Wars, genocide, reparations, etc (split from recruiting forum)

its always fun when we get other forum's rejects. I am never sure what to do.

Wade into an argument that is usually worse/more dumb than the typical PF argument?
Make fun of it and trigger more responses?
Ignore it, and potentially miss interesting or new topics?
Or just point out they are now in the PF and watch most of them run away in fear?
In this case, the answer is B.
If you want to see a great movie that is VERY eye opening, go watch Sound of Freedom. If you have children, grandchildren, or plan to have children soon, it’s a necessity to watch to make you more aware of the severity of child trafficking in this country.
The push back against that movie is eye opening as well.
The push back against that movie is eye opening as well.
Child trafficking is a $150 BILLION industry in the US alone!! There are MANY rich and high up people involved in an industry like that. The major pushback is from those who are caught up in it and don’t want to be exposed IMO. It’s sickening. How anyone could ever be involved with doing this to innocent children is beyond me! Disgusting!
Is it bad I want the US women’s soccer team to lose every single game they play lmao
Injecting politics into things, like sports - categorically is really really stupid. Those ladies are Murcan, I def get behind them, and before the twss mafia gets me, I mean support their efforts on the field.
If you want to see a great movie that is VERY eye opening, go watch Sound of Freedom. If you have children, grandchildren, or plan to have children soon, it’s a necessity to watch to make you more aware of the severity of child trafficking in this country.

The overwhelming majority of youth trafficking in the US is by family members or of runaways that left abusive homes. I don't think parents need to be all that fearful. Last I checked, there aren't even 100 stranger danger abductions annually.
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Child trafficking is a $150 BILLION industry in the US alone!! There are MANY rich and high up people involved in an industry like that. The major pushback is from those who are caught up in it and don’t want to be exposed IMO. It’s sickening. How anyone could ever be involved with doing this to innocent children is beyond me! Disgusting!

Source? I'm not saying it can't be true, but lots of whoppers on this topic.
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Injecting politics into things, like sports - categorically is really really stupid. Those ladies are Murcan, I def get behind them, and before the twss mafia gets me, I mean support their efforts on the field.
I cheer for the girls when they put on the Red, White, & Blue. I cheered for em last night.

They chose to take a political stand. And quite literally injected it onto the field.

Not everyone is going to be open armed and supportive of that.
I cheer for the girls when they put on the Red, White, & Blue. I cheered for em last night.

They chose to take a political stand. And quite literally injected it onto the field.

Not everyone is going to be open armed and supportive of that.

In my opinion, if you are luke warm on the country you are supposed to be representing then don't represent them. Don't say The United States is a awful place and then put on a uniform with the Stars and Stripes on it. If you want to take a political stand then take it. Everyone has that right in this country but also have some dignity and don't represent something you think is not up to your standard.
In my opinion, if you are luke warm on the country you are supposed to be representing then don't represent them. Don't say The United States is a awful place and then put on a uniform with the Stars and Stripes on it. If you want to take a political stand then take it. Everyone has that right in this country but also have some dignity and don't represent something you think is not up to your standard.
Though I don't agree with most/all of some of the players' political stances, I think what you're saying here misrepresents/mischaracterizes what they actually believe and say. Them calling for change in ways they think will improve the country is not the same as hating the country. I don't even think Rapinoe has said she "hates" America. I find her distasteful and annoying, but the way she's spoken about things (that I've seen) in her career is about making change in America - not hating it.

And saying "we need improvement, it's not as great as other people say it is in my eyes, and it's not perfect" is totally fine imo. That's participating in society. I supported the Vols through Pruitt and they weren't up to my standard. I attended UT and actively expressed that leadership/admin wasn't good enough, our academics should be better, campus could be improved, etc and participated in those discussions as a student... yet proudly wore the T. I cared to express my issues because I loved the university and wanted it to be better, not because I hated it.
Probably best ignored. If folks knew the politics of what a majority of their pro and college teams’ social and political views were…I don’t think many would like what they heard. Just do the math on the demographics of athletes and correlative voting and social views of said demographics…
Don’t read the tweets from all your favorite WNBA players.
Agree that they have. Does that mean that the other players who are not injecting politics should be punished by fans because they don't agree what some of the players are doing?
Part of being on a team. When you have that one guy that talks mad trash, the rest of the team has to be present for the reaction. They are the faces of the team. It is what it is.
Though I don't agree with most/all of some of the players' political stances, I think what you're saying here misrepresents/mischaracterizes what they actually believe and say. Them calling for change in ways they think will improve the country is not the same as hating the country. I don't even think Rapinoe has said she "hates" America. I find her distasteful and annoying, but the way she's spoken about things (that I've seen) in her career is about making change in America - not hating it.

And saying "we need improvement, it's not as great as other people say it is in my eyes, and it's not perfect" is totally fine imo. That's participating in society. I supported the Vols through Pruitt and they weren't up to my standard. I attended UT and actively expressed that leadership/admin wasn't good enough, our academics should be better, campus could be improved, etc and participated in those discussions as a student... yet proudly wore the T. I cared to express my issues because I loved the university and wanted it to be better, not because I hated it.

Your response is appreciated and I agree whole heartedly. My issue with this situation is people who are in the spot light and openly disrespecting the country that men and women of all skin tones and other arbitrary attributes have fought for and died to defend. When you kneel during the national anthem or other such actions, in my opinion it shows disrespect and makes it look as though you don't even like the nation you are representing. I think there are better ways to go about it but that is my opinion.
Your response is appreciated and I agree whole heartedly. My issue with this situation is people who are in the spot light and openly disrespecting the country that men and women of all skin tones and other arbitrary attributes have fought for and died to defend. When you kneel during the national anthem or other such actions, in my opinion it shows disrespect and makes it look as though you don't even like the nation you are representing. I think there are better ways to go about it but that is my opinion.
That's fair, and I totally understand that perspective.
In my opinion, if you are luke warm on the country you are supposed to be representing then don't represent them. Don't say The United States is a awful place and then put on a uniform with the Stars and Stripes on it. If you want to take a political stand then take it. Everyone has that right in this country but also have some dignity and don't represent something you think is not up to your standard.
She said it was an awful place? Or an awful place for some? Honestly idk, not aware of what she’s said.


Critiquing one’s own should be of high value. That is holding yourselves to a higher standard. It is asking them to be better, why would one not do so? Surely one does this for him or herself, their family, their company, etc.

The opposite is yes men and dogmatic patriotism, one of the most dangerous things ever.

I have a hard time believing anyone here seriously thinks this country is perfect. In fact, I read it every month about how bad it is and how it’s getting worse, but…from other angles. Criticism is criticism. All should be welcomed and processed. Otherwise it is our heads in the sand.
Your response is appreciated and I agree whole heartedly. My issue with this situation is people who are in the spot light and openly disrespecting the country that men and women of all skin tones and other arbitrary attributes have fought for and died to defend. When you kneel during the national anthem or other such actions, in my opinion it shows disrespect and makes it look as though you don't even like the nation you are representing. I think there are better ways to go about it but that is my opinion.
Colin Kaepernick lost his profession over not standing for Anthem.NFL wanted no part of that publicity....
Injecting politics into things, like sports - categorically is really really stupid. Those ladies are Murcan, I def get behind them, and before the twss mafia gets me, I mean support their efforts on the field.
Those ladies injected politics into it first by refusing to respect our National Anthem. You failed to see that.
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She said it was an awful place? Or an awful place for some? Honestly idk, not aware of what she’s said.


Critiquing one’s own should be of high value. That is holding yourselves to a higher standard. It is asking them to be better, why would one not do so? Surely one does this for him or herself, their family, their company, etc.

The opposite is yes men and dogmatic patriotism, one of the most dangerous things ever.

I have a hard time believing anyone here seriously thinks this country is perfect. In fact, I read it every month about how bad it is and how it’s getting worse, but…from other angles. Criticism is criticism. All should be welcomed and processed. Otherwise it is our heads in the sand.
I think there is room for criticism but also that many criticisms which are currently proffered are somewhat unfair. If that makes any sense.
Though I don't agree with most/all of some of the players' political stances, I think what you're saying here misrepresents/mischaracterizes what they actually believe and say. Them calling for change in ways they think will improve the country is not the same as hating the country. I don't even think Rapinoe has said she "hates" America. I find her distasteful and annoying, but the way she's spoken about things (that I've seen) in her career is about making change in America - not hating it.

And saying "we need improvement, it's not as great as other people say it is in my eyes, and it's not perfect" is totally fine imo. That's participating in society. I supported the Vols through Pruitt and they weren't up to my standard. I attended UT and actively expressed that leadership/admin wasn't good enough, our academics should be better, campus could be improved, etc and participated in those discussions as a student... yet proudly wore the T. I cared to express my issues because I loved the university and wanted it to be better, not because I hated it.
As usual, you said it better than me.

People want what’s best. But that comes in many different forms, which we will surely disagree on in ways.

The demonization of the “others” is what traps us in tribalism.

I still remember a boss at work that was 100% Dem 100% of the time. Dems could no wrong. Reps could do NO right. It was absurd how he would go through hoops to supports this worldview he had built in his head. I wanted to slap the living hell out of the guy and tell him how divisive and simplistic and arrogant such a view was. But I also didn’t want to get fired so I just scoffed at him constantly 😤
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As usual, you said it better than me.

People want what’s best. But that comes in many different forms, which we will surely disagree on in ways.

The demonization of the “others” is what traps us in tribalism.

I still remember a boss at work that was 100% Dem 100% of the time. Dems could no wrong. Reps could do NO right. It was absurd how he would go through hoops to supports this worldview he had built in his head. I wanted to slap the living hell out of the guy and tell him how divisive and simplistic and arrogant such a view was. But I also didn’t want to get fired so I just scoffed at him constantly 😤
If people want to hear about everything wrong with America they can turn on the evening news.

Most people don’t turn to sports to get their daily lecture on how bad things are here.
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Your response is appreciated and I agree whole heartedly. My issue with this situation is people who are in the spot light and openly disrespecting the country that men and women of all skin tones and other arbitrary attributes have fought for and died to defend. When you kneel during the national anthem or other such actions, in my opinion it shows disrespect and makes it look as though you don't even like the nation you are representing. I think there are better ways to go about it but that is my opinion.
Kneeling has never had anything to do with vets. This is simply an old trope that never was.

Not even sure how it came about, people protesting against the actions against some minority group…and people take away from it they are spitting on vets? Absolutely nothing to do with them.

People seem to think what they want, without digging in. It’s like Drew Brees…literally 5 years later and surrounded by NFL players…and he then says oh someone had to explain it to him. Sounds like head in the sand to me. I could maybe at least get people that don’t converse across various groups of society not understanding the meaning behind kneeling, but Drew…?? 🤪

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