We finished with a better record than Florida.

All I know is, is that Michigan should have beaten Florida worse than they did. I hope Chavis watches film from this game and the new OC watches how to put up points against FL.

Chavis has four games of good film that show how to stop CUM's spread. It's all downhill for the Urban Legend.
Chavis has four games of good film that show how to stop CUM's spread. It's all downhill for the Urban Legend.
Yeah, Michigan really slowed them today. Florida only gained about 400 yards. That's stopping them.
Michigan just wanted it more. We just need to not quit next time we play the turds and we'll be ok.
As it turns out, we also finished with a better record than Alabama and Cal.

Now it's as if those losses never happened.
Yeah, Michigan really slowed them today. Florida only gained about 400 yards. That's stopping them.

If wins or losses were scored by yards and stats your point would be sensible.

Part of UF's offensive success should be credited to its defensive failures. UM's kicker must be worn out.
how people can be so disappointed in a 10 win season is beyond me. Some people just don't understand college football. How about you look at some other teams?
If wins or losses were scored by yards and stats your point would be sensible.
You're the one acting as if Florida's offense has been stopped in its losses. Of course, I get it. By your logic, Purdue stopped Central Michigan's offense.
Florida will be good next year. But i hope not as good as advertised for our sake at least.
how people can be so disappointed in a 10 win season is beyond me. Some people just don't understand college football. How about you look at some other teams?

It's people with this kind of logic that will drive our team into a deep hole that we won't be able to get out of because of continuous average seasons will be the standard for this football program.
How did all these fair weather fans live with themselves through the losing streak Majors had to bama?

Hatvol, bigpapa, and tvolsfan you have no character. And should have been called out about it a long time ago.
So you're classifying your acceptance of CPF & Co's mediocrity as character. Let me make note to value your opinion more highly going forward, since you've so clearly thought it through. I mean, with your character and all, how can I go wrong?
I give credit where credit is due and blame where its due. While I don't think we'll achieve a whole lot more than where we're at now with the current coaching staff, I will say they seemed like they were playing with more heart towards the end. After the Bama game, I thought we'd be lucky to break .500... UT has had good games and some crappy ones. Conisitency is the problem right now, and hopefully with a lil new blood that may change some... probably not a lot, but maybe some improvement.

I'm not knocking anyone for trying to support UT and have a positive outlook.. nothing wrong with that.
It's people with this kind of logic that will drive our team into a deep hole that we won't be able to get out of because of continuous average seasons will be the standard for this football program.
stop it. .700 ball is the path to righteousness. We'll have a monopoly on it in a couple more years. then we'll get better.
Your best course of action is to purchase a Dan Roundfield jersey and try to fit in with them.

Thanks, but I'll pass.

I'll take a look at the link JayTrain...pass the time until the Sugar Bowl comes on.
I will say they seemed like they were playing with more heart towards the end.

I was laying it on thick in the first post of this thread, but that is basically my point. I hope it continues into next season. Our defense from the last few games looked like we stole it from a different team compared to the early parts of this year. The offense has just seemed to have long stretches where they needed the defense to bail them out. I HOPE we can get a good thing going on offense with a new quarterback and some new coaches.

If the defense plays with the same emotion they have had recently and the offense clicks then we are a very good team next year. This year did end on a good note. Nothing erases 100-37, but after the Bama game, this is about as good a result as anyone could have dreamed. And those losses might even give us some motivation that we have lacked in too many games.
You're the one acting as if Florida's offense has been stopped in its losses. Of course, I get it. By your logic, Purdue stopped Central Michigan's offense.

Would you rather look good on paper and lose? If we have the "W" at the end of the day, that's all that ultimately gets remembered. Without looking it up, tell me who won last five years bowls, but looked bad statistically doing it.
Michigan actually did a really good job of preventing Tebow from taking over the game. His passing stats were quite pedestrian. I hope Chavis was taking notes... constant pressure and forcing the issue is the way to defend the spread. I've preached this for over 2 years now... not that I'm any expert. But Michigan's defensive scheme kind of validated the theory.
Michigan actually did a really good job of preventing Tebow from taking over the game. His passing stats were quite pedestrian. I hope Chavis was taking notes... constant pressure and forcing the issue is the way to defend the spread. I've preached this for over 2 years now... not that I'm any expert. But Michigan's defensive scheme kind of validated the theory.
Michigan stayed in their lanes something we have struggle with all year. I hope we dedicate the offseason to getting bigger and more physical on the d-line. It seems to be our most pressing need. Finding some depth would be a huge plus too.

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