War in Ukraine

You realize that monetary aid is fungible, right? Sending money and equipment to Ukraine or Ethiopia doesn't deprive the homeless or down trodden here in the U.S. It makes for a good talking point until you scratch the surface - but the money doesn't exist in a vacuum. Our country has been living on credit for years, pretending that sending Ukraine equipment is going to deprive a poor child from eating is nonsense.

There's also the other thing people keep forgetting. A lot of this hardware is built in the US, so instead of federal spending going to people as some sort of assistance, it's going to people who actually work. Of course, it's always easy for the anti-MIC proponents to forget that the MIC isn't simply a few moguls and generals ... easier to put an evil face on it if you forget the working guys and troops with families to support earning an income. And those working stiffs pay taxes unlike the ones receiving handouts.
Your hero is crying and whining…like the bitch he is….he needs more. Always more Lloyd.


And yours is on his knees begging the Iranians and North Koreans for weapons, dragging out 70 year old tanks to use, and bribing convicts with freedom to go fight for him, forcing more and more Russian citizens young and old to go fight and ultimately be killed by superior western weaponry. If things are going so successful for Putin, why does he need to do desperate things like these just to complete his “special military operation”? Kyiv was going to fall in 3 days supposedly 😂
I think Putin is being a bit more desperate in his moves than he would like to be. I dont trust a desperate man with nukes. China hasnt once brought up nukes when talking about taking Taiwan or any other regional dust up. And those Russian nukes are ready to go. And it would only take one getting through our net to be worst catastrophe to hit our nation pretty much ever.

Russia has already mobilized and shown the will to fight for immediate gains without long term thinking. China on the other hand has proven to pretty much only care about the long term. And pooh bear has a much firmer grip right now than Putin.

China is in a tough spot in a way. They want to take Taiwan, and they want the technology that Taiwan has. The only problem with that is they will have to destroy Taiwan and the technology they want to take Taiwan. That really neuters China with respect to the nuclear threat. They still screwed up with short term thinking because the sabre rattling bought them an embargo on IC technology and manufacturing China needs.

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