Well, now that the social media companies have removed themselves from Russia, they have a far better chance of pushing a more traditional/non-woke culture over there than we do over here.
After what I've seen over the last few years with the conservative movement here, I'm beginning to lose hope on them ever realizing that politics is downstream of culture. I don't think the conservative movement really understands the role culture plays in our politics. I've gone over this numerous times in here already and it gets depressing looking at the direction we are heading in and looking at the comments and thoughts of some of the people in here.
Raz, I keep hearing the quote that politics is downstream of culture and it sounds good but I’m not sure that I buy it. I think a lot of our culture has been manufactured and delivered top down through media and politicians. For instance
-Americans were largely non-interventionist before ww1 and even in ww2 before the war economy bought and financed media and politicians. Americans over the past 60 years have been cheering on the state seeking dragons to slay and if you’re against it you’re a traitor or (insert name)_______ lover/apologist.
California had a ballot initiative to ban gay marriage and was overturned by the judiciary. It is now unthinkable to question gay marriage even in National Review.
The affordable care act was passed with the slimmest margins, less than 50% popular support and resulted in the democrats losing the house but is now popular with over half the population. Same for Medicare, ss.
I think the issue is that conservative constituents have no understanding of power. The goal of power ( besides power itself) is to mold society and create or destroy the institutions to further that molding of culture, something that neo-liberal, progressives have excelled at. Conservative leaders have not only refused to destroy these institutions that work against their constituents but have buttressed them and created more of them ex.(Reagan promised to destroy the Department of Education, Bush-Homeland Security, Nixon-EPA)
The Stasi was ended by paying them off with a pension. They just went home and collected a check. It’s going to take someone willing to do that here to the army of federal bureaucrats. You just tell them to go home, get paid and don’t show up at work anymore.