War in Ukraine

Two-sides are fine, but what he brought was just straight up fiction. If you want Russian fiction, may I suggest Tolstoy.

True, but you were the one posting articles two years ago that the Ukraine was on the verge of winning. Complete fiction. (Its okay to be wrong, I am from time to time, in your case you don't own it and most of the time it seems like fiction.... the irony) What was I wrong about in this thread.... I made comments that I thought it was suspect that the EU would have a "possible" hard time with energy prices in year 2. I would say I am probably partially wrong or right... also I never said as a 100% thing to happen.... just a real possibility. Either way I would say I was expecting more last winter.... I would still take the L or a partially L on that.

Nobody is going to win this war on this forum, on twitter, on CNN, on ice cream Joe saying Da Putin, etc. Enjoy the show.... my take is he will be much more correct about the general tone of the outcome than you will be. We shall see. I would say what you do is propaganda but to me its just all very strange and have yet to figure out the purpose other than entertainment purposes.
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Ukraine doing some major reshuffling of their ministers. I think the same thing as I did when Russia did it. its either:
1. because things aren't going as planned
1a. as part of some deal to keep things going.
2. consolidation of power.

I don't remember there being anything in particular wrong with these ministries or their ministers before this. Zelensky claims its just to get new blood in there, but I didn't buy it when Putin did it either.

also its really weird to me that their president can order the resignation of various ministers. maybe its just a translation thing, but seems much more like they had an Apprentice style "Your fired" moment.

I would say there are most definitely some that are getting shuffled out because of performance, others have been in their respective positions since before Russia's full scale invasion, and are likely transitioning because they have been in their positions for far longer than is normal when not in a wartime scenario; Dmytro Kuleba for example.

Grayzone's "source":

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Zero Hedge is little more than a front that launders Russian propaganda.
It’s not propaganda for zerohedge to state what Russia has been saying for awhile now. Foreign instructors, advisors or whatever you want to call them are legitimate targets in Ukraine. Whether if any was killed in attack is unknown currently. I myself wouldn’t be surprised.
Zero Hedge is little more than a front that launders Russian propaganda.


Everyone that isn't a nutjob is a Russian. (Robots will robot) Its funny how they have no weapons and have to use washing machine parts yet somehow took over American society. Someone needs to get their story straight.... next thing Evil is going to say is wearing a face diaper will stop a virus.

Evil, let me you help you with a suggestion. I'm pretty sure I could do your job better than you.

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I would assume if these Iranian missiles started flying and confirmed then Ukraine would get a boost or green light for longer range stand-off weapon attacks on Russia.

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