can you please convince some of these 5* players to come to UT.....i'd appreciate it
I'm not being funny when I say this, but please take heed Vol fans or bandwagon fans...
I have a few recruits that are paying so much attention to all of the SEC bullcrap; that it's unbelievable. You guys should STOP thinking what fans say on these boards doesn't matter.
IT DOES MATTER; believe me you!!
I was approached tonight a the Norcross football game regarding our coaching situation. I've defended UT and Dooley specifically so much the past few months. I luv Dooley; unconditionally.... I will respect Jones as long as his goals stay in line with integrity of school academics and players long-term desires.
First; nobody will ever hear me say anything negative regarding UT.
Second; if anybody thinks for a moment that a big name school won't get a good hire no matter the circumstances is also nuts.
third;Fans control much much much more than you could ever imagine. Decisions are based on relationships. whether its with coach, team members, staff; parental guidance; and how receptive fans are to the player.
I have a friend that reads these threads on a daily basis to see what going to be said about her son right now. I know player that has been offered that his ENTIRE family reads these threads on every freakin' board he's been offered. It becomes an obsession to a point. Hell, that's how I got stuck on the boards. I wanted to know what you thought about my son and if the school really needed him. I was so drawn to UT fans base, but now that i'm on the field, I stay away because the same thing that drew me on the boards pushed me off. CRAZY ass fans. lol:loco: