Wars, genocide, reparations, etc (split from recruiting forum)

I think there is room for criticism but also that many criticisms which are currently proffered are somewhat unfair. If that makes any sense.
Sure. Criticisms will nearly always seem unfair or inaccurate to some group, if not the many. And then discourse occurs, the whole point. It is always to bring visibility and discussion, from there let the chips fall where they may.
She said it was an awful place? Or an awful place for some? Honestly idk, not aware of what she’s said.


Critiquing one’s own should be of high value. That is holding yourselves to a higher standard. It is asking them to be better, why would one not do so? Surely one does this for him or herself, their family, their company, etc.

The opposite is yes men and dogmatic patriotism, one of the most dangerous things ever.

I have a hard time believing anyone here seriously thinks this country is perfect. In fact, I read it every month about how bad it is and how it’s getting worse, but…from other angles. Criticism is criticism. All should be welcomed and processed. Otherwise it is our heads in the sand.
No one believes this country is perfect. But we do believe it is the best. If you don’t think it is then go to the place you believe is the best and proudly wave that flag in front of the other. If you find something that needs fixing then fix it.
Kneeling has never had anything to do with vets. This is simply an old trope that never was.

Not even sure how it came about, people protesting against the actions against some minority group…and people take away from it they are spitting on vets? Absolutely nothing to do with them.

People seem to think what they want, without digging in. It’s like Drew Brees…literally 5 years later and surrounded by NFL players…and he then says oh someone had to explain it to him. Sounds like head in the sand to me. I could maybe at least get people that don’t converse across various groups of society not understanding the meaning behind kneeling, but Drew…?? 🤪
The flag and vets go together because they fought for that flag. Can’t be separated.
No one believes this country is perfect. But we do believe it is the best. If you don’t think it is then go to the place you believe is the best and proudly wave that flag in front of the other. If you find something that needs fixing then fix it.
My problem has always been the stage they choose. They're athletes. When they're at an event, they're at work. When you're at work, you check your politics. If they want to protest and make their voices heard, do it away from work. Go out and organize events on their own time and express their views. I could respect that. I don't respect them hi-jacking the stage they've been given the way they do.
She said it was an awful place? Or an awful place for some? Honestly idk, not aware of what she’s said.


Critiquing one’s own should be of high value. That is holding yourselves to a higher standard. It is asking them to be better, why would one not do so? Surely one does this for him or herself, their family, their company, etc.

The opposite is yes men and dogmatic patriotism, one of the most dangerous things ever.

I have a hard time believing anyone here seriously thinks this country is perfect. In fact, I read it every month about how bad it is and how it’s getting worse, but…from other angles. Criticism is criticism. All should be welcomed and processed. Otherwise it is our heads in the sand.

I can also agree with this. Of course we can improve as individuals and as a collective whole. What I object to is the way some people go about airing their grievances. Especially while you are supposed to be representing our nation on a world stage. Choosing that moment to take your stand seems more about making it about themselves and less about really wanting to make our nation better.
In my opinion, if you are luke warm on the country you are supposed to be representing then don't represent them. Don't say The United States is a awful place and then put on a uniform with the Stars and Stripes on it. If you want to take a political stand then take it. Everyone has that right in this country but also have some dignity and don't represent something you think is not up to your standard.

Bravo! Put it better than I could!

Like I said earlier "sowing and reaping and such"

Edit: it is America and I totally support their right to protest just as much as I respect the right to say you think it's disrespectful!
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My problem has always been the stage they choose. They're athletes. When they're at an event, they're at work. When you're at work, you check your politics. If they want to protest and make their voices heard, do it away from work. Go out and organize events on their own time and express their views. I could respect that. I don't respect them hi-jacking the stage they've been given the way they do.
The stage they choose or the stage that chooses them? They're not the ones creating a political situation by arranging a public display of enforced patriotism before each ballgame, but they're expected to participate. Some people for their own reasons take such participation to signify agreement with things that they don't condone. If they don't want to go through the motions they should have that option; it's supposed to be a free country.
As long as they're not overtly disrespectful I won't complain about them.
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Probably best ignored. If folks knew the politics of what a majority of their pro and college teams’ social and political views were…I don’t think many would like what they heard. Just do the math on the demographics of athletes and correlative voting and social views of said demographics…
That’s the point….. nobody cares…. Just like at my job…. No one cares about my social or political views.
Probably best ignored. If folks knew the politics of what a majority of their pro and college teams’ social and political views were…I don’t think many would like what they heard. Just do the math on the demographics of athletes and correlative voting and social views of said demographics…
F em
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In my opinion, if you are luke warm on the country you are supposed to be representing then don't represent them. Don't say The United States is a awful place and then put on a uniform with the Stars and Stripes on it. If you want to take a political stand then take it. Everyone has that right in this country but also have some dignity and don't represent something you think is not up to your standard.
Bingo...move somewhere else and dump on them.
It never ended. It created a dependent society. When the populace depends on its government for sustenance the government controls the populace. It was the first step toward a socialist government. The next will be communism.
I think the answer is somewhere in the middle on this topic...this is why I used to consider myself a liberal, but it has went way toooooo far...so now I don't know how to feel. Poor people need help...period...but bum leeches suck and their existence pisses me off to no end.

It confuses me because I am really a soft hearted person...but I don't like being stole from by our garbage gubmint to give some p.o💩 bum money that I work hard for despite being a near cripple myself.

I don't know what the answer is...but I do know how the far left freaks running this country are doing it is wrong.
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The stage they choose or the stage that chooses them? They're not the ones creating a political situation by arranging a public display of enforced patriotism before each ballgame, but they're expected to participate. Some people for their own reasons may take such participation to signify agreement with things that they don't condone. If they don't want to go through the motions they should have that option; it's supposed to be a free country.
As long as they're not overtly disrespectful I won't complain about them.
F em
I think the answer is somewhere in the middle on this topic...this is why I used to consider myself a liberal, but it has went way toooooo far...so now I don't know how to feel. Poor people need help...period...but bum leeches suck and their existence pisses me off to no end.

It confuses me because I am really a soft hearted person...but I don't like being stole from by our garbage gubmint to give some p.o💩 bum money that I work hard for despite being a near cripple myself.

I don't know what the answer is...but I do know how the far left freaks running this country are doing it is wrong.
Most conservatives are realistic. They don't mind government helping people when they need help. What conservatives don't like is when the government gives to the able body and able minded. If the government only helped people that needed it, we'd have a budget surplus.

The problem is government. This isn't a democrat or republican issue. It's about corrupt politicians that become wealthy off the backs of America's middle class. They take kickbacks from corporations, many foreign to advance policies that are detrimental to American citizens. Politicians don't stay in office until they die to "serve". They stay in office to enrich themselves. And, they're not getting rich from the salary either. They get rich from back room deals from lobbyist and foreign entities, some legal many illegal. It should be illegal for any politician to accept any money other than his/her salary. If they're caught taking money, they should face criminal charges. If they're caught using information for insider trading they should lose everything they own. Take away the financial incentive to get rich from serving, these bastards won't stay in long.
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Most conservatives are realistic. They don't mind government helping people when they need help. What conservatives don't like is when the government gives to the able body and able minded. If the government only helped people that needed it, we'd have a budget surplus.

The problem is government. This isn't a democrat or republican issue. It's about corrupt politicians that become wealthy off the backs of America's middle class. They take kickbacks from corporations, many foreign to advance policies that are detrimental to American citizens. Politicians don't stay in office until they die to "serve". They stay in office to enrich themselves. And, they're not getting rich from the salary either. They get rich from back room deals from lobbyist and foreign entities, some legal many illegal. It should be illegal for any politician to accept any money other than his/her salary. If they're caught taking money, they should face criminal charges. If they're caught using information for insider trading they should lose everything they own. Take away the financial incentive to get rich from serving, these bastards won't stay in long.

The woke crowd is probably mobilizing at this very moment to put an end to that idea.
I change the Cleveland “guardians” back to the Indians in every MLB The Show franchise I play. (The 1988 Major League uniforms 😎)

I wish we weren’t losing sports teams that have been around since the early 1900’s because of words that pretty much no one thinks have ill intent behind them. I’m a traditionalist in many ways. I don’t even like new uniforms.

Different tangent but.. The baseball uniforms I grew up seeing in the late 90’s early 00’s are basically all non existent. I miss the Astros colors being black and maroon, or the Padres being navy, orange and white.

I miss the angels in the outfield era CALIFORNIA angels unis the most, even though they only lasted from like 1993-1996.

I get the irony of it, since the Astros went back to their 1980’s look outside of the multicolor striped jersey.

The only ones I don’t miss are those awful black blue jays jerseys, even though I own one personally.

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