I hadn't talked to him in some time but tonight my brother came by and he called his buddy who's been in Ukraine since the first year, former operator from spec forces. He's in a rear area but still runs combat missions with some other operators from various countries.
He tells me moral is low, he's looking to get out soon. I asked if it was because of the Trump Zelenski meeting he said it's part of it but the last four to six months in particular he's noticed soldiers are getting younger, older and less suited for combat. Says they are holding own but no headway he's starting to see more signs of PTSD, distant looking stares.
I asked about a North Korean soldiers, he laughed. Says they are much worse than Russian forces, says it's not all about communication, they just lack combat experience and basic concepts of warfare. Says they are seeing fewer, think it's because many have been killed or injured. Been coming across their storm corp in small numbers, they are evasive but not a great fighting force.
Says the Russians moral appears to be low as well. Feels like they are tired of war too.
Says he doesn't know how to feel about coming home. Is looking at some other options Europe and Central America.