All vaccines will be mRNA based in the very near future. It is a safer and more effective technology. There is no virus or bacteria involved. Its components are lipid, mRNA, and a couple of salts for preservatives. There is nothing in it that you don't ingest with every bite of food you will ever eat (not including the microchip of course).
Bizarre to me that when someone steps on a nail they want a tetanus shot. They've never seen a case of tetanus, never had tetanus, never heard of anyone having had tetanus, don't know what tetanus is or if there are alternative treatments and much less what are the potential side effects. They don't know what the ingredients are in the tetanus vaccine. They don't even know it comes from China. Then comes a safer vaccine, produced in developed countries for a disease that has killed more Americans in 18 months than every war we have ever fought collectively since 1775 and they want nothing to do with it.