It's what she does. She talks the part well, but she admitted elsewhere she's just a make-believe badass because she said she doesn't act this way in person. (Even so, I'd be willing to bet she's extremely arrogant and full of herself in real life, as well, even if she's not the insult-slinger that she is here. So I highly doubt she has many, if any, real friends in her life.) That's the difference between people like her and me. I'm just as snarky in real life as I am on this message board and elsewhere. I also don't try to shove my arrogance down people's throat (if it ever comes off that way, I apologize) and I don't speak on a subject unless I know what I'm talking about. I'm happy with my life and have a good job with a nice family and good core of friends. All she can do is talk about how people are wrong and they are stupid because she doesn't share the same viewpoint ... as if this world (or even this message board) revolves around what she thinks. But ... she can't back up anything she says with any kind of substantial discussion, facts or analysis. She talks about how educated she is -- and education and intelligence aren't close to being the same thing -- but she obviously lacks common sense in the worst way. This isn't surprising, as people who are highly "book-smart" tend to lack common sense and social skills. Especially those who have to constantly point out how smart they are. They lack the common sense to understand that everyone is simply rolling their eyes at them and laughing at them.
I mean literally ... I've never seen her post where she wasn't insulting someone, and/or starting drama with someone who isn't kissing her boo's ass (Holly), and/or talking about how important/smart she is. If you have to constantly point out your importance and intelligence to people ... odds are you're not that important and you're not that intelligent. (In layman's terms ... you ain't sh**, so don't think otherwise.) Your demeanor and what you say should be enough to make people understand that you know what she's talking about. Ramming your own arrogance down other people's throats does no good to anyone. If someone wants to be a jerk who's full of themselves, that's certainly their prerogative, but they are the ones who have to lay their heads down at night knowing they're a pathetic human being.
I'd bet she drives a Prius, too.