Welcoming Finland and Sweden into NATO in advance

What do they bring to the party except another couple countries we are sworn to defend?
Blonde haired, big tittied women.

And the Finns are maybe the one nation that can out winter the Russians.

Both have developed some very specific anti-Russian strategies and equipment to use in a war. Most infamously the Swedish S-Tanks.
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Blonde haired, big tittied women.

And the Finns are maybe the one nation that can out winter the Russians.

Both have developed some very specific anti-Russian strategies and equipment to use in a war. Most infamously the Swedish S-Tanks.

Again, I will need photo verification before I can get onboard.
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Sweden has a more deadly weapon than tanks or aircraft or missles….Surströmming…….
A few plane loads of this dropped over Russia would put them out of action in under 15 minutes. It is easily the world’s worst smelling food. In Europe you Are Not even allowed to bring it on the plane with you

Umm....Yeah....they can join Nato!


Does either have a small population of ethnic Russians who feel neglected by the Nordic majority?

If so, look for Putin to invade.
Watch tje Netfix Series „Occupation“ if you haven’t already in which Russia conducts „soft invasion“ of Norway
Watch tje Netfix Series „Occupation“ if you haven’t already in which Russia conducts „soft invasion“ of Norway
"Occupied" and I don't think it's on Netflix anymore.

When it was released the Russkies were upset they were portrayed as an invading force in it. Oh, the irony
Does either have a small population of ethnic Russians who feel neglected by the Nordic majority?

If so, look for Putin to invade.
If the Russians can't beat Ukraine with conventional forces, those countries would obliterate any Russian invasion especially with the terrain there.
Much easier to do this in the day when the Europeans were a couple of months away by sailing ship than today when a warhead can arrive in 30 minutes
We definitely should entangle ourselves as little as possible; but we can no longer sit and isolate in majestic aloofness
But we should constantly do everything we can to enable self sufficiency. Something Biden and the multinational corporations fight every single day. We need to rebuild and strengthen homegrown energy production and manufacturing PRONTO
Transportation and speed of missiles would be a none issue if we were a friendly nation and not a damn Karen.
Transportation and speed of missiles would be a none issue if we were a friendly nation and not a damn Karen.
We are a friendly nation. We had absolutely no beef with Putin until he decided to knife his neighbors and kinsmen in the back. We could still friends again some day if the Russians would get serious about peace talks and get the heck back to their own borders.

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