What are VN GOPers' position on Marjorie Taylor Greene and the House Educ Cmte?

Is this thread an attempt at distracting from the complete disaster the Biden admin has been?

Complete disaster? Does reality ever invade your world? Compared to the amateurism of the last four years, you've got to be kidding. It's going to take Biden a year to just fix all of the stuff Trump f'ed up.
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She wrote that devastating California fires were caused by people who fired lasers from outer space.

She may be the dumbest human being ever on the planet. So of course the GOP put her in Congress. The GOP celebrates stupidity in its ranks.
Show me where that was written by her. I’m not defending. I just want to see the actual things said
Complete disaster? Does reality ever invade your world? Compared to the amateurism of the last four years, you've got to be kidding. It's going to take Biden a year to just fix all of the stuff Trump f'ed up.

Fix what exactly?
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According to MGT, America is a light to the world because you can pay people sh**ty wages and buy guns on demand.

She may be a tad on the crazy side but what was she wrong about in that clip?

It's undeniable that the prevalence of guns make America less safe compared to other first world countries (just compare us to other first world countries with strong gun laws). And many immigrants will be working in low paying jobs, at least at first. So if you're going to argue that they prefer America to, say, Australia, because they'll get lower pay and be more likely to be killed by a gun, good luck with that argument.

Find me some immigrants who say they were going to come to America but have thought better of it since we may raise the minimum wage and put some common sense limits on the gun culture.
It's undeniable that the prevalence of guns make America less safe compared to other first world countries (just compare us to other first world countries with strong gun laws). And many immigrants will be working in low paying jobs, at least at first. So if you're going to argue that they prefer America to, say, Australia, because they'll get lower pay and be more likely to be killed by a gun, good luck with that argument.

Find me some immigrants who say they were going to come to America but have thought better of it since we may raise the minimum wage and put some common sense limits on the gun culture.

Funny that immigrants continue to flock to the US now isn’t it?
It's undeniable that the prevalence of guns make America less safe compared to other first world countries (just compare us to other first world countries with strong gun laws). And many immigrants will be working in low paying jobs, at least at first. So if you're going to argue that they prefer America to, say, Australia, because they'll get lower pay and be more likely to be killed by a gun, good luck with that argument.

Find me some immigrants who say they were going to come to America but have thought better of it since we may raise the minimum wage and put some common sense limits on the gun culture.

From space.

Sandyhook did no happen.

Parkland was a false flag operation.

9/11 inside job and no plane hit the Pentagon at all.

This is the Trump wing of the soon to be a distant memory Republican party.

From space.

Sandyhook did no happen.

Parkland was a false flag operation.

9/11 inside job and no plane hit the Pentagon at all.

This is the Trump wing of the soon to be a distant memory Republican party.
Trump peeing on Russian hookers
Russian bots spending $100k on social media ads overcame Hillary's $1 billion campaign
Joe Biden got more of the popular vote than Trump or Obama without having to campaign
January 6th riot was the worst event in modern US history
Joe Biden is not going to end fracking
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Trump peeing on Russian hookers
Russian bots spending $100k on social media ads overcame Hillary's $1 billion campaign
Joe Biden got more of the popular vote than Trump or Obama without having to campaign
January 6th riot was the worst event in modern US history
Joe Biden is not going to end fracking
The hookers peed on Trump. Only a moron would believe Trump peed on hookers - that's Jewish lasers, stolen election, Pizzagate, and 9/11 was an inside job level crazy .

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