War in Ukraine

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Actually a few in here made the claim that these countries need the U.S. and other western countries. The reality is if we minded our own business and focused more on what's going on here at home things might actually be better.

I have condemned Russia before on certain things and I'm not going to repeat myself just to make some of you feel better. And I'm sure as heck not going to do condemnations on demand.

But yeah this Russophobia in here is a little over the top at times.
Sure thing Alice

Wait you are going to claim you are victim again bc I called you Alice. Ignore that you called everyone who disagreed with you stupid first. Man your world a is strange one. Do you bro. Let the crazy fly.
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Nope, but incompetent is different from malicious. And, yes, some of our stuff over the years has self serving ... like with the Dulles brothers and their banana republic. No way that you could with any measure of honesty say that Russian and imported communism could or did improve places like Cuba or African countries. You could also say there was no way that our nation building was ever going to work in Islamic countries - so it was misguided (downright stupid if you wish), but not malicious.
Actually I think at times it was malicious. The last time we invaded Iraq religious and racial minorities like the Yazidis, Iraqi Christians and Mandeans were persecuted. Along with Muslims that didn't agree with the radical religious groups that rose to power at first.

Then when ISIS rose to power for the time they did they went after some of these same groups and went after Druze and Alawites as well in Syria. But guess who Assad eventually had to ask for help to put a stop to some of these groups. It wasn't the U.S. It was Russia. Russia and Syria actually fought off ISIS more than the U.S. did.

But like I said western corporate imperialism, globalism, and "capitalism" hasn't exactly worked wonders in Africa and other places we've gotten involved. We don't have much of a reason to continue pointing fingers at other countries for any mistakes they've made when our own country has made them too.

Honestly at this point I could probably share quotes from Adam Smith and some of you all would mistake them for Karl Marx.
I think you associate the Pentagon social club with the actual tactical and theater leadership too much. Just my opinion. But I also know you saw it first hand too 🤷‍♂️

Most of the tactical O5 and below people I dealt with seemed competent but let’s face it this was all R&D stuff. And I’ve stated how I feel about the PMO O5 and up people. Yeah don’t let them near a shooting conflict.

Did you mean PMS rather than PMO? This is a new day.
Sure thing Alice

Wait you are going to claim you are victim again bc I called you Alice. Ignore that you called everyone who disagreed with you stupid first. Man your world a is strange one. Do you bro. Let the crazy fly.
Lol. No I can assure you I'm not the one who has resorted to name calling and insults first. That's you and the same crowd each and every single time. Plus I've not resorted to any in over a week now. And like I told someone else recently. Don't be getting offended, acting like victims, and giving people lectures when your behavior gets thrown right back at you.
Lol. No I can assure you I'm not the one who has resorted to name calling and insults first. That's you and the same crowd each and every single time. Plus I've not resorted to any in over a week now. And like I told someone else recently. Don't be getting offended, acting like victims, and giving people lectures when your behavior gets thrown right back at you.
Lol you once again have a bad memory. And man I can't be offended by someone like you. Take that how you want it. But keep being the victim.
I know exactly how it played out.
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Lol you once again have a bad memory. And man I can't be offended by someone like you. Take that how you want it. But keep being the victim.
I know exactly how it played out.
Okay. You are more than welcome to prove that I was the one who resorted to name calling and insults first not only in this thread but others as well. I'll be waiting for the proof.

This last week I've not resorted to any. But some of you all just can't resist. Even when people are responding in a respectful and professional manner.
Pretty sure Ukraine isn't building Migs and Sukhois, and there is attrition. Russia has attrition - some of it not even Ukrainian inspired, but at least Russia has an internal means to replace planes they or the Ukrainians break. If the Russians would be kind enough to plant intact Migs and Sukhois for the Ukrainian tractor brigade, Ukraine probably wouldn't be asking outside sources for planes.
Are you being serious?
Actually a few in here made the claim that these countries need the U.S. and other western countries. The reality is if we minded our own business and focused more on what's going on here at home things might actually be better.

I have condemned Russia before on certain things and I'm not going to repeat myself just to make some of you feel better. And I'm sure as heck not going to do condemnations on demand.

But yeah this Russophobia in here is a little over the top at times.
Tell us you're a paid Russia troll without actually telling us you're a paid Russian troll.
You know, I wouldn't have believed that 6 months ago. But now, I think they hate Russia more than they love humanity. Or more importantly, it comes down to pride and "saving face" for the useful idiots.
“Hate Russia more than they love humanity”. Aren’t your comrades the ones invading and shelling civilians? But we hate humanity. Riiiiiight. You know there are some who think Hitler was a good man too. Crazies are everywhere.
For one. I have never posted anything from Twitter on here. But if I ever decide to post from Twitter then I'm free to post whatever I want regarding this conflict.

Second, you and others are more than welcome to watch any videos or articles that I have shared and let me know where I'm wrong. To this date, not a single one of you have actually proven me wrong on videos or articles I've posted in here. Not one time.

Of course you can post what you’d like, so can everyone else. Why are you acting as if I’ve tried to stop you from posting? You have this constant victim mentality in here, always complaining about being attacked even when you’re not.
On another note, you seem to care an awful lot about anything posted from the Ukrainian or western side. Always call it fake news no matter what. Yet you never have anything to say with obvious bs from the Russian side. A few days ago I posted in here that both sides fluff the casualty numbers, and you responded to me criticizing the Ukrainian side but wouldn’t acknowledge the Russian side. Why is it that you can’t acknowledge the Russian bullsh** as well? Answer this, is Russian media reliable and trustworthy? When the Russians claimed they weren’t retreating from battles in December, but rather “strategically regrouping”, do you buy into garbage like that or is it bs?
Putin is handing out an ass whooping as we speak Lloyd….

How many country’s weapons and men will it take to “debunk” that?

I haven't seen evidence of an ass whooping at all. This is playing out thus far as I predicted. A bloody stalemate, that will pile up the bodies on both sides.
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You know, I wouldn't have believed that 6 months ago. But now, I think they hate Russia more than they love humanity. Or more importantly, it comes down to pride and "saving face" for the useful idiots.

Humanity? One side invaded a sovereign nation, and it was the one you defend. Since then, hundreds of thousands have died. Mass graves of citizens have been uncovered, bodies with zip tied hands executed. Many war crimes have been committed. At the same time, you’ve been in this thread posting quotes from kadyrov, a guy known for sodomizing people, torture with blow torches, executions, etc.. and now you want to act as if you’re some moral champion of humanity? You have zero credibility. Everything you post is the most illogical, hypocritical garbage in the forum. How embarrassing…
Humanity? One side invaded a sovereign nation, and it was the one you defend. Since then, hundreds of thousands have died. Mass graves of citizens have been uncovered, bodies with zip tied hands executed. Many war crimes have been committed. At the same time, you’ve been in this thread posting quotes from kadyrov, a guy known for sodomizing people, torture with blow torches, executions, etc.. and now you want to act as if you’re some moral champion of humanity? You have zero credibility. Everything you post is the most illogical, hypocritical garbage in the forum. How embarrassing…
Projection and delusion...
Putin is handing out an ass whooping as we speak Lloyd….

How many country’s weapons and men will it take to “debunk” that?

Let’s see, 3 day operation is now at almost 365 days.
Begging North Korea and Iran for weapons.
Spent all of December retreating.
Dragging out 70 year old tanks.
No air superiority.
Using convicts and drafting citizens to fight.
Yeah, these things definitely point to things going great for Russia! 😂

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