We basically play pick-up basketball


K-town Vol Fan

Blood Runneth Orange
Jan 2, 2005
...and its UGLY. We have no direction. No offensive set. Maymon just throws up blind shots and can't even see the rim. We will live and die by the 3 that's for sure. Our bigs don't know how to contest shots. They just stand flat footed and the D shoots over them over and over and over. Just awful ugly basketball.
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...and its UGLY. We have no direction. No offensive set. Maymon just throws up blind shots and can't even see the rim. We will live and die by the 3 that's for sure. Our bigs don't know how to contest shots. They just stand flat footed and the D shoots over them over and over and over. Just awful ugly basketball.

More die than live. We are awful at 3pt shooting.
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This is what happens when you don't spend money and take coaching hires seriously. Tennessee deserves everything it is getting as a direct result from incompetent leadership across the board. I don't understand why anyone is surprised nothing is working out for Tennessee athletics for the last 5 years. I wouldn't be surprised I it is intentionally being done at this point because it's the same stuff every year
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...and its UGLY. We have no direction. No offensive set. Maymon just throws up blind shots and can't even see the rim. We will live and die by the 3 that's for sure. Our bigs don't know how to contest shots. They just stand flat footed and the D shoots over them over and over and over. Just awful ugly basketball.

THANK YOU. Someone else notices this. Why is maymon getting this many minutes when it looks like hes doing granny-shots 2 feet away from the rim. At least 8 of his shots were nowhere near the rim. He's nowhere near the player we had 2 years ago.
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Yup, good way to describe it. There's no efficiency, no direction, just kids playing pick-up ball. It's gotta be on CCM. I just don't see any other way around it.
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This offense is the same one we have run since Coach Martin has been here. It's supposed to be a motion offense but I can't figure out a set we have run.
There's really no denying it, this offense is terrible and everybody describes it the same. Unorganized, pick-up, playground ball! This is the last thing we have left from Hamilton, we gave him plenty of time so, now it's time to cut our losses.
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What do these guys do in practice, film room,individual drills? Last night the t.v. commentators (who were good) said UT looked frustrated & confused while UTEP was focused & negating Vols' efforts. At least practice free throws! Missing 16 is absurd.
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Now that Maymon is back we should be undefeated because all last year the Martin lovers kept telling us the reason we lost was that our best player was out for the season.
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This is what happens when you don't spend money and take coaching hires seriously. Tennessee deserves everything it is getting as a direct result from incompetent leadership across the board. I don't understand why anyone is surprised nothing is working out for Tennessee athletics for the last 5 years. I wouldn't be surprised I it is intentionally being done at this point because it's the same stuff every year

Your first sentence says it all.
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This is what happens when you don't spend money and take coaching hires seriously. Tennessee deserves everything it is getting as a direct result from incompetent leadership across the board. I don't understand why anyone is surprised nothing is working out for Tennessee athletics for the last 5 years. I wouldn't be surprised I it is intentionally being done at this point because it's the same stuff every year

Dead on. I question their commitment to winning and hiring the best possible to achieve that.. What i don't question is their commitment to get every dollar they can from sucker UT fans right now.. They should have fired everyone of them when they used Hamilton as their scape goat..
What do these guys do in practice, film room,individual drills? Last night the t.v. commentators (who were good) said UT looked frustrated & confused while UTEP was focused & negating Vols' efforts. At least practice free throws! Missing 16 is absurd.
Give this team to Tim Floyd and they'd be undefeated right now.. This is what happens when you hire filler coaches.
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Maymon missed a good chance to switch over to football because he has no basketball skills. A 6'-7" tightend could be more productive than a 6'-7" post player that can't shoot.
The play reminds me of my grandsons rec league team a couple of years ago. The coach gave them the ball and let them play , did not teach the players one thing all season. I think that is a good way to describe ZoBall
Playground ball was in desperation at the end of the game when we actually had an offense. The rest isnt playground ball as usually kids on a playground understand spacing and offense better than CM.
Its an anemic, no spacing, wasted motion, offense coached by CM and its pathetic.
...and its UGLY. We have no direction. No offensive set. Maymon just throws up blind shots and can't even see the rim. We will live and die by the 3 that's for sure. Our bigs don't know how to contest shots. They just stand flat footed and the D shoots over them over and over and over. Just awful ugly basketball.

That's exactly what I saw. No D at all. Poor shooting all around. This team is VERY poorly coached.
This is what happens when you don't spend money and take coaching hires seriously. Tennessee deserves everything it is getting as a direct result from incompetent leadership across the board. I don't understand why anyone is surprised nothing is working out for Tennessee athletics for the last 5 years. I wouldn't be surprised I it is intentionally being done at this point because it's the same stuff every year

We are still suffering from the horrible ineptness of Mike Hamilton. It'll take more time to rid ourselves of the putrid leader he was!
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A few years ago UT BB was on the rise. It was exciting to see over 20K screaming in TBA as over achieving players beat the likes of Kansas, KY, FL and Memphis. We would go to the dance and win. Now.......we lose to the likes of UTEP, Mercer, Bama amd GA. Now, we are at best.....mediocre. We have some good players, but they can't seem to get it together enough to win. Frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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These new hand checking/bodying rules will be the end of Conzo Martins career at TN.

Yes, physical defense was his hallmark and now it has been negated by new rules. A good coach adapts to changes and thrives. Tim Floyd didn't seem to have problems coaching his team either on offense or defense and they actually ran offensive plays.
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