War in Ukraine

That seems to be the current method: just pump as much s**t out as possible. Doesn't matter if it's believable or consistent with other messaging. The goal is just to cast doubt on EVERYBODY'S truthfulness so people are left to just throw their hands in the air and say they don't know what to believe and that everybody must be doing propaganda.
That sounds like your strategy. The truth and the facts on the ground tell a completely different story than what you guys are pumping out.
Exactly what I thought. People like you are okay with that propaganda and buy into all the nonsense that is peddled.

Propagandist Solovyov calls on Russians not to be afraid of death

This guy ought to practice what he preaches. I'd love to see this guy trot out to the front with some rubber boots and couple of bullets in his pocket. Maybe you could go on his show and tell him that the West is FOS and that it's just a matter of days before the mobiks claim victory.
Propagandist Solovyov calls on Russians not to be afraid of death

This guy ought to practice what he preaches. I'd love to see this guy trot out to the front with some rubber boots and couple of bullets in his pocket. Maybe you could go on his show and tell him that the West is FOS and that it's just a matter of days before the mobiks claim victory.
Lol. You should apply that "practice what they preach" principle to yourself.

I think all of us could practice what we preach in our lives. Myself included.
It seems there has been a very successful missile strike on a building where the Russians were housing some conscripts recently moved into the occupied territories. Russia is admitting 63 dead, unverified reports are claiming several times that number.

Disappointed that the US won't give the Ukrainians some longer range missiles. Not enough to hit Russia but more than enough to make Crimea unlivable for them.

Russia is going to be a mere shell when this is over with its entire world status being based on oil and nukes.
It seems there has been a very successful missile strike on a building where the Russians were housing some conscripts recently moved into the occupied territories. Russia is admitting 63 dead, unverified reports are claiming several times that number.

Disappointed that the US won't give the Ukrainians some longer range missiles. Not enough to hit Russia but more than enough to make Crimea unlivable for them.

Russia is going to be a mere shell when this is over with its entire world status being based on oil and nukes.

Unfortunately, that's still a pretty big stick to be wielding...
Your whataboutism suggests that's what you do.
Lol. The ever so common " No you!" comeback from you trolls.

Plus I don't watch or read that garbage I mentioned. If I do it's to get a good laugh. But I can guarantee you I can turn it on in the morning and what's being said on there is repeated in here.
20 years in Afghanistan...

Ukraine seems to have it's stuff together. Doing anything in Afghanistan is going to be less rewarding and less successful than herding cats. Or historically speaking based on all the countries who have tried and failed in Afghanistan, it's like putting you hand in a bucket of water and expecting to see the water molded around the removed hand ... not happening. Helping out Islamic goat herders in deserts is a fool's game.
They are simply cannon fodder at this point. The outcome of this is not going to change.
Yep, this is a cold war between the US and Russia/China and Iran. There is an endless amount of money that will be spent and the oligarchs of the US and Russia and China are happy to collect the rewards forever more.
You'll never see the Europeans contribute one dime because they are the ones that are going to freeze to death.
The Russian "diplomat's" version of "are you still beating your wife?" It's incredible how Soviet/Russian propagandists created so many victims around the world as a means of snaring them into real victimhood - communism.

The Russian people - as a civilization - have proven themselves to not only be remarkably ignorant to reality, but also beyond pale in their complete indifference to being led to slaughter like sheep by their autocratic dwarf king.

Russians are doomed to a continued pathetic existence... and they're wholly responsible for it.
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20 years in Afghanistan...

.....has nothing to do with propaganda, but don't let your deflection slow you down.

11 months and your boi's are closer to being kicked out than on day 2.

Speaking of 20 years....

The Russian gene pool has been cleansed of 4,256% more adidas track suit wearing vodka soaked Moskals in 11 months than the U.S. did in those 20 years.

Let that soak in.

Frankly, it wouldn't bother me to see that number double. Hopefully pootin has yes men like you surrounding him to the end, encouraging him to throw the sink at Ukraine while not ever being able to understand why gay Nazi's are eating his lunch.
It seems there has been a very successful missile strike on a building where the Russians were housing some conscripts recently moved into the occupied territories. Russia is admitting 63 dead, unverified reports are claiming several times that number.

Disappointed that the US won't give the Ukrainians some longer range missiles. Not enough to hit Russia but more than enough to make Crimea unlivable for them.

Russia is going to be a mere shell when this is over with its entire world status being based on oil and nukes.

They only claimed 1 dead when the Moskva sank sooo...
Yep, this is a cold war between the US and Russia/China and Iran. There is an endless amount of money that will be spent and the oligarchs of the US and Russia and China are happy to collect the rewards forever more.
You'll never see the Europeans contribute one dime because they are the ones that are going to freeze to death.
Don't be surprised if India, Pakistan and Indonesia join sides with Russia and China as well. Seems to be heading towards that direction.
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