We’re Ranked 5th: Why so much worry?

Not quite to your level of sunshine pumping but realistic answers follow:

- our oline isn’t deep and is a weakness - If we get Heard and Campbell back and healthy its not a problem but a strength. We can manage with Larry Johnson and Dayne Davis against everybody except Bama and Georgia then it gets a bit dicey. If we have to go deeper than that we are in trouble
- Heupel went into a conservative shell - CJH did to OU exactly what Kirby did to us in the 2022 game. The way the defense was playing, the only way we lose is to continue to turn the ball over. Run the ball, run the clock, punt them deep and make them go the length of the field. Josh battling OL injuries, Kirby battling the rain. We beat OU, Smart beat us, that's the long and short of it.
- Haven’t faced a “real “ passing attack yet - This is true. No need to worry though we don't have Ol' Miss or Texas on the schedule. Bama is good, but not exactly Spurriers Fun and Gun. I like what I see in McCoy, Gibson and Carter. They stay healthy we'll match up fine with anyone we play because we have a pass rush.
- WRs underperforming - Yes...and No. The WR's themselves are fine. The OL protecting Nico long enough for our longer routes to develop is the issue. When we had 2 TEs in the game and held the RB in to pass protect we gave Thornton time enough to run his crossing route and boom! 66 yards and a TD. If our starting OTs remain out we'll just have to run more mass protect when we want to go deep. The main problem with this is you'll have fewer reps for the WR room and less down field options for Nico.
This is what happens when you ONLY pay attention to your team.
All of a sudden:
- our oline isn’t deep and is a weakness
- Heupel went into a conservative shell
- Haven’t faced a “real “ passing attack yet….
I’m sorry…what does the defense practice against EVERYDAY???
- WRs underperforming

NONSENSE ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻
Every single bit of it.

How do you think UGA felt about barely beating Kentucky?? What about Alabama and their closer that expected game against South Florida
We just beat the Oklahoma Sooner on their HOME FIELD, and didn’t play as well as we could.

▪️You don’t understand that running 3.8 yards per carry in the teeth of a run stopping defense builds character and puts us in 3rd and short!
▪️You don’t understand that on paper Oklahoma is more talented- yet was never a threat to win on their home field…
▪️ You don’t see that we have 10 freshmen on the olineman (some RS) and still wonder why we struggled AT TIMES with one of the better defenses in college football. Guess what? They will get older as this season progresses and into next season!
▪️ You don’t see that we have won games through big pass plays. Slow grinding games. Defense causing turnovers. Nico converting crucial 3rd downs to keep our offense on the field and clock running. We’re not a one trick pony. How do you truly stop a team that can win ANYWAY they WANT to???

We’ve beaten 2 Top 25 Teams so far this year- and there has not been one second that we weren’t in control of the games.
I agree there has been an overreaction on those issues. There is reason to be concerned about OT. Part of Heupel's reason for going conservative is that he wasn't sure pass pro could hold up. OU has a good DL and pass rush... but probably not the best the Vols will see.

Even recognizing that UT has not faced an elite passing attack, I'm pretty stoked about the way they've played.
Not quite to your level of sunshine pumping but realistic answers follow:

- our oline isn’t deep and is a weakness - If we get Heard and Campbell back and healthy its not a problem but a strength. We can manage with Larry Johnson and Dayne Davis against everybody except Bama and Georgia then it gets a bit dicey. If we have to go deeper than that we are in trouble
- Heupel went into a conservative shell - CJH did to OU exactly what Kirby did to us in the 2022 game. The way the defense was playing, the only way we lose is to continue to turn the ball over. Run the ball, run the clock, punt them deep and make them go the length of the field. Josh battling OL injuries, Kirby battling the rain. We beat OU, Smart beat us, that's the long and short of it.
- Haven’t faced a “real “ passing attack yet - This is true. No need to worry though we don't have Ol' Miss or Texas on the schedule. Bama is good, but not exactly Spurriers Fun and Gun. I like what I see in McCoy, Gibson and Carter. They stay healthy we'll match up fine with anyone we play because we have a pass rush.
- WRs underperforming - Yes...and No. The WR's themselves are fine. The OL protecting Nico long enough for our longer routes to develop is the issue. When we had 2 TEs in the game and held the RB in to pass protect we gave Thornton time enough to run his crossing route and boom! 66 yards and a TD. If our starting OTs remain out we'll just have to run more mass protect when we want to go deep. The main problem with this is you'll have fewer reps for the WR room and less down field options for Nico.

I hadn't thought of the 2nd bullet but that is a great point. Our game play resembled 2022 Georgia.

The one item that seems to be missing from this team is the mid-passing routes. The 8-15 yard passes including slants, 5 and ins, etc. I don't see a lot of these plays taking place. There were two 3rd and longs Nico converted in 2nd half that fit this bill and it seemed pretty easy. It seems more tactical but it is concerning.
OP, This team doesn't look like a team that can go 12-0... just sayin.

We have deficiencies and this is the place to discuss those.
Name me a team in week 4 that has 0 deficiencies ? We can definitely go 12-0 I wouldn’t bet on it but I wouldn’t be surprised either… both Bama and UGA have struggled with teams far inferior to ours.
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They were ranked 25th. Did I say they were the 25th best team in the country?

80-100th?? The fact that you would even say that tells me everything. Bottom of the ACC is still a top 70 team 🙄 Just count the teams in the P4.

If you’re bound and determined to crap on a 4-0 ranked 5th ranked Tennessee team…have at it.

Lose that…
A losing mentality.
Funny, Sagarin and FPI both have them sitting at 80 right now. Their schedule has quite a few losses left on it. Like I said, tell yourself what you want. That win was hardly a quality win.
I have been sitting on one butt cheek during football games since Butch. That guy tormented all of us with his belly up coaching style. Even when we had some athletes he always coached to not lose instead of coaching to win. Too many times we looked good on paper just to lay an egg on the field when it mattered. I need to get over it but that is where by BVS started. I hope ole Lyle enjoys his repeat beatdowns from better coaches and teams at Arky State.
You failed to mention “worry”
Sure, I'll add my thoughts about "worry"

Worry definition: 'cause of anxiety'.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.
And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his life?

Pretty sure we all have many more serious problems than to have the slightest worry about Tennessee football in comparison.
My whine is I can't find any chocolate covered Premium Saltine Crackers at the store. I'll try looking for the Ritz version now.
So much for Oklahoma's entrance to the SEC.....
I'm just so glad we were the ones the get to Welcome them in!!! GBO
Why you want to be such an ass?

Do you think we looked like a 12-0 team Saturday night? That would be a really low IQ analysis if so.
Does anyone look like a 12-0 team? Do you even read the rest of the thread?

I want to be an ass because asinine "opinions" always deserve to be treated poorly.
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OP, This team doesn't look like a team that can go 12-0... just sayin.

We have deficiencies and this is the place to discuss those.

That’s another thing to consider. The goal doesn’t have to be to go undefeated to make the playoffs anymore. Are we dangerous enough to go 10-2 and still win some playoff games?
Does anyone look like a 12-0 team? Do you even read the rest of the thread?

I want to be an ass because asinine "opinions" always deserve to be treated poorly.
Again, strawman, this thread is specifically about the Vols.

The OP doesn't like people questioning or discussing this team's deficiencies as though that's some form of BVS.

THAT in itself is asinine, thie whole premise of this thread is asinine and I'm being attacked for pointing that out. It's beyond ridiculous.

I'm done, have a nice day.
Again, strawman, this thread is specifically about the Vols.

The OP doesn't like people questioning or discussing this team's deficiencies as though that's some form of BVS.

THAT in itself is asinine, thie whole premise of this thread is asinine and I'm being attacked for pointing that out. It's beyond ridiculous.

I'm done, have a nice day.
Says the guy who brought up Texas and OSU out of nowhere 🥴

Question and discuss all you want, but don't get mad when people laugh at you and call you out for clearly not understanding what you (supposedly) just watched and still having the audacity to share an opinion about it.
Says the guy who brought up Texas and OSU out of nowhere 🥴

Question and discuss all you want, but don't get mad when people laugh at you and call you out for clearly not understanding what you (supposedly) just watched and still having the wherewithal to share an opinion about it.
Yeah, I made the mistake of trying to respond to someone else's strawman, my bad.
Not quite to your level of sunshine pumping but realistic answers follow:

- our oline isn’t deep and is a weakness - If we get Heard and Campbell back and healthy its not a problem but a strength. We can manage with Larry Johnson and Dayne Davis against everybody except Bama and Georgia then it gets a bit dicey. If we have to go deeper than that we are in trouble
- Heupel went into a conservative shell - CJH did to OU exactly what Kirby did to us in the 2022 game. The way the defense was playing, the only way we lose is to continue to turn the ball over. Run the ball, run the clock, punt them deep and make them go the length of the field. Josh battling OL injuries, Kirby battling the rain. We beat OU, Smart beat us, that's the long and short of it.
- Haven’t faced a “real “ passing attack yet - This is true. No need to worry though we don't have Ol' Miss or Texas on the schedule. Bama is good, but not exactly Spurriers Fun and Gun. I like what I see in McCoy, Gibson and Carter. They stay healthy we'll match up fine with anyone we play because we have a pass rush.
- WRs underperforming - Yes...and No. The WR's themselves are fine. The OL protecting Nico long enough for our longer routes to develop is the issue. When we had 2 TEs in the game and held the RB in to pass protect we gave Thornton time enough to run his crossing route and boom! 66 yards and a TD. If our starting OTs remain out we'll just have to run more mass protect when we want to go deep. The main problem with this is you'll have fewer reps for the WR room and less down field options for Nico.
Spot on👍
Not going to reply to all, just want to say that if we get into a similar situation offensively that we did Saturday night against Bama or UGA, we will lose.

Again, tOSU is a 12-0 team based on their schedule. Doesn't mean we aren't better but we aren't in the Big10.

TX has only one real game looming on their schedule and they have a very real chance of winning it, so yes they look like a 12-0 team.
Nico had 194 yards and a touchdown on only 21 attempts.What would the game have looked like if he'd have been allowed to throw it 35 or more times?Would he have turned it over or maybe connected on a few more deep balls?We don't know.OU played good defense but let's not pretend Coach Heupel didn't strategically go very conservative in the second half.
All we gotta do is scheme to Thornton more, as we did with Hyatt 2 years ago and the offense will be fine. That guy is pretty much uncoverable. Yeah he struggled last year but has become our best scoring weapon besides Sampson.

The only problem is that he isn’t on the field near as much as he probably should be. Same for Bru. Squirrel is alright, but hasn’t really taken that next step that I hoped he would yet. Brazzell has been good so far, and is still very young, while we have seen Matthews flash his potential. Webb and Nimrod are buried on the depth chart, which should be the case until next year with Bru and Thornton both graduating.

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