War in Ukraine

Russia has needed:
1. Iranian drones
2. North Korean troops
3. Wagner mercenaries that make the CIA’s special operators look like Care Bears. At least until they get on social media and give HIMARS operators their location.

Russia’s failure to “win” rests squarely on the shoulders of one person, Putin. He completely shat the bed when he thought the west would look the other way as he continues to try to get the old CCCP band back together. Russia may not want NATO on its doorstep. But NATO doesn’t want the Soviet Union part deux on its doorstep either.

The North Korean troops is a new one. You would think that North Koreans would stand out in eastern Europe and be pretty hard to hide.

LOL... are you sure those are North Koreans and not Turkic troops fighting for Ukraine???

What are the goals of the Ukrainian-US project “Turan”? | New Eastern Outlook

Recently on social networks and several media outlets, information about this latest neo-Nazi formation, which allegedly comprises representatives of the Turkic world, including the Turkish nationalist organization Bozkurt (“Grey Wolves” – recognized a as terrorist organization in the Russian Federation and CSTO member states). It is reported that this militant group is headed by a citizen of Kyrgyzstan Almaz Kudabek uulu and it allegedly includes about 300 people, among whom are mercenaries of Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Uighur origin, immigrants from Azerbaijan, as well as from the Middle East.

By the way, something similar about the participation of mercenaries from the Central Asian states in armed clashes could already be observed earlier, when the West threw against the Russian Armed Forces in Syria such units formed from renegades from the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, trained by NATO instructors. At that time, these US actions had the explicit goal of causing Moscow to distrust people from these regions for engagement in serious Russian military operations.

Wow! That's just ridiculous. Putin has had to know for a while now that this war just isn't worth it, but he has already stepped in it, and the Ukrainians aren't quitting anytime soon. He'll have to broker some kind of peace deal to save face, but Ukraine will never go for land concessions. How long does this go on, and how does it end?
This is existential to the Russian state. It has nothing to do with pride or hubris. If it was about saving face, he wouldn't have gone in with kid gloves for the first 7-8 months.
This is existential to the Russian state. It has nothing to do with pride or hubris. If it was about saving face, he wouldn't have gone in with kid gloves for the first 7-8 months.

You're implying that the "kid gloves" are off. So Russia ends this thing in what, one or two months?
This is existential to the Russian state. It has nothing to do with pride or hubris. If it was about saving face, he wouldn't have gone in with kid gloves for the first 7-8 months.
It is now since Pootin 💩 the bed and has backed himself into a corner. What started as a one week roll your defenseless neighbor cakewalk has turned into a multi year fight for the very existence of the Russian government. Totally self inflicted to.

This is existential to the Russian state. It has nothing to do with pride or hubris. If it was about saving face, he wouldn't have gone in with kid gloves for the first 7-8 months.

Don't you find these two to be in tension? If it's about winning a gun fight for Russia's very existence, why did he bring a knife?
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