I don’t really care about the my body, my choice movement that’s going on with the vaccine right now. I just won’t get it, because people are trying to publicly shame people into getting it. I don’t care if it’s the best vaccine ever made. Once somebody try’s to shame me into doing anything, I’ll do the exact opposite. I do what I want, when I want, and if that pisses you off go move to a more authoritarian country. If people actually wanted me to get it for my own health benefit, then I would, but public shaming is just a big turn off. I rather give you the middle finger, than do what you want because it fits your political agenda. Also I’m 24, and I don’t know of a single friend that’s died with this. I have some older family members who have, but I gotta be honest they were on their way out anyways. Covid doesn’t scare me and as far as I’m concerned this is the lefts 9/11. The right back in the day fear mongered using terrorist, now the lefts taking that same play book with covid. The right lost the culture doing that, and I think the left is fully on its way into doing the same.