War in Ukraine

EXCLUSIVE: 'If you post that you are against war they will come after you.' Thousands of desperate Russians are seeking asylum in the US by way of Mexico where no visas are necessary as they flee Putin's political persecution and conscription

Thousands of desperate Russians fleeing conscription and political persecution by Vladimir Putin's goons are claiming asylum on the US- crossing over from Mexico - and creating instructional videos showing others how to do it, DailyMail.com can reveal.

In the first two months of 2022 alone, 5,984 Russians sought asylum compared to just 3,893 in the whole of 2021 according to Custom and Border Protection figures.

As a result, Russians are now the number one nationality seeking help at refugee shelters run by the San Diego Rapid Response Network – a charity that coordinates shelter and legal advice for asylum seekers.

Video diaries show how fleeing Russians travel to Mexico – one of the few countries that allow them visa-free travel – and then make their way to Tijuana on the US border in Baja California.

Thousands of desperate Russians are fleeing to Mexico seeking asylum | Daily Mail Online
🤣😂, White House going to send Harris to Poland to visit the troops & refugees.
I hope she repeats her globally prophetic words, Ukraine is a country in Europe..... and everyone knows the rest. This woman is profoundly dumb and an even worse public speaker. I'm disheartened to know that she is second to the highest office in the land after the most inept and stupid man that is supposedly leading our 340 million people. God help us. I honestly don't think we make it to the next election.
The rebellion of the rich kids of Russia: Oligarchs' kids including Sofia Abramovich and the daughter of Putin's spokesman share Instagram messages against the Ukraine invasion

Children of rich Russian oligarchs and the country's elite are urging peace in the Ukraine and Vladimir Putin to stop the bloodshed.

The young adults are using their social media feeds and statuses as influencers to try and stop more carnage unfolding.

Among them are Roman Abramovich's daughter, the child of a Kremlin spokesman and even the daughter of Putin's own political mentor.

The rebellion of the rich kids of Russia against the war in Ukraine | Daily Mail Online
Exactly what did Fauci get correct?
I think he was registering his vote for the 'some guy in a wet market bit the head off of a bat' theory of how this all got loose. I'll stick with the guys that were working on a bioweapon decided to test it out.
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Oh and your boy Trump is a paragon of virtue. Your rage is too selective.

Wow, you're still on the mask think. They have said several times they were concerned about N95 masks for first responders and heath care workers. Fauci said it but who developed the policy? Are you saying Fauci overrode Trump.

BTW, do you actually think that government agencies can unilaterally spend any money they want to spend. They can't, especially research funds. (If you doubt that look at funding restrictions on stem cell research.) I didn't care to get into that right wing theory so your phrase "gain of function research" means nothing to me. But if a federal agency spends money it has to be approved in a line item budget (why do you think the federal budget is 1600 pages long). So go complain to your Congressman, not Fauci, if money was spent on something you on't like..

A better question is why didn't one of our agencies dedicated to handling emergencies have a huge stockpile of N-95 masks stored away in the first place? If you've ever worked in a nuclear plant, you'd know respirators are worn in contaminated areas. If protective gear like N-95 masks weren't stockpiled along with other protective gear, what's the contingency plan for a nuclear attack or a screwup like Fukushima where they failed to adequately protect their spent fuel? Just breathe in lots of contaminated material? Don't you ever get the impression we are paying a lot for government bureaucracies and receiving not much in return?
So you condone the idea of thought crimes?
What could go wrong?
They (Fouci started it) said over, and over, and over that cloth masks and surgical masks were an effective tool to stop the spread despite over 30 years of data saying otherwise. That cannot be denied. They (Including Fouci) lied to us.

Who was it that helped funnel that money for gain of function research? Answer: Fouci and his cronies.

Fouci lied to us and said that the virus jumped naturally from bat to human when he knew all along that this wasn't the case.

You know our news media are back at work again lately pushing "studies" that prove covid came from meat markets ... and that it just happened to be in a place where kiddies were tinkering with a virus never known to infect man was just coincidental.
Love That one too. And that video is certainly the best version. Well done. Boney M was the real deal. Loved their version of Rivers of Babylon

Too bad more foreign groups didn't become popular here. Boney M lyrics were pretty simple, but the music was catchy, and sure beats a lot of stuff manufactured over here. Just be careful not to get something like "Bahama, Bahama momma" stuck in your head ... it's hard to get rid of.

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