We are doomed...Anthem/kneeling law

That’s what they want. Take away any semblance of unity. No flag, no anthem. Every institution and part of the Bill of Rights is besieged by this nonsense. It does not stop no matter what concessions are made for the sake of “inclusion.”
Possibly. When we hear of diversity, it seems to be portrayed in a stereotypical manner. Too often we lose sight of the fact that we are uniquely diverse in spite of our physical, ethnical or spiritual differences.
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That’s what they want. Take away any semblance of unity. No flag, no anthem. Every institution and part of the Bill of Rights is besieged by this nonsense. It does not stop no matter what concessions are made for the sake of “inclusion.”
I don’t see it as a concession I see it as taking away the platform so they won’t have anything to kneel for. They would be forced to disrespect the country on their own time
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Completely agree. But college athletes should be allowed to do it as distasteful as it is.
Why? They’re not allowed to cuss out referees or their own coaches if they feel like it. Where does this idea come from that they can do or say whatever they want to while on the field representing their university?
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The anthem unites us. We're all Americans. Well, mostly, there's probably a few illegal aliens--sorry, undocumented migrants--at the game, but still, almost all Americans. So we stand united before dividing up into teams and trying to pummel each other senseless.

White, black, brown, yellow, red, or purple, democrat or republican, male or female, young or old, rich or poor, we're all Americans. Okay, all except for that guy right there.

It has always been a unifying pre-game event. Not working so well right now, huh?
The US population of the woke and butt hurt has increased dramatically over the last decade
Why? They’re not allowed to cuss out referees or their own coaches if they feel like it. Where does this idea come from that they can do or say whatever they want to while on the field representing their university?

They are not paid employees like NFL players. Besides in today’s weak society you have to show tolerance of some kind. I hate it but it is what it is. If TN really goes through with this it’s gonna send a bad message to future recruits.
They are not paid employees like NFL players. Besides in today’s weak society you have to show tolerance of some kind. I hate it but it is what it is. If TN really goes through with this it’s gonna send a bad message to future recruits.
The first amendment doesnt say anything about paid employees. What you’re saying is basically true, this has nothing to do w first amendment rights. This is just placating the woke mob
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No, It crushes nothing. I am principled enough to know where I stand and you're sophomoric reply to my post doesn't change how I will deal with athletes that kneel.
Principled over something that doesn't affect your life in anyway, shape, form or fashion if it is practiced the way you want or not. None of your freedoms are jeopardized and no one in your family will lose life or limb because of it.

Discretion is the better part of valor.
Dumb move by the state senators.

I don't agree with kneeling during the Anthem, but I served 26 years in uniform to help preserve the liberty of our lads or lasses to do that, if they feel it is important.

Much better than trying to force them in this heavy-handed manner, why don't we have a dialogue with our students about the true meaning of that flag, the values that it represents--not the neodeconstructionist version that paints all dead white males from George Washington on down as the Enemy, but the true values of this nation which have been there from the start in SPITE of the darker elements of our history, like slavery.

If our young folks could understand the symbol of our flag the way I and others here understand it, they'd kneel before and after, but stand during. To honor both our country and our causes.

That's the better way.

Problem is most our young folk is gov educated so they're taugjt the flag is racist.
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Dumb move by the state senators.

I don't agree with kneeling during the Anthem, but I served 26 years in uniform to help preserve the liberty of our lads or lasses to do that, if they feel it is important.

Much better than trying to force them in this heavy-handed manner, why don't we have a dialogue with our students about the true meaning of that flag, the values that it represents--not the neodeconstructionist version that paints all dead white males from George Washington on down as the Enemy, but the true values of this nation which have been there from the start in SPITE of the darker elements of our history, like slavery.

If our young folks could understand the symbol of our flag the way I and others here understand it, they'd kneel before and after, but stand during. To honor both our country and our causes.

That's the better way.
Again, forget about this flag. You should be spending that same time and effort teaching them the actual thing that you swore to take an oath to uphold, which is the Constitution. Why try to even waste your time on something symbolic like a flag?

is it really that hard for you be not to see that the Constitution is far, far more important than a damn flag?
Problem is most our young folk is gov educated so they're taugjt the flag is racist.

Im not sure if I understand this. I was educated in a public school. I was not taught that the flag is racist. My kids go to public school and they are not taught that the flag is racist. My nieces and nephews attend public school and they are also not taught that the flag is racist. What forum is the government teaching kids where they are learning that the flag is racist?
Again, forget about this flag. You should be spending that same time and effort teaching them the actual thing that you swore to take an oath to uphold, which is the Constitution. Why try to even waste your time on something symbolic like a flag?

is it really that hard for you be not to see that the Constitution is far, far more important than a damn flag?

You can teach the ignorant. You can’t teach the dumb.
That’s what they want. Take away any semblance of unity. No flag, no anthem.
But its a sporting event. A meaningless game. Why do we need these things for stupid games? I could see only having the Anthem during major events like Super Bowl, CFBNC, World Series, etc. That would make sense to me. Playing the Anthem before every single sporting event just seems a tad unnecessary, especially for the BS its causing. Forced patriotism isn't really patriotism.
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They would probably be tortured and or punished somehow.

So what is your point?
Just seems a bit ironic that those protesting and advocating for a fundamental change to a socialist system would be tortured or punished somehow if they felt the need to protest at some point after they get what they think they want. As the old adage goes"careful what you wish for".
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The anthem unites us. We're all Americans. Well, mostly, there's probably a few illegal aliens--sorry, undocumented migrants--at the game, but still, almost all Americans. So we stand united before dividing up into teams and trying to pummel each other senseless.

White, black, brown, yellow, red, or purple, democrat or republican, male or female, young or old, rich or poor, we're all Americans. Okay, all except for that guy right there.

It has always been a unifying pre-game event. Not working so well right now, huh?
Meh. Lots born here who couldn't be farther from that.
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But its a sporting event. A meaningless game. Why do we need these things for stupid games? I could see only having the Anthem during major events like Super Bowl, CFBNC, World Series, etc. That would make sense to me. Playing the Anthem before every single sporting event just seems a tad unnecessary, especially for the BS its causing. Forced patriotism isn't really patriotism.
Football kicks ass. America kicks ass. Why not combine the two? Throw in some strippers and its the perfect show for most men.
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Again, forget about this flag. You should be spending that same time and effort teaching them the actual thing that you swore to take an oath to uphold, which is the Constitution. Why try to even waste your time on something symbolic like a flag?

is it really that hard for you be not to see that the Constitution is far, far more important than a damn flag?
Hmm, I think maybe you're missing the point of symbology.

The flag is a symbol. It is a symbol OF the Constitution, or, more accurately, of the ideas captured in the words of the Constitution.

See, the Constitution itself is just a symbol, if you mean that browned, crinkled bit of parchment with ink writing on it. It is an embodiment of ideas. The ideas are what we really defend. Liberty. Equality. Justice. The rule of law, not tyrants.

So when we stand and salute the flag, we're honoring those ideas, those founding principles. Yes, represented by a flag, as well as a piece of paper.

Get it now, Rasputin?
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But its a sporting event. A meaningless game. Why do we need these things for stupid games? I could see only having the Anthem during major events like Super Bowl, CFBNC, World Series, etc. That would make sense to me. Playing the Anthem before every single sporting event just seems a tad unnecessary, especially for the BS its causing. Forced patriotism isn't really patriotism.
It’s a game, a diversion from real life. I’ve never had a problem with standing and reflecting on our freedoms, and paying tribute to the military. Every tradition and institution is under attack, and once we surrender on this issue, it’ll be a different issue next time.
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