What are VN GOPers' position on Marjorie Taylor Greene and the House Educ Cmte?

She has vastly higher brain activity than Joe Biden, the current standard bearer of the Democrat party

She wrote that devastating California fires were caused by people who fired lasers from outer space.

She may be the dumbest human being ever on the planet. So of course the GOP put her in Congress. The GOP celebrates stupidity in its ranks.
She wrote that devastating California fires were caused by people who fired lasers from outer space.

She may be the dumbest human being ever on the planet. So of course the GOP put her in Congress. The GOP celebrates stupidity in its ranks.
Do you really want to play the stupid game? I mean Jesus both sides have it. And then to look at your positions. You are an educated idiot. Maybe at breakfast tomorrow my black child will agree with you that school choice is for racist parents. Maybe Jews will stand beside Trump no matter what bc of his Israel position. You are the biggest hypocrite here. Own it. You are all the things you call Trump. And I hate the guy

Just to be clear you have said the following:

People only support school choice to keep minorities away from their kids

That Dershowitz only backed Trump bc Trump was so Israel
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Do you really want to play the stupid game? I mean Jesus both sides have it. And then to look at your positions. You are an educated idiot. Maybe at breakfast tomorrow my black child will agree with you that school choice is for racist parents. Maybe Jews will stand beside Trump no matter what bc of his Israel position. You are the biggest hypocrite here. Own it. You are all the things you call Trump. And I hate the guy

Just to be clear you have said the following:

People only support school choice to keep minorities away from their kids

That Dershowitz only backed Trump bc Trump was so Israel


From space.
Sadly this is the mindset most people of the Republican party. They can basically do or say anything but as long as they have that R beside your name - nothing else matters.

Seriously, why should I care? She’s not my Rep, she’s a freshman house member with no power and was going to be on some committee so why exactly should I GAF what she posted on FB or said?
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I prefer abortion no matter what trimester or if they have been birthed already.
Sadly this is the mindset most people of the Republican party. They can basically do or say anything but as long as they have that R beside your name - nothing else matters.

You just described the same mindset of “most people” in the Democratic Party. Those cars going past you on the other side means it’s a two way street.
Real Question: I wonder if the Dems can successfully paint her as the face of the new GOP in the same way the Republicans tried to paint AOC as the face of the Dem party?
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Real Question: I wonder if the Dems can successfully paint her as the face of the new GOP in the same way the Republicans tried to paint AOC as the face of the Dem party?

Both of them are a couple beers short of a six pack. AOC at least has a nice rack.

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