was it coaching that cost us the game or talant.

There certainly were things the coaching staff could have done better/different but yesterday was all about talent and depth.

Yesterday was a great opportunity for this new staff to judge our program against a program that is doing great things. We obviously have a lot of work to do. I hope we see continuous improvement throughout the season with the roster we have now.
The talent gap was humongous, but OC did not call a great game. We had way too many running plays designed to go from one flank around the opposite end. Against Oregon's tem speed, that borders on stupid.

It was the only thing we could do . Oregon played inside out , attacking our interior run gaps. They keyed run all day ....paying little notice to our passing game.

We could have run up the middle ...but it would not have helped

We have no passing game . We wont be able to back defenses off of the run until we get one . teams are going to dare Worley and our motley bunch of receivers to beat them ....they are going to attack the middle gaps and force the runs outside . Wouldn't you ?
As bad as it is right now, next year is going to be worse I am afraid...O-line gone, many of the experienced players on defense gone, schedule is just as tough if not more so.

Anyone who thinks any coach out there could turn this program around in 3 years with the talent, schedule, and mismanagement this program has endured for the last several years is sorely mistaken.

And anyone calling for Jones' head this early is a fecking idiot.

5 years, folks. And if it isn't done by then, we become Kentucky/ole Miss for the foreseeable future.
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Our QB makes us one-dimensional. Play calling is conservative, because our QB is inconsistent and inaccurate, we have no vertical passing game and our young WRs are still learning routes. Our RBs have improved, but they're too tentative. The freshmen will improve as the season goes on, but Worley has talent limitations. If he's the best we have, our upside is limited. SEC teams will watch the film and ram our shortcomings down our throat. I still think we'll see a QB change at some point, probably after we drop a few SEC games. JMO.
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If we swaped mariotte for worley would we of had a chance...i think so. you cant run a read option without the option part

No, we would not have won. One team who is starting walk-ons would beat Oregon. There is a reason they are walk-ons and usually it is that they are not good enough to earn a scholarship. There are too many hole to fill other than at QB.
Our QB makes us one-dimensional. Play calling is conservative, because our QB is inconsistent and inaccurate, we have no vertical passing game and our young WRs are still learning routes. Our RBs have improved, but they're too tentative. The freshmen will improve as the season goes on, but Worley has talent limitations. If he's the best we have, our upside is limited. SEC teams will watch the film and ram our shortcomings down our throat. I still think we'll see a QB change at some point, probably after we drop a few SEC games. JMO.

You have echoed my comments . We get QB play , convert drives , suddenly our running game is better and our defense is better because they are off the field . The question is when will we get QB play
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Neither. It was all the negavol fans.

This was probably the most mismatched we will be all year ,baring more injuries, Oregon gets their players matched one on one, simply pick out the best option and out run you. We will not lose another game by this much. In fact if we had consistent Qb play we could have moved the ball on them and not just 3 and out. it could have been much closer at least. I'm not saying close, but closer
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The talent gap was humongous, but OC did not call a great game. We had way too many running plays designed to go from one flank around the opposite end. Against Oregon's tem speed, that borders on stupid.

from the left side all the across to the other flank? It is too much lateral running before you get to the hole--if there is a hole--and there often wasn't because Oregon got guys to the spot where we were trying to run. And we ran that dumb play 20 times.
If you think our secondary and CBs can keep up with their receivers....you're just one special jelly donut....

Not to mention that you can not pass rush ...you contain rush . You cannot blitz with a running QB because of the extra gap they create .

So basically our slower corners have to follow their faster receivers around for a longer period of time.
After they have been exhausted because our QB cannot maintain drives .

Its funny though ...if we had dominant interior D tackles, the same bozo's that are dogging the secondary would be singing their praises the loudest ( for the bozo's...they secondary would look better if we instantly collapsed the pocket while containing the run as LSU did to them )
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I dont see how people state that the talent gap is that big? According to Rivals our classes have been very similar.

Oregon recruited all those guys to their system, which they have all run since they got there. They have had a continuity of coaching staff, system, and message since they got on campus. On the other hand Tennessee has had 4 coaching changes, maybe 5 if you count the mass defections after Dooley's 2nd year. At least three different offenses and switched from 4-3 to 3-4 and back to 4-3 on defense. Many of the better recruits for the Vols have been lost to attrition of one kind or another. So your point is valid in that the raw athletic talent on these two teams would not merit a 59-14 score, but all the other circumstances have sadly gotten us to this point.

As a fan or a player the best thing to do with the Oregon game is forget it and move on. Players need to focus on next week. Our defense will look a lot better against Florida, but honestly I don't know where we get any points. My early guess would be Gators 17-6.
90% Talent 10% Coaching

I don't think Butch and staff were prepared for this kind of offense, but it really wouldn't have mattered in the end. Since Worley couldn't convert on 3rd down, the Vols never had a chance.
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Has there ever been a 45 point loss in the history of football that was due to coaching?
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...A cement shoed, inaccurate, easily rattled QB with no arm strength is definitely not it...
Our QB makes us one-dimensional. Play calling is conservative, because our QB is inconsistent and inaccurate, we have no vertical passing game and our young WRs are still learning routes. Our RBs have improved, but they're too tentative.... Worley has talent limitations. If he's the best we have, our upside is limited. SEC teams will watch the film and ram our shortcomings down our throat. I still think we'll see a QB change at some point, probably after we drop a few SEC games. JMO.
Has there ever been a 45 point loss in the history of football that was due to coaching?
All the above. CBJ could have had pixie dust, a rabbit's foot, thrown bones and chanted with burning incense and it wouldn't have made any difference. The dearth of talent or play-makers leaves little for an expansive play book. Get fancy and we likely would have turned the ball over and made it uglier.
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All the above. CBJ could have had pixie dust, a rabbit's foot, thrown bones and chanted with burning incense and it wouldn't have made any difference. The dearth of talent or play-makers leaves little for an expansive play book. Get fancy and we likely would have turned the ball over and made it uglier.

smart , funny and informative. Thank you for not being a bozo today , so many others have fallen victim.
And you think we were in man-to-man coverage for most of the game? Oh, ok, just carry on....

It goes deeper than the type of coverage we were in. You cant pass rush Oregon via your DEs . You have to contain the edge . You. have an extra gap against zone read teams with a running QB...usually the weakside gap.

This extra gap makes it almost impossible to blitz to bring pressure. If you do , you are selling out somewhere.

What you need to defend Oregon is something we just dont have . Dominate interior defensive tackles. You must contain on the edge and collapse the pocket from the inside . See the LSU Oregon game .

If you cant do that ...then you are going to have fast receivers running by man coverage or find easy places to sit down in zones . They have all the time in the world to do it because there is no pass rush. The best secondary would wilt

Also considering the fact that we dont have a qb that can sustain drives , the Ducks just keyed on our run...more guys defending gaps than blockers. Defense is back on the field , exhausted, and ready to face the impossible task again.

The reason for this beatdown can be traced to the two positions or defensive tackles and QB ...not Oline and not the secondary . Give those guys some help and they would look alot better

In football , the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. A good football team is a machine . Our machine is missing a radiator and a spark plug. Dont hate on the battery and cam shaft
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from the left side all the across to the other flank? It is too much lateral running before you get to the hole--if there is a hole--and there often wasn't because Oregon got guys to the spot where we were trying to run. And we ran that dumb play 20 times.

we had to. Oregon had no threat from our QB and receivers. They were free to key on the A B and C gaps turning all of our running plays to the edges ...which is football 101 ( inside out defense )

So if you could not pass because of ineffective players and your opponent centered their defense on your interior gaps because they have free resources due to your shortcomings in the passing game...where would you call the play to go ? maybe where they are not ? I guess we could have ran to the middle . There were more defenders than blockers there , guess we could have taken the 2 yards .

Point is , we had to pass and pose an intermediate threat ...whick worley and our rag tag receivers are incapable of doing
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