We can win in the swamp!!!

I agree, Georgia and South Carolina scare me more than Florida does

USCe's defensive issues were exposed today. For that matter, UGA's were too. USCe is thin on D. Probably thinner than UT. When starters need a break, they struggle. Their LB's and some of their DB's are new... and they aren't playing well.

UNC had opportunities last week but didn't take advantage.

Some of UGA's problems are just youth. Richt has never been great at coaching his teams up but they will get better just by playing. USCe has roster issues that are unlikely to get better.... and they have assistants in shoving matches on the sideline.
Didn't we say that about 365 days ago, after we had beaten N.C. State & Georgia State? Weren't we excited about a home game against Florida??

Didn't we learn from last season that what we say will be used as bulletin board material?

Let's just play the game and see if Florida will give the game to us on turnovers. I see no other way of beating them with the current state of team 117. Maybe in a few season, we will be able to expect to win the game and may even be favored to win the game, but not this season. Let's just play hard and see if Florida messes up enough to give us the game.

Good post. We are playing hard but we do not have many sec caliber players yet. We could upset them maybe.
Forget Oregon. I hope we make a good outing and hopefully we can win. But I KNOW we can beat those turds in their own backyard this year!!! I can't wait!!!! We take the series back over in two weeks folks!!!

Oh god here we go...:shakehead:
I am always behind our team, but until they actually come through and beat Florida, I just can't bring myself to be optimistic about it. I've watched us pi$$ away opportunities and also get outright embarassed by Florida for many years. This is one of those obstacles that we're going to have to break through if we want to get back to where we belong. Coach Jones knows it. I sure hope he can find a way to do it this year! Go Vols!
To those who are confident that we will beat the Gators, look at the stats of their game with Miami and get back with me.

Gator Football Boxscores - GatorZone.com

I think beating them is possible, but I don't know why anyone would feel confident when they've beaten us at least two-thirds of the time in the last 25 years.
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Gators had five turn overs and still made a game of it. So it will be difficult unless we play great and they lay an egg. I will always believe if we had not changed to a 3/4 defense we would have beat them soundly last year. I predict a close game I the swamp, hope we win and will be there supporting the Big Orange.
This is the first time in a few years that I feel like we have a chance at Florida. The last few years I never thought we could beat them.

Now in watching Oregon yesterday I would feel good if we could stay within 2 TD's. they are loaded in speed on offense and our starters will not be able to play the whole game at the pace they play.
Florida also has a bye week this week. We travel to Oregon. That doesn't give us an advantage.
I am gonna go ahead and predict a win in both games. If Mcshay and espn can make ridiculous speculations and still be taken seriously then why not. For the record, my upset pick of the week was Washington State over USC. I felt like that one was fairly obvious, even for a non espn employee.
If memory serves correctly, a lot of our posters thought that we would beat UF last year. In fact, some of us put that game in the win column before the kickoff. Driskel made our D look silly with his scrambles. Miami is no slouch. UF will be more than ready for a conference game for sure.
Yauh??? Florida would rather beat us than anyone on their schedule. They always get up for us and play above their football potential.. pray !! Some luck .. and lots of rain.. go vols!!! Coaches must get our guys winning in the mind first. Motivation... that's where it all starts in the heart mind and execute.. go vols..
Uh, I'm very positive about this team, this coaching staff. However, they're gonna have to show me first before I predict or even remotely expect a win vs Florida.
Forget Oregon. I hope we make a good outing and hopefully we can win. But I KNOW we can beat those turds in their own backyard this year!!! I can't wait!!!! We take the series back over in two weeks folks!!!

Not sure we can with Worley running our offense. Those late and underthrown passes wont be completions against that defense. I hope Worley gets it together or get someone in there who can. You can tell we have playmakers at WR if our QB's can get it to them. Plus were playing UF the week after flying out to Oregon. Wished we had a break between those 2 games.
It looks like the return of the good old days when Miami was the College football team in Florida. Looks like the U may be back.

Depends on your definition of "back". Miami's schedule is favorable outside of a trip to Tallahassee, so they should win the Coastal Division.

Miami deserved to win yesterday, and Driskel did everything in his power to help. But Miami might be the third best team in the ACC behind FSU and Clemson.
Florida also has a bye week this week. We travel to Oregon. That doesn't give us an advantage.

Heck, we'll probably have 4 turnovers to bye week! :)

Until the Gators learn to hang onto the ball and not make stupid penalties, I'm not confident against anyone.

Yauh??? Florida would rather beat us than anyone on their schedule. They always get up for us and play above their football potential.. pray !! Some luck .. and lots of rain.. go vols!!! Coaches must get our guys winning in the mind first. Motivation... that's where it all starts in the heart mind and execute.. go vols..

Can't speak for the team, but I can tell you I'd rather lose to ya'll than Georgia!

They crushed my SEC Championship dreams too many times when I was younger...lol.


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