Wars, genocide, reparations, etc (split from recruiting forum)

rights being taken away,
Which specific rights of yours were taken away?

The moment Biden was inaugurated, I felt myself overcome with emotion for the first time in 4 years. Knowing that grown ass adult was in charge, for better or worse.
you can hate trump and still not go stupid like this. What is coming from this WH that looks anything like an adult?
Which specific rights of yours were taken away?

you can hate trump and still not go stupid like this. What is coming from this WH that looks anything like an adult?
Trumps a POS but to think Biden is any better is both laughable and sad at the same time.
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So what didn't you like about $2.00 gas, a booming stock market, an unemployment rate not seen in decades, an AA unemployment rate thar hasn't been see in over 1/2 a century? Again, your second paragraph actually backs up what I said.
Let's not inflate what was going on economically under trump. It was a very fragile economy built on massive spending. We were going to pay for it eventually
Let's not inflate what was going on economically under trump. It was a very fragile economy built on massive spending. We were going to pay for it eventually
I'm not going there because it's a hypothetical. I agree the pandemic spending would bite us, I just don't think it would have been as big or as long as it has with Biden.
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I think he ying to the yang.

Keep the faith, brother. 🤣
pervasive racism, rights being taken away, weaponization of the judiciary, status quo sexism.

Economies are cyclical. Much of it is confidence in buying power, from middle class. Perhaps from his predecessor? Perhaps due to a democratic led Congress. Whatever it was, it certainly wasnt attributed to Trump or his lack of leadership.

He couldnt even keep his own cabinet and henchmen from ratting on him. A deplorable, despicable human. Sociopath, with little to zero moral or ethical boundary.

The economy isnt the Presidency and vice versa.

The moment Biden was inaugurated, I felt myself overcome with emotion for the first time in 4 years. Knowing that grown ass adult was in charge, for better or worse.

Just because he’s an adult doesn’t make him qualified. He can’t tell you what state he is in most days. Trump was bad but people gotta stop acting like Biden is a good president.

Yes, LOL. I like laughing, thanks for reminding me.
Well, the joke's on me
I'm off again to join the Presidential candidate circus
Oh, Mister Barnum, please, please save a place for me
Shoot me out of a cannon while driving a clown car, I don't care
Let the people mock, laugh, point, at me and stare
I'll tell the world that I'm a mean-spirited and narcissistic man
I'll tell you that no matter wherever you may be
I'm a mean, fickle, narcissistic man, and a cryin' clown.
And my enabling and supporting cast agrees with meeeeeeeee!
Yes, I'm off to rejoin the circus once again.
Yes, LOL. I like laughing, thanks for reminding me.
Well, the joke's on me
I'm off again to join the Presidential candidate circus
Oh, Mister Barnum, please, please save a place for me
Shoot me out of a cannon while driving a clown car, I don't care
Let the people mock, laugh, point, at me and stare
I'll tell the world that I'm a mean-spirited and narcissistic man
I'll tell you that no matter wherever you may be
I'm a mean, fickle, narcissistic man, and a cryin' clown.
And my enabling and supporting cast agrees with meeeeeeeee!
Yes, I'm off to rejoin the circus once again.
View attachment 544459
Remember when your VP, camel toe Harris was bailing out rioters?

no one gaf back in the day, nor did were they outraged. We just went on about our business.

Maybe that was the problem.

I've heard this plenty from my older relatives. A code of silence. Neighbor beating his wife? That's their family issues.

Not saying we have to be all nosey, but a certain amount of care for those that are lower in the power structure is reasonable. Otherwise we end up back at, "first they came for the ____" story.

To pretend like we had it right in the freakin 50s or 60s or 70s is hilarious. I heard on the radio yesterday the retelling of Bama's first black player after the Bama-USC game...then they mentioned the date...it was freakin 1971. Dear god. Just 50 years ago. Yeah, they had it right alright...
Maybe that was the problem.

I've heard this plenty from my older relatives. A code of silence. Neighbor beating his wife? That's their family issues.

Not saying we have to be all nosey, but a certain amount of care for those that are lower in the power structure is reasonable. Otherwise we end up back at, "first they came for the ____" story.

To pretend like we had it right in the freakin 50s or 60s or 70s is hilarious. I heard on the radio yesterday the retelling of Bama's first black player after the Bama-USC game...then they mentioned the date...it was freakin 1971. Dear god. Just 50 years ago. Yeah, they had it right alright...

Your generation really has it figured out and is making the world so great...for everybody...it's really great how you love your country so much, have such great morals, and are soooo awesomely tolerant...of everybody.

Thank you so much for fixing our country...you're all so awesome and better than us.
Your generation really has it figured out and is making the world so great...for everybody...it's really great how you love your country so much, have such great morals, and are soooo awesomely tolerant...of everybody.

Thank you so much for fixing our country...you're all so awesome and better than us.

Which generation do you think is currently in charge of things / has been in charge recently? Pretty much every position of power - both in government and private sector - is held by an old azz dude.

Stop playing like us regular folk have a say anything. We don’t.
Which generation do you think is currently in charge of things / has been in charge recently? Pretty much every position of power - both in government and private sector - is held by an old azz dude.

Stop playing like us regular folk have a say anything. We don’t.
🦬💩...you are the ones voting the old ass pieces of 💩 that are just using you in. You are their power base. I sure as hell didn't vote for any of these assholes at any level of gubmint.
🦬💩...you are the ones voting the old ass pieces of 💩 that are just using you in. You are their power base. I sure as hell didn't vote for any of these assholes at any level of gubmint.
They have no more choice than we do. A two party system that protects itself. Two sides of one coin, acting like it's presenting choice, but both sides producing the same result. It's a system that closes off any other option, filled with selfish, corrupt people in a corrupt system that feeds a gov't that cares only about growing and grasping power for itself at the expense of those it was created to serve.
They have no more choice than we do. A two party system that protects itself. Two sides of one coin, acting like it's presenting choice, but both sides producing the same result. It's a system that closes off any other option, filled with selfish, corrupt people in a corrupt system that feeds a gov't that cares only about growing and grasping power for itself at the expense of those it was created to serve.

🦬💩...you are the ones voting the old ass pieces of 💩 that are just using you in. You are their power base. I sure as hell didn't vote for any of these assholes at any level of gubmint.
If you haven't voted for an "old ass piece of 💩" in the last several elections, then you don't vote. You can't avoid them these days.
its always fun when we get other forum's rejects. I am never sure what to do.

Wade into an argument that is usually worse/more dumb than the typical PF argument?
Make fun of it and trigger more responses?
Ignore it, and potentially miss interesting or new topics?
Or just point out they are now in the PF and watch most of them run away in fear?

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