We are doomed...Anthem/kneeling law

The free market will sort this out once the NIL legislation is passed. When college athletes can legally make money off of autographs and appearances some of them will have a choice to make.
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Dumb move by the state senators.

I don't agree with kneeling during the Anthem, but I served 26 years in uniform to help preserve the liberty of our lads or lasses to do that, if they feel it is important.

Much better than trying to force them in this heavy-handed manner, why don't we have a dialogue with our students about the true meaning of that flag, the values that it represents--not the neodeconstructionist version that paints all dead white males from George Washington on down as the Enemy, but the true values of this nation which have been there from the start in SPITE of the darker elements of our history, like slavery.

If our young folks could understand the symbol of our flag the way I and others here understand it, they'd kneel before and after, but stand during. To honor both our country and our causes.

That's the better way.
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Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas are more conservative than Tennessee.
Yes, but who cares what they are? I mean, other than the politicians trying to get elected. Let's worry about who we are, and leave them to sort themselves out.
Recall a UTC coach got fired for exercising his first amendments rights just a couple months ago

There is a difference between being fired for a comment you make and having a state mandated policy to stand at attention for a national anthem. People all over the world get fired for comments everyday. Only in places like Iran and North Korea are you legally obliged to stand for the national anthem.
Why is the anthem even played before sporting events? Why do sports and patriotism have to go hand in hand? I dont get it.
There is a difference between being fired for a comment you make and having a state mandated policy to stand at attention for a national anthem. People all over the world get fired for comments everyday. Only in places like Iran and North Korea are you legally obliged to stand for the national anthem.
No there’s not
Dumb move by the state senators.

I don't agree with kneeling during the Anthem, but I served 26 years in uniform to preserve the liberty of our lads or lasses to do that, if they feel it is important.

Much better than trying to force them in this heavy-handed manner, why don't we have a dialogue with our students about the true meaning of that flag, the values that it represents--not the neodeconstructionist version that paints all dead white males from George Washington on down as the Enemy, but the true values of this nation which have been there from the start in SPITE of the darker elements of our history, like slavery.

If our young folks could understand the symbol of our flag the way I and others here understand it, they'd kneel before and after, but stand during. To honor both our country and our causes.

That's the better way.
At some point, people are gonna say sports or no sports, I’m done. The “protest” is a pressure tactic to get everyone to cave to demands. It works...until it doesn’t. The problem is the athletes think they are negotiating with the conference/league and schools/teams. But the paying customers - through taxes, gate receipts, and advertising dollars - have the final say. Because it’s entertainment and people have choices that don’t involve politics.

You are correct that there are other ways. Ron Rivera knelt for the coin toss but stood for the anthem. But the power is by making it a group move.
Why is the anthem even played before sporting events? Why do sports and patriotism have to go hand in hand? I dont get it.
The anthem unites us. We're all Americans. Well, mostly, there's probably a few illegal aliens--sorry, undocumented migrants--at the game, but still, almost all Americans. So we stand united before dividing up into teams and trying to pummel each other senseless.

White, black, brown, yellow, red, or purple, democrat or republican, male or female, young or old, rich or poor, we're all Americans. Okay, all except for that guy right there.

It has always been a unifying pre-game event. Not working so well right now, huh?
Sports were the one thing we could all agree with. That’s my team. That’s my town. That’s my school. And people could cheer when the team made us proud. No one checks your voter registration at the box office.

Athletes think that upstaging the event causes us to talk about the issue bothering them. But all too often they are among the least informed, just being used because of their popularity.
Yes, but who cares what they are? I mean, other than the politicians trying to get elected. Let's worry about who we are, and leave them to sort themselves out.
Just saying it is a hot button issue and I promise you there will be other states passing similar legislation. Red states are tired of the lectures and the bullying.
The anthem unites us. We're all Americans. Well, mostly, there's probably a few illegal aliens--sorry, undocumented migrants--at the game, but still, almost all Americans. So we stand united before dividing up into teams and trying to pummel each other senseless.

White, black, brown, yellow, red, or purple, democrat or republican, male or female, young or old, rich or poor, we're all Americans. Okay, all except for that guy right there.

It has always been a unifying pre-game event. Not working so well right now, huh?
I get where you're coming from and it makes sense. Just seems we might be better off doing away with this tradition.
Yes, we are doomed if our future generations are not patriotic enough to stand for the flag, then defense of our nation is indeed doomed. I too served, missed my family, and saw combat. I love our country and would do it all over again.

“5. We stand for the flag not for our generation but to set an example for the next generation.
“If we do not advocate a love of country to our children and the generations to come, then why would our children grow up to fight for their countries, the founding principles and moral truths?” Melania Trump asked in a recent speech to the United Nations. Passing along patriotism is crucial to the future survival of America. The color of white in the flag symbolizes the purity and innocence of our children.”
5 reasons we stand for the flag
It doesn’t require a state law. That is a violation of their 1a rights. It does require some notional expectation from the institution or on an institution by institution basis. And that’s how it should be handled.
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Had no idea the state was trying to legally prohibit that.

Whether you agree with that or not, taking away the right to do that will most certainly hurt recruiting for Tennessee colleges.
I don't necessarily support any kind of legislation along this line, but if it keeps an athlete from coming here then they can go **** themselves. That is a stoopid reason.
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Just saying it is a hot button issue and I promise you there will be other states passing similar legislation. Red states are tired of the lectures and the bullying.
Well, I've always held with that idea indoctrinated into my little brain by my dad and mom when I was just a lad: "JP, son, you don't worry about what Tony and David are out there doing, you just worry about finishing your supper. They're not gonna get the whuppin' for you if it comes to that."
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