With the exception of maybe 1-2 guys on here, nobody ordained him shiite. Most everybody who has commented on Riley has either "reported on him" via sources like VQ or simply said, "hey, the reports on this kid's talent is good, he's the only one we didn't see play last year and he couldn't be worse than the other 3". That pretty much sums up 90% of the "pro- Riley" posts on here since Spring started.
On the other hand, the irrational dislike for this kid and anyone who dared to cut and paste quotes on his performance/status/playing time has been unreal prior to this week's revelations about him leaving.
There's been no mythology about this kid IMO. Just a question as to whether or not he's better than the other 3 and if he would play QB at UT. We now have an answer to the second question and it's no .... we never will have one for the first.