I think the issue is - context. You had the government officials, representatives, and the media gaslighting all this from the beginning. And you had the United States telling the Ukraine what to do i.e. wait till there is a better opportunity to negotiate. In the meantime, 100s of thousands of people have died for no reason. All the shovels, washing machine parts, Putin is dying of cancer for the fifth time, the ghost, transsexual PR person, U.S. equipment is the best in the world, etc. has now run its course i.e. United States nonsense.
I would say Russia's goals at the beginning in 2022 are different what they are now, at that point they were more interested in NATO not being there and getting rid of the Western installed government. The situation is completely different now, so what is a win? I would say Russia is getting what they want even though they probably never envisioned this happening like this. At the end of the day, the Ukraine loses no matter what whether or not Russia gets everything they want.
The best time for a deal for the Ukraine was yesterday - every day that goes by it will most likely get worse.
I don't know if Russia will "win" (or know what that means) but the Ukraine is and will continue to lose.