War in Ukraine

That list is an embarrassment for the EU. Notice France nor Germany even made the cut. Has all the EU “powers” are below us. Again.
War... things like this happen.

So what are you suggesting?
My suggestion would be that a competent military would have techs and engineers attached to every mechanized unit. When a minefield is discovered they would handle it to get their unit safely through.

This looks to be the product of a military with poor decision making and tactical training, they do not appear properly trained or equipped. This looks like cowboy warfare. Cheap in everything but equipment and lives.
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Maybe don't invade and slaughter thousands in another country that threatens the rest of the world for starters,

Africa is going to be an interesting scenario if this escalates. South Africa (the white part) seem to be pro putler, while the rest of the country is feeling the famine and food shortage. The rest of Africa is NOT happy with this war.

Africa is a whole other ballgame. Russia puts out tons of grain every year, as does Ukraine. Hungry bellies lead to upheavel.
By the end of the week, Ukrainian propaganda had noticeably intensified. Several weirdos made ridiculous statements at once. The Nazis from "Azov" and the groups that joined them, threatening to attack the Russian Crimea and seize it, look especially funny. It is doubly ridiculous to hear this from those same Azovites who promised to recapture Mariupol, then promised to fight to the death, and then they themselves came out to surrender with their pants down.

I suggest that the Nazis do not scatter promises and cheap threats (from the basement of Azovstal they tried to scare us with not such horror stories), but simply take one bold step - appear on the front line.

Finally, proceed from words to deeds. Prove what kind of man you are. We are ready to arrive at any specified place and take the fight. Moreover, we undertake to do this with much smaller means and resources. To fight with the disabled and pensioners, whom you forcibly throw into hell, is not the most interesting occupation for us. But you, Nazi tiktokers, churning out videos with such "brave" soldiers on camera, we will click with pleasure. This is our sacred duty!
Dude literally looks like every redneck in northern Alabama.
It's a threat to Putin's dream of getting the band back together and Russia being one of the big 3 and equal to China and the US. It's a threat to his dream of being the next Peter the Great or Catherine the Great. It's a threat to Putin's ability to project power. If it's a threat to Russia staying together as a huge nation, it's mostly because Putin shot himself in the foot with this whole thing.
I always love them bringing up Catherine, a Prussian who coup'd the rightful Russian heir, her husband, and is most famous for Europanizing Russia.

And they also tend to ignore the rest of the expansionism those two partook in that would directly conflict with their Russia for Russians shtick.
Amd yet... they some how seem to be retreating towards Transnistria??????
Supposedly one of the worlds superpowers............ Have only managed to take and hold that sliver of land. A well led, well equiped military fighting on familiar terrain in a conventional battle should have wrapped this up many months ago.

Russia's military was a paper tiger, there's no other way around that fact.
And why should we believe that a country that gave us Mercedes and BMWs is going to have better engineering than a country that gave us the fiat-knock off Lada?

Hot Russian babes and hot Russian Ladas.


Also, pretty sure this is @Rasputin_Vol on his daily routine of starting up his sweet ride.

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Good video showing some of the recent poundings Russia has taken.
Russian troll trigger warning: HIMARS owning Russians shown in video


‘Like turkeys at a shooting range’: Mauling of Russian forces in Donetsk hotspot may signal problems to come

By Tim Lister, CNN
Updated 10:02 AM EST, Mon February 13, 2023

The scenes are chaotic: Russian tanks veering wildly before exploding or driving straight into minefields, men running in every direction, some on fire, the bodies of soldiers caught in tank tracks.

Russian military bloggers are calling it a fiasco, and worse.

These scenes have been recorded by Ukrainian military drones over the past two weeks around the town of Vuhledar in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, where successive Russian assaults have failed.

The Vuhledar debacle suggests chronic failures in the command and tactics of the Russians as they gear up for a spring offensive. If replicated elsewhere on the long military front in Donetsk and Luhansk, such failings could jeopardize the Kremlin’s plans to seize more territory.

About 20 videos geolocated by CNN show basic tactical blunders in an area that’s open and flat, where Ukrainian spotters on higher ground can direct artillery strikes and where minefields are worsening Russian casualties.
Good read:

Ukraine Has the Battlefield Edge
Russia’s mobilization has given it a numerical advantage, but wars are not won by manpower alone.

Interesting insight into Putin's dirt nap:

"...For two decades, Putin has been free to rule as he wished by insulating the Russian people from political concerns, an implicit bargain that runs from the oligarchs to the middle class. His reluctance to mobilize has been driven at least in part by fear of a political backlash to the call-up. It remains to be seen whether Russian mobilization ends up being a bigger threat to Putin’s hold on power than to Ukraine’s sovereignty."
I couldn’t find where the Odessa Journal was state media. And I actually looked. We all know Curiy didn’t look.
They are based in Ukraine and haven't been shut down yet like other media outlets. They have the full blessing right now from Cokeinsky to operate. Therefore, state media.
They are based in Ukraine and haven't been shut down yet like other media outlets. They have the full blessing right now from Cokeinsky to operate. Therefore, state media.
'Member when you got/get upset about people spreading your supposed false talking points and myths?

Bless your heart.

Moskva gonna be back in port any day now right?
How the eff is Russia's invasion of Ulraine an existential crisis to Russia?

The territory in question hasnt been a part of Russian territory since the 30s, Crimea since the late 70s or early 80s.

NATO has existed since the 50s, and has SUDDENLY become an "existential" crisis?.

NATO has been on Russia's border since the 90s, but now it's an existential crisis that Ukraine still isnt part of NATO?

Putin really think he can fight ideologies with bullets? I know the best way convince people your way is right is to beat them up when they dont agree with you....

Man you drink the red koolaid without ever questioning.

Well, you know, when Russia lines up to annex territory, they don't like being opposed; and I guess now we know why. Imagine how Russia would have done if NATO rather than Ukraine had been the opposing team.
I am actually surprised by this. They are pulling out all the stops.

Heh. Well, they've got maybe a couple dozen of them max, I believe.

This, plus the option for Vlad is Option A: More T62s (whoops, they dead already) *OR* Option B: An unproven tank they hope works.

Either way, Putin once again hoists himself upon his own petard.

PS: Of note, the Armata tank *DOES* have a toilet, so the Russian tankers have no excuse to sh*t themselves (which most dead people do anyway).

PSS: Question: Place your bets... who produced a better engineered tank... Germany with its Leopard 2 or Russia with its Armata? I wonder...

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