Welcoming Finland and Sweden into NATO in advance

Don't tell us you actually bought some of that "fine Swedish craftsmanship"
All depends on what you are willing to spend. Go for the cheapest stuff on the floor and you get cheap. Do your research and spend bit more and get some quality stuff
So we can only be concerned about evil elsewhere in the world when we are 100% pure in YOUR eyes? Bold strategy there. I guess we had no business stopping Hitler and Hirohito then since we had Japanese Americans in internment camps.
And as regards Syria, wondering if you can point me to the mass graves where Americans buried the 10s of thousands of innocent civilians we must have raped, tortured, and slaughtered </sarcasm>
Face the music friend. The are two examples of absolute soul destroying evil on this planet right now; China starving it’s own citizens rather than admit they are wrong about covid, and Vladamir Putin playing Vlad the Impaler Just to stroke his own wounded Russian Nationalist megalomania.
Evil to the core. And the evil you defend or excuse will eventually taint our own soul too. You cannot befriend devils without becoming scorched yourself.
We are selective about our outrage. We are allowing a POTUS that clearly has economic ties to that country to lead us to a conflict halfway around the globe. Imagine if Trump would have lead us into a war with a country that he had business interests in? But besides that, what makes Ukraine any more special than Yemen?
The Chinese people have no one else to blame but themselves for their oppression.
True, the same could be said about the Russians as well. Hind sight is always 20/20, but we now know that any group within your country that tries to install hard core socialism must be stamped out immediately and without mercy or quarter. Keep cutting necks until they and their supporters are all eliminated.
What exactly is our real beef with Putin right now? Ukraine is not in our region or in our strategic interests. So why are we risking going to a hot war with a country half a world away again? We could just as easily mind our own business and let the Europeans resolve this and it not have any affect on us what so ever. These foreign entanglements we get involved don't make us safer. Washington and Jefferson were right then and are right today.
I am still for the US staying out of it. I dont like us giving stuff to Ukraine, or us giving away stuff to offset other countries gifts to Ukraine. If/when, because there have been some, we sell instead of give. I am fine with that. There is pretty much nothing Russia can do that would make me think we need to get involved. Even nukes or chemical warfare.

All that being said, if you dont see how people can still have a beef with the aggressor in an invasion you are full of it. The fact that you will not admit to any shades of gray towards Russia as a stand alone statement shows you have some tricolor glasses on rather than just looking for the truth.
We are selective about our outrage. We are allowing a POTUS that clearly has economic ties to that country to lead us to a conflict halfway around the globe. Imagine if Trump would have lead us into a war with a country that he had business interests in? But besides that, what makes Ukraine any more special than Yemen?
That’s rich as hell coming from you 😂🤡


Good job, Vlad. NATO is expanding ! What say ye volg and Rasp? Ooopsie?

Vlad should have known to hit the kill switch on the invasion when Trump pronounced the plan a work of genius.

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