War in Ukraine

Oh yeah, I'm absolutely disingenuous about my ecological concern. IDGAFF about it.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

Because of course, there aren't numerous decisions that are necessitated during a wartime scenario, that wouldn't be undertaken otherwise?

Or is this just a way for you to justify pouring motor oil in the creek behind your house after an oil change rather than dispose of it properly?
Because of course, there aren't numerous decisions that are necessitated during a wartime scenario, that wouldn't be undertaken otherwise?

Or is this just a way for you to justify pouring motor oil in the creek behind your house after an oil change rather than dispose of it properly?


I must of hit a nerve with you? Hypocrites generally expose themselves.
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Methinks you missed the word "mainly." Given that this occurred in western Russia, the winds blow west to east, and Russia has vast lands to the east, yes, Russia will get most of the particulates that fall back to earth.
No I didn't miss any words. It did make me laugh a bit so thanks for that
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Investigation continues for the cause of the crash.
Maybe I'm overly naive, but it seems with teams of saboteurs working in Russia (which Ukraine has), as well as Russian partisans, that it would be very easy to take out lots of rail lines. Given the length of the rail lines and the ability to use timed explosives and drones, seems like it would be pretty hard for Russia to stop this. Why are we not seeing more of this?

Maybe I'm overly naive, but it seems with teams of saboteurs working in Russia (which Ukraine has), as well as Russian partisans, that it would be very easy to take out lots of rail lines. Given the length of the rail lines and the ability to use timed explosives and drones, seems like it would be pretty hard for Russia to stop this. Why are we not seeing more of this?

could just be priorities. Oil/gas is their #1 money maker, going directly at the source makes more sense than the distribution network. also just more bang for their buck, a rail line of fuel only holds so much, got to be less than what even one tank of fuel holds.

IMO Ukraine going after the money maker makes sense because if Putin can't keep his buddies rich, they won't be his buddies for long. Taking out rail would probably help the war directly, but going after the oil is the long game indirect strategic outlook.

I could also just see it some type of FEINT, see if Ras remembers that one, or just distraction. IMO taking out single rail lines would take a long time to really impact Russia. If I were them and wanted to go after the rails, I would do it in one big blow. unless you hit a bridge or something its a pretty quick fix, so small isolated attacks are easy to repair. but if you wait and hit a bunch of areas at once, you can grind the whole system down and make Russia prioritize which areas to fix first. but that type of concentrated attack is more likely to be intercepted than rando drone attacks 1000km from the front line.
Maybe I'm overly naive, but it seems with teams of saboteurs working in Russia (which Ukraine has), as well as Russian partisans, that it would be very easy to take out lots of rail lines. Given the length of the rail lines and the ability to use timed explosives and drones, seems like it would be pretty hard for Russia to stop this. Why are we not seeing more of this?

Yes, the first part.
Maybe I'm overly naive, but it seems with teams of saboteurs working in Russia (which Ukraine has), as well as Russian partisans, that it would be very easy to take out lots of rail lines. Given the length of the rail lines and the ability to use timed explosives and drones, seems like it would be pretty hard for Russia to stop this. Why are we not seeing more of this?

It's easily repaired.

The end.
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