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1 Corinthians 13:11
"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."
The bible even tells me not to believe in fairy tales...
The "love" chapter in the bible. Right on. Must read the whole chapter 13 in it's entirety. Christ loves you brother! If only all of us on this earth would apply this to eachother, spouses, kids etc, the world would be so much better. Take care VOLatile. Hey...Go vols!
Good question.
If they pick parts of it to follow are they christians?
Wait, I can't cherry pick the bible like Christians do?
If they call themselves Christians, who/how am I to judge whether they're true Christians or not?
Unfortunately that does happen often, but not with all my friend. All I know is that I have to be one of the worst of the worst when it comes to sinning and falling short of goodness. That's why a personal Savior in Christ is the ONLY one who can save my wretched self. Christ has made me a better person but i'm still a screw up and will be til i die. Thank The Good Lord I've been forgiven by the blood of Christ because I sure can't seem to find forgiveness amongst Christians, Atheists, etc etc. In HIM I have peace. Nothing else. Oh, Yes, I love Christ with all my heart but can't tolerate "religion". Big difference.
Can I call myself a muslim without adhering to the teachings of islam?
If you have a pretty good knowledge of the Bible you can see such situations. Do I ultimately decide or judge them, no.
The Bible instructs to be on your guard against false teaching that can lead you astray. Westboro Baptist is a good example.
You could call yourself a Muslim without adhering to ALL teaching of Islam.
But I think we agree on this point: you can't go off spouting to non-believers without first adhering fully to what you believe in.