And it doesnt work any better now than it did then. I suspect there is more truth to this one, however.
Mind you, the USA could have just said, "Saddam is a bastard, we don't like him and he threatens our allies. We should have killed him off in Gulf War 1 but it was inconvenient for us with Iran there and all, so now we will attack him and finish the job." No one would have stopped us tho, why? because we pull together a coalition of other people who did not like Saddam either and they all cheered - and thats all our media covered.
In geopolitics you had best believe that might makes right and the mob rules. Fortunately, America is at the head of the mob - and I want to keep it that way. What sucks, however, is who is at the head of America ATM - because that is ruining the world.