War in Ukraine

Nice attempt to dodge, but it isnt that easy. The West has been claiming for 6 months that Russia has been begging for weapons yet Russia continues a high rate of bombardment to this day. You might want to consider that when regurgitating that idiotic talking point.

I would say Russia is on their schedule. War never goes as anticipated. Russia made some miscalculations (as did Ukraine/the West). That is just part of it. Russia seems to have adapted better than Ukraine and is in a much better position currently.
Despite the high bombardment they havent been able to take the small town of Bakhmut in nearly 6 months of trying. You guys have been talking about that town since August, nada.

And you have Wagner openly claiming they cant get the weapons and ammo they need. So clearly something is up with Russian logistics.
Who? Who is going to want to jump in to defend Poland? I guarantee you the US will hustle Poland into making a move (or they may just feel compelled on their own) and the Poles are going to go in thinking they are going to have the 800 lb NATO gorilla behind them.

You all have already admitted that it is about "degrading" Russia's military and drag this out as long as possible. And some of you same people will be saying the Poles are fighting and dying so that the US won't have to.
You mean like staging a missile strike in Polish territory that kills some civilians?

If we wanted Poland in it, that would have been the perfect time for the hustle.
It's hard to argue with these guys. They somehow just don't get the concept of ownership. Assuming they aren't just trolling, it's amazing their neighbors haven't shot them by now.
I mean really, it's not that hard of a concept. Just get off of Ukraine's lawn. But these bozos struggle with that concept.

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7 Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About Ukraine

1) What’s the end game? If you say, “Ukraine wins and Russia loses,” that sounds nice, but how do we get there? Putin may perhaps correctly consider this as a war he has to win to survive. It doesn’t look as if sanctions are going to force Russia to give in. A best-case scenario would be Ukraine forcing Russian troops out of the country, but is that possible at all? If it is, then what? Ukraine certainly can’t go on the offensive and conquer Russia.

2) How much money are we willing to put into Ukraine? We’re in for over a hundred billion dollars in less than a year. Are we willing to go two hundred billion? 500 billion? A trillion? We’re spending an enormous amount of money on this and it’s entirely possible that the juice isn’t going to be worth the squeeze any more than it ultimately turned out to be in Afghanistan.

3) When does support for the war start to crater in the United States? We’ve seen the same pattern in war after war in America. When the war begins, it has high levels of support. Over time, it becomes a partisan issue and support for the war drops. Eventually, the war becomes a political hot potato, and we pull out, whether it makes sense at the time or not. In America, you can already see significant resistance to the war building up on the Right and it’s very possible that whoever the GOP candidate is in 2024 may be running on an anti-war platform or at least a “war skeptical” platform. So, how long does Ukraine have to “win?” Maybe not all that long and you can bet Russia is well aware of it.

4) How much of our money is being stolen? Huge amounts of US aid were stolen in Iraq and Afghanistan and given that Ukraine is one of the world’s most corrupt nations, it’s certainly being stolen there as well. In fact, we’ve already caught a government official stealing money. You can be certain that’s just the tip of the iceberg. How much of your money is going to end up in secret bank accounts belonging to Ukrainian officials? The smart money is on hundreds of millions, if not billions.

5) What are our strategic objectives at this point? We’re not talking about Britain, Israel, and Australia here. Ukraine isn’t an ally or a friend of America and they’re not in a crucial geographic location. Moreover, Russia is a hostile nation, but we’re not at war with the Russians. In other words, this is a very optional fight for us, so what are we trying to achieve?

According to the mainstream media/war propaganda we’ve seen, Russia’s military has already been heavily degraded in Ukraine, and given the unimpressive performance of their military, they’re clearly not a threat to invade any NATO nations. Additionally, we certainly don’t want to see the conflict go nuclear, which is unlikely, but possible if Putin gets his back against the wall. So, what do we ultimately want to get done? Are we willing to hold out any length of time and spend any amount of money just to get rid of Putin? If so, why so, given that he would probably be replaced by someone ideologically similar? What are we hoping to do here?

6) What happens if Ukraine loses? People seem to be starting with the assumption that since Ukraine is the “good guy,” they’re going to win in the end, but this is the real world, not a Tolkien novel, so it’s entirely possible that Russia will come out on top. Ironically, that might make the war less expensive and more sustainable on our end, because it’s a lot cheaper to supply IEDS and anti-tank rockets to insurgents than to supply a conventional force. However, if it happens, it could also be demoralizing enough that support for the war collapses and, of course, there is no guarantee a significant insurgency will form.

7) Are we willing to consider a peace treaty? Any politician in Ukraine who signed a peace treaty right now would probably be skinned alive by his own people, so they’re publicly going to be a hard “no,”, but we also get a vote because they can’t fight this war without us. Publicly, at least, we’re not making any effort to reach peace, but the longer this goes on, the more the momentum will likely shift to Russia. That means we may never have significantly more leverage to cut a peace deal than we do today. So, should we be talking about peace right now?
Clearly you are a Putin lover, the answer is we will send as much money for as long as it takes to save our good buddy Zelensky
Yeah ima trust the country that everyone is afraid of. Like it or not they are. If not, China would be in Taiwan and the ussr would be back together.

I'll trust the experts says the guy with myocarditis. Trust the weapons experts, we know exactly where Iraqi WMD is. Trust the experts, we'll be in and out of Afghanistan.
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You may be on more blow than Zelensky if you think Russia giving up Crimea is a viable option. They would have possibly left most if not all the Donbas however. Crimea is long gone. Western Death Cultists need to accept that.

So your boys will continue to die in Ukraine, and you'll only have yourselves to blame for it.

I'll trust the experts says the guy with myocarditis. Trust the weapons experts, we know exactly where Iraqi WMD is. Trust the experts, we'll be in and out of Afghanistan.
What do those have to do with sending weapons to Ukraine?
No nation is perfect, even Russia. We do f*ucked up stuff to get what we want. What country has not? The points you said are points to get you into that country. Very strategic countries in terms of location the Middle East.
Usa does things so you can live the glorious life you do in America. You ever been to Russia? Know anyone from Russia? What about countries that split from ussr and are still alive? I have and do.
I thought those HIMARS were going to be the game changers that were going to kick the Soviets back to Moscow? Why are we still sending Ukraine weapons? We were told they already have the game changers.
I'll trust the experts says the guy with myocarditis. Trust the weapons experts, we know exactly where Iraqi WMD is. Trust the experts, we'll be in and out of Afghanistan.
What do those have to do with sending weapons to Ukraine?
No nation is perfect, even Russia. We do up stuff to get what we want. What country has not? The points you said are points to get you into that country. Very strategic countries in terms of location the Middle East.
Usa does things so you can live the glorious life you do in America. You ever been to Russia? Know anyone from Russia? What about countries that split from ussr and are still alive? I have and do.
I thought those HIMARS were going to be the game changers that were going to kick the Soviets back to Moscow? Why are we still sending Ukraine weapons? We were told they already have the game changers.
Yeah you’re right, big bad Russia is holding off the poorest country in Europe. Congrats
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Despite the high bombardment they havent been able to take the small town of Bakhmut in nearly 6 months of trying. You guys have been talking about that town since August, nada.

And you have Wagner openly claiming they cant get the weapons and ammo they need. So clearly something is up with Russian logistics.

And that would be consistent with how Russia has largely waged this war. They are content to slowly demilitarize Ukraine while inflicting a very high casualty ratio on Ukraine.
It’s wild that immigrants of our generation have more patriotism than people who have lived here their entire lives. They’ve seen and lived under crappy governments then come here and love our way of life.

Wonder how much they will love our Country when their kid comes back in a coffin over a bunch of lies?
It’s wild that immigrants of our generation have more patriotism than people who have lived here their entire lives. They’ve seen and lived under crappy governments then come here and love our way of life.
It's mostly white skinned democrats and racists with Ukrainian flags on their social media profiles. That explains why white democrats have more in common with Richard Spencer than any Trump supporter ever did.

And having a Ukrainian flag on your social media profile or flying one outside your house does not make someone patriotic. It likely means you've been brainwashed.
It's mostly white skinned democrats and racists with Ukrainian flags on their social media profiles. That explains why white democrats have more in common with Richard Spencer than any Trump supporter ever did.

And having a Ukrainian flag on your social media profile or flying one outside your house does not make someone patriotic. It likely means you've been brainwashed.
Lmao everyone is racist and brainwashed. Okay guy.

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