War in Ukraine

The rape victim fought back and so the rapist wasnt able to 'finish' and we are supposed to think the rape victim is the one to blame?

Who is the rape victim (which is a terrible analogy)? Ukraine via Russia, Ukraine via the Western Death Cult or Russia via the Western Death Cult? Depends on how you look at it.
I thought those HIMARS were going to be the game changers that were going to kick the Soviets back to Moscow? Why are we still sending Ukraine weapons? We were told they already have the game changers.
I thought winter was coming and millions of Europeans were going to freeze to death because Russia was selling its petroleum to India and China.
I posted direct historical evidence where the terms libertarian came from. Dallas knows this and simply doesn't like it. And in typical fashion he throws one of his classic tantrums like a child. Keep in mind we are just at the very beginning stages of this and he will, as usual, further embarrass himself more.

I don't just "google" random crap. By the way it's Google not google. Mises, Cato, and Reason have all three wrote about Tucker and Spooner. That's 2 well known Libertarian institutes and a well known self proclaimed Libertarian publication.

Once again you guys are showing your laziness and resorting to attacks on the messenger and not the actual content.

And where the heck did I say anything about an Isreal-Iran military alliance?
Google is a verb now. So it doesnt need to be capitalized when using it as an action.
Definition of GOOGLE
What do those have to do with sending weapons to Ukraine?
No nation is perfect, even Russia. We do up stuff to get what we want. What country has not? The points you said are points to get you into that country. Very strategic countries in terms of location the Middle East.
Usa does things so you can live the glorious life you do in America. You ever been to Russia? Know anyone from Russia? What about countries that split from ussr and are still alive? I have and do.

Yeah you’re right, big bad Russia is holding off the poorest country in Europe. Congrats
They are fighting the largest ground force and military in Europe as well. I've said that from the beginning. And the Ukrainian military is well known for staging weapons and equipment in residential areas and launching attacks from residential areas as well.

If Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe then that's a reflection on the western installed puppets there and on the west itself. It has been almost a decade since Yanukovych was ousted in the western backed coup.

The West has no desire to help everyday Ukrainians. They are only interested in this conflict to enrich a select few individuals and corporations. That's it.
I did say that and yes it could happen. Wouldn't it make sense for them to form a friendly alliance somehow instead of being foes? The question I want to ask is why would you not want peace between the two countries?
You have to understand that not everyone shares your view.

You, us, the western world, wanting or thinking something is the "best" doesnt mean it's going to happen.

And knowing their history, no, it does not make sense for them to be allies, as they have been each others biggest enemies. Have large cultural differences, it's literally the reason Pakistan exists as a separate entity, different historical allies and interests.
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They are fighting the largest ground force and military in Europe as well. I've said that from the beginning. And the Ukrainian military is well known for staging weapons and equipment in residential areas and launching attacks from residential areas as well.

If Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe then that's a reflection on the western installed puppets there and on the west itself. It has been almost a decade since Yanukovych was ousted in the western backed coup.

The West has no desire to help everyday Ukrainians. They are only interested in this conflict to enrich a select few individuals and corporations. That's it.
They don’t even care about helping us so why am I not shocked haha. So it’s always the USA fault someone is poor, in a war, blah blah but we don’t know how to manage ammunition and/or weapon sending. We’re the dumbest smartest people out there
I thought winter was coming and millions of Europeans were going to freeze to death because Russia was selling its petroleum to India and China.
Russia is doing just fine trading with countries like China and India. I said months ago they could make alliances with other nations besides the ones in Europe and the rest of the West and they would be just fine. However trading with Europe will never come to a halt for them. Just more wishful thinking on the part of democrats, neocons, and the MIC Cult. Even your precious NY Times came out recently and stated isolating Russia isn't working.
Russia is doing just fine trading with countries like China and India. I said months ago they could make alliances with other nations besides the ones in Europe and the rest of the West and they would be just fine. However trading with Europe will never come to a halt for them. Just more wishful thinking on the part of democrats, neocons, and the MIC Cult. Even your precious NY Times came out recently and stated isolating Russia isn't working.

I remember when Republicans stood up to Russia.
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And I asked you specifically where in their platform are they for what the democrat party here in the United States or what many of the left wing parties in Europe are trying to push? This includes such things as the LGBTQIA+ agenda, abortion, the breakdown of the traditional family, transgenderism, transhumanism, and green fascism. You can't provide it because it's not there in the platform. I never said they weren't authoritarian in any way. I just stated they were socially conservative. You're confusing socially conservative with politically conservative.

And being politically conservative doesn't mean "no government". I'm not sure where some of you are getting that idea from. You can't even quote any conservative politicians who said we should have "no government". No government would be anarchism. Which many early Libertarians had anarchist views.

The kind of government you want is one you feel benefits you above anyone else. That's called selfishness and greed.

By the way I did post two points from their platform already. Instead of talking about what I posted you went back to deflecting. That's what you do best. No wonder you don't have the attention span to watch an MLB game.
I never claimed they supported the extreme leftist social programs. That was another false argument you made up to deflect.

You dont have to be all the way to the left to not be "socially conserative". Its not like the US is the dividing line, where anyone to the right of us is conservative.

I also never claimed that you have to have no government to be socially conservative. That's another argument you just made up to deflect. Their proposed government would be directly involved in a preplanned, centralized society built around the party/communism. That is not conservative. They dress it up to look conservative, to sell it to people like you where saying the US is bad means they are the good guys.
They don’t even care about helping us so why am I not shocked haha. So it’s always the USA fault someone is poor, in a war, blah blah but we don’t know how to manage ammunition and/or weapon sending. We’re the dumbest smartest people out there
Once again. You like a handful of others in here are accusing me of something I did not say.

When it comes to Ukraine the U.S. and other western nations have stuck their nose in Ukraine for solely financial reasons. The current conflict benefits the U.S. MIC and a handful of corporations such as Cargill and Monsanto. Our involvement has nothing to do with actually helping the Ukrainian people.
I remember when Republicans stood up to Russia.
I remember when a democrat said the 80's called and want their foreign policy back. I remember when a democrat said he would have more flexibility after the election. I remember a SOS giving Russia a reset button. Good times
Once again. You like a handful of others in here are accusing me of something I did not say.

When it comes to Ukraine the U.S. and other western nations have stuck their nose in Ukraine for solely financial reasons. The current conflict benefits the U.S. MIC and a handful of corporations such as Cargill and Monsanto. Our involvement has nothing to do with actually helping the Ukrainian people.
I was just stating in general. I mean yeah we are in this for our own gain as well. There’s many right answers and sides to this. I bet you the rest of Europe loves the fact we are helping Ukraine. Cuz they know that they might be next.
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Which of course is why they only strike targets with high military value, like bus stops.
Ukraine: Russian troops slaughter civilians waiting at a bus stop as Putin blames West for war | Daily Mail Online

Sorry, I dont trust western propaganda. Russia went in as softly as possible and has tried to minimize civilian casualties as much as possible. They have probably gone further to minimize civilian casualties than the US did in their Iraq invasion. Have civilians been killed? Of course, it's war, but spare me the narrative.
You have to understand that not everyone shares your view.

You, us, the western world, wanting or thinking something is the "best" doesnt mean it's going to happen.

And knowing their history, no, it does not make sense for them to be allies, as they have been each others biggest enemies. Have large cultural differences, it's literally the reason Pakistan exists as a separate entity, different historical allies and interests.
And never said everyone shares my views nor do I expect them to. And thankfully not everyone shares your views.

I find it rather strange you all do not want peace between Pakistan and India. It would be beneficial to both countries and the rest of the world if the two countries were actually allies.

You really need to stop living in the 1980s.

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