What are VN GOPers' position on Marjorie Taylor Greene and the House Educ Cmte?



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
I was going to make it a poll, but then people get distracted by the binary choice I would offer, which is either that you approve or disapprove. So, GOPers, do you approve of her committee assignment or disapprove, and importantly, why?

Do you, for example, buy her claims that FB posts approving of conspiracy theories as to the Parkland shooting "may not" have been by her? And she has not actually said she did not make the post, or that she does not adhere to some false flag nonsense. At a minimum, it seems like it was a really stupid thing for the House GOP to have done to assign her to that committee. Of course, now they can't withdraw it because their error would be exposed.

Nonetheless, approve of the assignment or disapprove, and why?
Yeah, my 401K savings is dropping like a boulder since the lunatic Biden is doing his dictatorship EOs.


That include the 600 points the Dow is up today?
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That include the 600 points the Dow is up today?

That's making up for yesterday & the week before the big F***ing mess your idiot is causing so far..
Let's face it you dolt .......... we're screwed so bad for the next 4 yrs of stupid Dim leadership or lack thereof.
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I was going to make it a poll, but then people get distracted by the binary choice I would offer, which is either that you approve or disapprove. So, GOPers, do you approve of her committee assignment or disapprove, and importantly, why?

Do you, for example, buy her claims that FB posts approving of conspiracy theories as to the Parkland shooting "may not" have been by her? And she has not actually said she did not make the post, or that she does not adhere to some false flag nonsense. At a minimum, it seems like it was a really stupid thing for the House GOP to have done to assign her to that committee. Of course, now they can't withdraw it because their error would be exposed.

Nonetheless, approve of the assignment or disapprove, and why?
Is she going to be your new Palin?
I was going to make it a poll, but then people get distracted by the binary choice I would offer, which is either that you approve or disapprove. So, GOPers, do you approve of her committee assignment or disapprove, and importantly, why?

Do you, for example, buy her claims that FB posts approving of conspiracy theories as to the Parkland shooting "may not" have been by her? And she has not actually said she did not make the post, or that she does not adhere to some false flag nonsense. At a minimum, it seems like it was a really stupid thing for the House GOP to have done to assign her to that committee. Of course, now they can't withdraw it because their error would be exposed.

Nonetheless, approve of the assignment or disapprove, and why?
Bernie Sanders - Senate Budget Committee Chair

AOC - House Financial Services Committee

At least AOC got beat out on the House Energy and Commerce seat she was gunning for. So glass houses and what not.
I was going to make it a poll, but then people get distracted by the binary choice I would offer, which is either that you approve or disapprove. So, GOPers, do you approve of her committee assignment or disapprove, and importantly, why?

Do you, for example, buy her claims that FB posts approving of conspiracy theories as to the Parkland shooting "may not" have been by her? And she has not actually said she did not make the post, or that she does not adhere to some false flag nonsense. At a minimum, it seems like it was a really stupid thing for the House GOP to have done to assign her to that committee. Of course, now they can't withdraw it because their error would be exposed.

Nonetheless, approve of the assignment or disapprove, and why?
If you are so scared of her and her ilk, then you should be happy that she is on the House Education Cmt and not anything more serious.

I'm really not sure, but I'm getting the feeling LG that you are going to obsess of her the way you have Sarah Palin and Trump.
I was going to make it a poll, but then people get distracted by the binary choice I would offer, which is either that you approve or disapprove. So, GOPers, do you approve of her committee assignment or disapprove, and importantly, why?

Do you, for example, buy her claims that FB posts approving of conspiracy theories as to the Parkland shooting "may not" have been by her? And she has not actually said she did not make the post, or that she does not adhere to some false flag nonsense. At a minimum, it seems like it was a really stupid thing for the House GOP to have done to assign her to that committee. Of course, now they can't withdraw it because their error would be exposed.

Nonetheless, approve of the assignment or disapprove, and why?
Seems consistent with the direction of the party

Let the hate flow through you. It's nice to watch the BDS get out and spread so early, hopefully we can reach herd immunity by 2022.

Oh, I'm sure they'll find something else quite "deadly" and viral before that time.

You see, they let the genie out of the bottle with this Covid nonsense. You ever have to deal with the USAMRIID or CDC folks before?

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