was it coaching that cost us the game or talant.



Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2013
If we swaped mariotte for worley would we of had a chance...i think so. you cant run a read option without the option part
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We were outplayed in every facet of the game. They were much, much quicker with their no huddle and made the right calls to exploit our D to it's fullest. We could have made it more competitive with a quality QB, but once that offense got in rhythm we simply could not hang with them. Oregon dominated, period.
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If this staff had Mariotta, it'd be their wet dream.

Smart kid, mobile, good arm, good composure.

That is their picture perfect QB.

A cement shoed, inaccurate, easily rattled QB with no arm strength is definitely not it, I'd wager.
We were simply out-talented, but I was disappointed we kept punting the ball though.
The talent gap was humongous, but OC did not call a great game. We had way too many running plays designed to go from one flank around the opposite end. Against Oregon's tem speed, that borders on stupid.
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It was talent. UT doesn't belong on the field with teams like that right now. Better coaching might have kept the game a little closer for a little longer, but ultimately UT never had a chance yesterday.
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If we swaped mariotte for worley would we of had a chance...i think so. you cant run a read option without the option part

you are right. if we SWAPED our worst player for their best player at the most important position in football...we would OF had a chance
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There has never been a coaching staff that would have kept this TN team close to this Oregon team in their 3rd game. To believe otherwise is simply bewildering.
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I dont see how people state that the talent gap is that big? According to Rivals our classes have been very similar.

Quit looking at recruiting as a comparison...Oregon has been recruiting for a system for 8 years....we have Changed our system 10 times in the last 7 years both defensively and offensively. You cannot do this and expect to win without stability in the coaching and staff....Dooley made the biggest impact with the staff changes and micromanagement.

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