into separate countries/republics. Putin is now out here trying to be Cobra Commander or Dr. Evil and dominate the world.

and China is showing a growing propensity to force feed their brand of fascism to anybody they can seduce ... or in some cases just take by force.
Mainly here in the US. But is that China's problem or our problem? If we have traitors here that want to establish a Chinese system here in the US, it is probably to our benefit to focus more on internal affairs rather than worrying about anything going on halfway around the globe.

But you are right that even when there is peace there is unrest because some people just can't be civil, and there are always those who believe they are better or deserve more than others.
You just perfectly described the US post WWII and post fall of the USSR. The US wasted two opportunities in the last half of the century to bring peace all over the world, but instead chose to play regime change around the globe and now that their influence overseas is dying down, are now bringing "freedom and democracy" to those deplorables, unvaccinated and gun owners her in America.
Yeah, I've noticed all the countries we and other Anglo countries have been gobbling up lately - kinda makes you giddy with the lust to dominate.
How many military bases across the globe does the US have again? Compare that to Russia and China combined.

And even with our military might, the biggest weapon we have is the USD/SWIFT system. The USD doesn't necessarily need to have maps redrawn.
How many military bases across the globe does the US have again? Compare that to Russia and China combined.

And even with our military might, the biggest weapon we have is the USD/SWIFT system. The USD doesn't necessarily need to have maps redrawn.

Why did our military bases around the world come into being? You know they weren't there prior to WW2. How many are in place against the will of the country hosting our bases?

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