War in Ukraine

I don’t need to. I’ve already absorbed its message. You and Moe probably should read it though as you’re using it just as the author points out it was so widely misused from 2003 onward.

Shock and awe wasn’t illustrated in say the battle of 73 Easting. It was instead all of the activity leading up to encounters such as 73 Easting. It is the focused unrelenting attacks on the opponents ability to wage war. FOCUSED. Shock and awe setup the dominance achieved in 73 Easting and other battles. Not the idiotic claim you fellow comrade made of mass civilian casualties resulting from US shock and awe tactics.

That is where this all started. Your fellow home boy incorrectly ran his mouth again and @MG1968 correctly set him straight. I believe he used the example of the carpet bombings of Dresden as what your homie was incorrectly claiming and instead correctly pointed out it was specific targeting, focused, relentless attacks on actual military targets. Not the continual attacks against civilian housing that your fellow comrades are doing daily. And since MG’s correction Moe has been deflecting away from his idiotic fast and loose usage of terminology again for exaggeration purposes.

Thus endeth the lesson.
So you don't need to read the book itself? Wow you really are simply nothing but a troll. I highly doubt you've ever read a book cover to cover.

Your pal MG said " shock and awe" began with Desert Storm. You defended that position. You both were wrong. Simple as that. Hope you've learned another lesson for today.
So you don't need to read the book itself? Wow you really are simply nothing but a troll. I highly doubt you've ever read a book cover to cover.

Your pal MG said " shock and awe" began with Desert Storm. You defended that position. You both were wrong. Simple as that. Hope you've learned another lesson for today.
Your Buddy, ras, was wrong about it as well.
So you don't need to read the book itself? Wow you really are simply nothing but a troll. I highly doubt you've ever read a book cover to cover.

Your pal MG said " shock and awe" began with Desert Storm. You defended that position. You both were wrong. Simple as that. Hope you've learned another lesson for today.
Lol. The two wrong people here are the stooge shills incorrectly applying the shock and awe label… just like the author claimed most people do from 2003 onward. Just so we’re clear thats YOU and Moe. Figured I’d spell it out since you aren’t very bright.
Your Buddy, ras, was wrong about it as well.
What was I wrong about shock and awe? I clearly stated it was in "allusion"(did I spell it correctly???) to the 2003 Iraq invasion. You are the one that admitted that Russia did not come in with shock and awe, which is what I had stated from the very, very beginning.
What was I wrong about shock and awe? I clearly stated it was in "allusion"(did I spell it correctly???) to the 2003 Iraq invasion. You are the one that admitted that Russia did not come in with shock and awe, which is what I had stated from the very, very beginning.
You’re welcome.
Russia didn't come in with a full scale incoming force. They started off the conflict trying to force Kyiv to capitulate quickly while at the same time focusing their time and attention on Donbas.

Russia, had it followed the US model in Iraq and not GAF about civilian casualties, infrastructure and done a "shock and awe" strategy, Kyiv would have folded easily in two weeks. Hell, Kyiv was at the negotiating table in Ankara in mid March.
If it looks like Putin’s dictatorship is about to fall I think they’ll kill Navalny to prevent him from stoking opposition to whatever the new regime is. Navalny and anyone else who could provide significant opposition leadership.

Sadly, I agree.

It amazes me to the degree that Russia's leadership amounts to simple thuggery. It's even more amazing how people are ignorant and brazenly stupid enough to support him.
Lol. The two wrong people here are the stooge shills incorrectly applying the shock and awe label… just like the author claimed most people do from 2003 onward. Just so we’re clear thats YOU and Moe. Figured I’d spell it out since you aren’t very bright.
I would say the best way to settle this is for the 4 of us to read the book and officially start the VNPF Book Club thread. We can start with that and then read Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater. Others of course can feel free to jump in.
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I would say the best way to settle this is for the 4 of us to read the book and officially start the VNPF Book Club thread. We can start with that and then read Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater. Others of course can feel free to jump in.
Not interested. I’ve already given you the Cliff Notes but you’re too smooth brained and thick headed to absorb it. But here you go a link to the pdf so you can launch a thousand strawmen!

Not interested. I’ve already given you the Cliff Notes but you’re too smooth brained and thick headed to absorb it. But here you go a link to the pdf so you can launch a thousand strawmen!

Of course you're not interested. Your brain isn't capable of absorbing any new information. And from the behavior you display on here I can already tell it's been a very very long time since you've read a book from cover to cover.
Of course you're not interested. Your brain isn't capable of absorbing any new information. And from the behavior you display on here I can already tell it's been a very very long time since you've read a book from cover to cover.
I just skimmed thru the doc (again) quickly and found at least 7 direct references to Desert Storm. Here’s a nice summary for you to chew on. You’re gonna hate the book. No pictures 🤡


What will the battlefield of the future really look like? The Desert Storm conflict indicated to many who analyzed it that the real focus of battle will no longer be force-on-force as we have tradi- tionally considered it. By the time the Allied Forces engaged the opposing Iraq forces, the enemy force for all practical purposes had already been demoralized and smashed. This was accom- plished by establishing air superiority followed by a carefully orchestrated campaign of precision air strikes (including Tom- ahawk missiles). The Iraqi ground forces were isolated by cut- ting off logistic support, severing communications with its leadership, and stinging them with the Shock and Awe achieved by B-52 strikes on the entrenched Iraqi forces in the open desert. Shock and Awe was introduced in the manner that stealth aircraft penetrated enemy air defenses and surgically attacked center-of-gravity targets with impunity. Shock and Awe was also present in the degree that coalition forces owned the night and could rapidly maneuver large units in terrain thought to be foreign, imposing, and unforgiving for the pre- dominantly U.S. forces. Instead, as Colin Powell noted, the coa- lition forces cut off the head and life lines to the Iraqi Army in the field and then set about killing it. The fact that a democrat- ically led coalition could choose not to massacre the remnants of Iraq’s army during its panic-induced retreat underscores that we knew how much power we had and could employ restraint…

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