What are legitimate reasons for divorce?

The Bible gives two legitimate reasons: fornication and abandonment by an unbelieving spouse. Both are probably broader than most conservatives generally allow.

Fornication involves a wide range of sexual activities that violate fidelity to the spouse. IMHO, the principle is "any sexual activity that divides a spouses affection for the other" on a continuing, irreconcilable basis. IOW's, I don't think "fornication" is limited to having an affair.

I would not be dogmatic but IMO abandonment could include abuse or alienation of affection if done on a continuing, irreconcilable basis.

Neither of these reasons should be abused or claimed without a clear, unrepentant pattern. If a husband is just looking for a reason, he can't just say, "She flirted with an old boyfriend" then use that as a justification to chase a new woman.

Do you think consistent lusting for someone else (like you said, a clear and unrepentant pattern) would fall under those categories?
Right, so I don't know if one can say it is so simple as the Catholic Church broke the bank from a Christian perspective.
I'm not saying this to offend anyone but Catholic doctrine strayed badly from the Bible well over a millinium ago. From the time they declared Latin the "heavenly" language and forbade vulgar translations... there was no accountability and tremendous abuse.

For the better part of 1000 years, the Bible could not be read by the masses so it said what the RCC said it said. Anyone who disagreed or dared translate the Bible was attacked and usually killed.

IIRC, the Waldensians provide a good example. :There were several other groups as well.

And King Henry VIII is still waiting on his annulment.

I am not aware of a biblical allowance for annulment.
Do you think consistent lusting for someone else (like you said, a clear and unrepentant pattern) would fall under those categories?

IMO, yes and especially if it made the spouse undesirable or interfered with the relationship.
Just because someone erred along the way is no reason to just pass off the original. It's like "well clearly the New Deal strayed from the Founding Fathers. The US and the Constitution are just not applicable and worth anything any more."
My solution is not to get married in the first place.
Now with a kid in tow, i do feel alot more internal pressure to do the deed though.
Biblically speaking, Adultery is the only grounds for divorce and remarriage to another. Any other reason for divorce with remarriage is constituted as Adultery as well.
Biblically speaking, Adultery is the only grounds for divorce and remarriage to another. Any other reason for divorce with remarriage is constituted as Adultery as well.
What bible are you reading? Desertion is also an acceptable reason for divorce in Gods eyes according to the bible.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
What bible are you reading? Desertion is also an acceptable reason for divorce in Gods eyes according to the bible.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Scripture please? And if you are referring to the Old Testament/Mosaic Law - You do realize we are no longer bound by the Mosaic Law? Although many of it principles are still in use and are good to live by, the Mosaic Law was abolished when Jesus instituted the Christian Congregation during his time on earth.

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