was it coaching that cost us the game or talant.

If this staff had Mariotta, it'd be their wet dream.

Smart kid, mobile, good arm, good composure.

That is their picture perfect QB.

A cement shoed, inaccurate, easily rattled QB with no arm strength is definitely not it, I'd wager.

recruiting-wise tennessee is one of the most prestigious schools in the country for football. half the four and 5 star recruits will at least give tennessee a look. mariota was a three star recruit in both of the major services and got only one offer from a major program and that was us. then after he verballed to us the washington huskies went after him hard. but that was it.

my question is this: why didnt tennessee recruit him? he wasnt that big a deal 3 years ago.
Watch the game, the answer to you question will be self evident
Football is 85% physical, the other half is mental
the kids have to learn how to win and learn how to be tough. the key is butch and his staff using these moments to teach and you will see which kids are willing to go through the process
The talent gap was humongous, but OC did not call a great game. We had way too many running plays designed to go from one flank around the opposite end. Against Oregon's tem speed, that borders on stupid.

The ONLY way we could possibly win this game is running the ball...the speed at the corners was way too quick for our end game...BUT...you have to run those plays...all the cries and sobbing over this game and the one thing I think we should be concerned with is the inability to run the football especially given the size and experience of our offensive line....Could establishing the run made a huge difference...well even the novice spectator knows it would have...enough to win? Maybe not...and those wanting to sling the ball all over the place...we have neither the QB or the recievers to do that...YET...Inability to run the ball is the EXACT reason we saw Oregon score 59 points...Lets move on...
And I might add I can think of no other school is college football that was a worse matchup for us than Oregon...none...As I was once told by the greatest defensive cooridnator that ever coach at the collegiate level..."Football is about two things....spacing and mismatches"...in a nutshell...I think that was on full display Saturday at Oregon....
If we swaped mariotte for worley would we of had a chance...i think so. you cant run a read option without the option part

1st its Mariota.

2nd we would still get spanked. I'm not sure Tom Brady would have done any better. Oregon's HC has never been a HC. Talent killed.
Actually yes it is coaching. The last coaches not coaching the tale on hand and bringing good in.
Very bad play at QB and a lack of team speed. I truly believe we had as much talent as the ducks but speed kills. If you watch the game again you will see that there speed just domainted our vols. A total lack of team speed on the whole field
Talent is why we lost. Coaching was why we got blown out. Using a conservative run heavy, chew clock offense we could have kept it within 14-21 pts. Trying up tempo against a team that does it better is a bad idea. Also, felt like we should have taken a few chances, we had nothing to lose.

Not to mention I can count on both hands the times Worley has a wide open receiver and made a bad throw.
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Talent is why we lost. Coaching was why we got blown out. Using a conservative run heavy, chew clock offense we could have kept it within 14-21 pts. Trying up tempo against a team that does it better is a bad idea. Also, felt like we should have taken a few chances, we had nothing to lose.

Not to mention I can count on both hands the times Worley has a wide open receiver and made a bad throw.

I agree 100%. That's why Stanford is Oregon's worse nightmare. Pro style, heavy run, chew clock, and keep Oregon's offense off the field.
I'd say 110% talent. You can't coach what you don't have. I don't care if Saban was coaching this team. Walk ons in the 2 deep folks---
95% talent 5% coaching. We could have had Saban as our coach and it would it have made a difference. Without the talent, no coach can be successful.
This game is entirely due to coaches.

It started with Fulmer. Kiffin didn't help. Then Dooley nuked the football team.

That's why we are where we are today.

Hopefully Butch can undo it.
Talent and TIME. Oregon's been doing the same thing now and recruiting for the system we witnessed for over 5 years. We've been changing coaching staffs again and again during that time.

Also, you play the plays that players can run. Between injuries, depth, and youth, we have what we have. Our only hope is that these guys develop fast - and that will be the result of both the coaching staff and each player's willingness to put in personal OT toward their growth.
Harbaugh could have coached the game of his life and still be taken to the cleaners. They had way more talent/depth than us.

Except he had less across-the-field recruited talent than us and went 1-1 against Oregon. Same with his successor.
I was at the game and the most disappointing part to me was that our defense was unprepared for their up tempo style and different formations. My biggest criticism of Sal's defense last year was that we could rarely line up correctly and that lead to big plays. I don't think a Saban/Kirby coached defense would have been able to totally contain Oregon with our current talent. However, when Oregon sends a 3 WR bunch formation to one side, they would at least have 3 defenders out there to line up against them. On a couple of plays against that formation we had 1, several we had 2, and rarely did we have 3 out wide and ready to defend it. That is 100% coaching and preparation! Doesn't matter if we have a walk on, 2 star or 5 star defensive player in the game, they should have learned in practice last week how to at least line up against Oregon's different formations.
I don't blame the coaches for the loss and I'm still behind our coaches, but I hope they learn as much from this game as our players will no doubt learn.
was it coaching that cost us the game or talant

If you don't know the answer to that question quit watching and talking football....you're hopeless. A decent QB would have helped decrease the margin of victory but we would have lost regardless of coaching. Speed kills...and Oregon had all the speed.

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