Its likely too late to really salvage anything at this point. The time for peace and diplomacy has passed. I'm not certain there is much of a good answer at this point.
Since the winter of 2013, I've been on here saying that the US should not involved in the internal politics of a country half a world away from us. That was one threshold that was crossed. Then, when the Minsk II terms were agreed upon, the US discouraged the Ukrainians from abiding by those agreements and dragging this thing out even longer. And now with an incompetent POTUS and a nation that appears to be spiraling down the tubes, we continued to push our agenda in the region and stir the pot. Our leadership didn't do us any favors. We have the govt we deserve, unfortunately. While the country has been distracted with a virus with a 99.5% survival rate and chaos half a world away, the leadership here is robbing us blind and making us out to be the enemy. I root for their downfall "by any means necessary". Anyone fighting against their king term agenda is a convenient ally at this point. Putin is far from an ideal leader, but at least knows who his enemies are. They just happen to be my enemies also.