It is very clear that there is a two term limit for presidential candidates. After FDR's stint, the rules were amended. Are you suggesting that that particular rule now be eliminated?
It was put in place to cure some of the very same problems we are dealing with today, and on some level it worked. Yet, we are still stuck with the social burdens put in place by that administration.
I admire what FDR did on some level. He certainly helped pull this country out of a 30 year economic funk (with the help of WWII). I even give him a pass on some of his social programs. In context, I don't think he ever intended to create the modern welfare system as it exists today. People in that era didn't want handouts. They wanted to work for what the government offered.
I do agree at some level we are all "special interests" to some degree. We all have an agenda. Some people on the board have jobs tied to government contracts. I grew up in a town completely dependent upon a military base. If they were ever to close the base the town would go belly up without a doubt.
To pretend that we have the same power as someone personally handing a senator a check is misconstrued. The longer he or she stays in power, the more checks they receive.
If term limits fix that, I am all for them. To a man, the founding fathers would admit that creating a "career politician" was not something that they ever intended when the government was being established. There is precedent for this with elected officials.