War in Ukraine

I'm hearing a lot of signs that this will be the year russia will start to feel the financial pains. Creditsuisse locked them out yesterday (or maybe the day before), and they are in increasingly turning to cryptotheft as an option. The lenders are beginning to talk. How will they pay this back? There could be another default soon (maybe this spring). Analysis: Loans to Russian soldiers fuel calls for European banks to quit
I'm hearing a lot of signs that this will be the year russia will start to feel the financial pains. Creditsuisse locked them out yesterday (or maybe the day before), and they are in increasingly turning to cryptotheft as an option. The lenders are beginning to talk. How will they pay this back? There could be another default soon (maybe this spring). Analysis: Loans to Russian soldiers fuel calls for European banks to quit

That's what I've been hearing too. This won't just effect them either. Europe will be effected as well, because it's a global economy now for everyone. Sanctions never really only hurt the ones they are aimed at. They also hurt a lot of innocent people. I've never been a big proponent of them in just about any case.
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Maybe don't invade and slaughter thousands in another country that threatens the rest of the world for starters,

Africa is going to be an interesting scenario if this escalates. South Africa (the white part) seem to be pro putler, while the rest of the country is feeling the famine and food shortage. The rest of Africa is NOT happy with this war.
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Reasonable. Hard to disagree with Putin in regards to Western Oligarchs or the High Priests of the Western Death Cult as I call them.

Yeah it's too bad it wont be the Western Oligarchs footing the bill and dying in a hypothetical fight.

If he has a problem with them order a boxing match, and not a war.
The danger is that these clowns are going to gamble on the Russians to continue a moderate line as they further escalate. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, but this existential to Russia... and to an extent China as well because if Russia falls, they know they are next on the hit list.
How the eff is Russia's invasion of Ulraine an existential crisis to Russia?

The territory in question hasnt been a part of Russian territory since the 30s, Crimea since the late 70s or early 80s.

NATO has existed since the 50s, and has SUDDENLY become an "existential" crisis?.

NATO has been on Russia's border since the 90s, but now it's an existential crisis that Ukraine still isnt part of NATO?

Putin really think he can fight ideologies with bullets? I know the best way convince people your way is right is to beat them up when they dont agree with you....

Man you drink the red koolaid without ever questioning.
How the eff is Russia's invasion of Ulraine an existential crisis to Russia?

The territory in question hasnt been a part of Russian territory since the 30s, Crimea since the late 70s or early 80s.

NATO has existed since the 50s, and has SUDDENLY become an "existential" crisis?.

NATO has been on Russia's border since the 90s, but now it's an existential crisis that Ukraine still isnt part of NATO?

Putin really think he can fight ideologies with bullets? I know the best way convince people your way is right is to beat them up when they dont agree with you....

Man you drink the red koolaid without ever questioning.

Here's why the NATO stuff is complete BS. Suppose Russia were to take Ukraine back into the motherland. Guess what's going to be all along it's new border. A bunch of NATO countries.
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This really shows the true colors of the western death cultists. Ukrainians are nothing but human fodder on their chess board.
But not for the Russians actually killing them?

If the west completely abandonned Ukraine, no more aid, no more super cereal top secret orders, no more money, completely gone tomorrow, the death and suffering in Ukraine WOULDN'T stop.

If Russia completely pulled out of Ukraine, the death and most of the suffering WOULD end pretty much immediately.

You have your moral outrage pointing at the wrong target. you dont care at all about the Ukrainians, just the Russians.
How the eff is Russia's invasion of Ulraine an existential crisis to Russia?

The territory in question hasnt been a part of Russian territory since the 30s, Crimea since the late 70s or early 80s.

NATO has existed since the 50s, and has SUDDENLY become an "existential" crisis?.

NATO has been on Russia's border since the 90s, but now it's an existential crisis that Ukraine still isnt part of NATO?

Putin really think he can fight ideologies with bullets? I know the best way convince people your way is right is to beat them up when they dont agree with you....

Man you drink the red koolaid without ever questioning.

It's a threat to Putin's dream of getting the band back together and Russia being one of the big 3 and equal to China and the US. It's a threat to his dream of being the next Peter the Great or Catherine the Great. It's a threat to Putin's ability to project power. If it's a threat to Russia staying together as a huge nation, it's mostly because Putin shot himself in the foot with this whole thing.
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The Russian brain drain is real. Possibly the longest-term issue for Vlad resulting from his war... I mean other than the fact that he's gonna die sooner than later.

Per WaPo:

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war has set off a historic exodus of his own people. Initial data show that at least 500,000, and perhaps nearly 1 million, have left in the year since the invasion began — a tidal wave on scale with emigration following the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991.

Now, like then, the departures stand to redefine the country for generations. And the flood may still be in its early stages. The war seems nowhere near finished. Any new conscription effort by the Kremlin will spark new departures, as will worsening economic conditions, which are expected as the conflict drags on.

The huge outflow has swelled existing Russian expatriate communities across the world and created new ones.

The financial cost, while vast, is impossible to calculate. In late December, Russia’s Communications Ministry reported that 10 percent of the country’s IT workers had left in 2022 and not returned. Russia’s parliament is now debating a package of incentives to bring them back.
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Meanwhile the US put out a travel warning urging Americans to leave Russia immediately and France just put out one for Belarus and Russia due to a new offensive by the Russians.
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