What did you have for dinner II?

Chicken and dressing with a baked potato, from dawsonville pool room. Always heard they had good food, it was pretty good.
My favorite thing they have is their onion rings. IDK what they do differently than other diners/restaurants, but whatever it is, I hope they keep doing it. Their burgers are good imo because they are greasy, but bad in other people's opinion because they are really greasy.

My family and I tend to eat healthy and light, so to me, any non healthy food tastes very good because it's not my or our normal way of eating.

Tonight at the GT cafeteria I had one of their vegan dinners which was okay, but not great. 2 of my apartment mates aren't feeling so well so I brought home their meals (vegetable beef soup etc) and then when we/decided that wasn't enough, we hit up one of the food trucks for burritos and other Tex-Mex.

Both of my apartment mates felt a little off with a mild headache and that they had to concentrate to stay on the sidewalk between classes which got me thinking about all of the upsets NCAA hoops experience earlier in the week and if some of those players and teams were experiencing what the guys I live with are now experiencing. js

I WAS going to go to the Tenn @ UGA hoops game because a gf goes to UGA, but instead she's coming to Tech this weekend because I def wouldn't feel right about abandoning my roommate when he isn't feeling well. He is def sicker than he letting on so that I'd go, but I'm not easily fooled and know him to well for him to get away with that. ie I have a touchless thermometer and took his temp when he was napping when I got home (101.5°). PLUS my gf thinks it "the sweetest thing ever" that I don't mind taking care of him/them and how I/we go about it.

NGL, I was looking forward to that game, but I'll eventually forget about the particulars of that game, but best friend / roommate will remember that I didn't just ditch them when they were having an off day or what I believe will be a couple of days.

Best friend wants Swedish meatballs, so my gf and I were made those and we enjoy cooking together. Made a lot of those so everybody could have pretty much as many as they want tonight/tomorrow and to send some back with my gf when she goes back to UGA.
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Yep....I went grocery shopping to get ready for the Polar Vortex....and bought a bunch of food....and look what I bought @joevol33...

View attachment 609463

Nice. I call that retro food because it reminds me of when I was a little kid. I picked up a few cans of Spaghettios this week and hope that tastes as good as I remember.

I live in Atlanta and it looks like the vortex won't make it this far south. I wouldn't mind if it did, IF we got some snow with it too.
Nice. I call that retro food because it reminds me of when I was a little kid. I picked up a few cans of Spaghettios this week and hope that tastes as good as I remember.

I live in Atlanta and it looks like the vortex won't make it this far south. I wouldn't mind if it did, IF we got some snow with it too.
Yes I feel the same way....I have not had Lucky Charms in years and the mardhmellows have improved, they are better now...and I did by some Spaghettios not too long ago and they are still just as good and also low in calories.
My favorite thing they have is their onion rings. IDK what they do differently than other diners/restaurants, but whatever it is, I hope they keep doing it. Their burgers are good imo because they are greasy, but bad in other people's opinion because they are really greasy.

My family and I tend to eat healthy and light, so to me, any non healthy food tastes very good because it's not my or our normal way of eating.

Tonight at the GT cafeteria I had one of their vegan dinners which was okay, but not great. 2 of my apartment mates aren't feeling so well so I brought home their meals (vegetable beef soup etc) and then when we/decided that wasn't enough, we hit up one of the food trucks for burritos and other Tex-Mex.

Both of my apartment mates felt a little off with a mild headache and that they had to concentrate to stay on the sidewalk between classes which got me thinking about all of the upsets NCAA hoops experience earlier in the week and if some of those players and teams were experiencing what the guys I live with are now experiencing. js

I WAS going to go to the Tenn @ UGA hoops game because a gf goes to UGA, but instead she's coming to Tech this weekend because I def wouldn't feel right about abandoning my roommate when he isn't feeling well. He is def sicker than he letting on so that I'd go, but I'm not easily fooled and know him to well for him to get away with that. ie I have a touchless thermometer and took his temp when he was napping when I got home (101.5°). PLUS my gf thinks it "the sweetest thing ever" that I don't mind taking care of him/them and how I/we go about it.

NGL, I was looking forward to that game, but I'll eventually forget about the particulars of that game, but best friend / roommate will remember that I didn't just ditch them when they were having an off day or what I believe will be a couple of days.

Best friend wants Swedish meatballs, so my gf and I were made those and we enjoy cooking together. Made a lot of those so everybody could have pretty much as many as they want tonight/tomorrow and to send some back with my gf when she goes back to UGA.
Hopefully they feel better. I went to try their burger, guy was leaving with a bag, and the grease was running through it. I told my wife that was a good sign 🤣, but I've been craving chicken and dressing, and they had it. We come back home that way from Cumming occasionally, so I'll stop again soon. I wanted to go to that game, but gotta work.
What all do you use to make it?
I can't remember which recipe we started with but they are all pretty similar. Here is one.

We usually use regular sausage instead of Italian. We don't always put the bacon in either. I don't think it makes much difference surprisingly.
@Drewbydoo, you’re posting to VN while attending Georgia Tech. How is this?
I used to know Charlie Taylor fairly well when he was in high school. He is a catcher for Tennessee Volunteers. In an attempt to get better information about his college baseball experience I found and joined Volnation and root for Charlie, but then Tennessee had one of the best seasons in all of college baseball (2 seasons ago).

Because of Volnation, baseball board, I decided I'd see how Tennessee football was on Volnation, PLUS you guys had a really, really good team and Hooker was just awesome to watch - I follow athletes more than I do teams. ie I've been an unwavering fan of Jared Goff before he became an NFL player.

Volnation beat the snot out of Iowa, so I thought I'd attempt to follow Tennessee Basketball team and early on (and still do) "Tennessee basketball is really, REALLY good and unless they are plagued with injuries, I believe they will make the Final 4 and maybe play in the finals because Tenn has a good coach and a deep bench."

Finally, GT sports are..... not so good. Football wise for GT, only one game matters and that is to beat UGA. IMO all other games are a way to prepare to make UGA miserable.

Why am I in the "what did you have for dinner " section? Because I like food, I like to cook, so I like to see what other people have for dinner.

Why am I replying to your post on a Saturday night? I'm not old enough to drink. I don't drink much anyway. Nightlife at GT is terrible. My roommates are sick, so my GF came from UGA to be with me, help cook, spend time together etc. etc.

I really like going to GT, but the sports here are 3 rate compared to Tenn and UGA. SEC is awesome. ACC? Not so much.

: )
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Hopefully they feel better. I went to try their burger, guy was leaving with a bag, and the grease was running through it. I told my wife that was a good sign 🤣, but I've been craving chicken and dressing, and they had it. We come back home that way from Cumming occasionally, so I'll stop again soon. I wanted to go to that game, but gotta work.
We've communicated before and I think of you and wife often given her incredibly unique health challenge. I hope she's able to have her surgery soon and I'm sure or fairly sure, you'd let Volnation know when you are heading west to get that done when circumstances allow it to happen. -d
I can't remember which recipe we started with but they are all pretty similar. Here is one.

We usually use regular sausage instead of Italian. We don't always put the bacon in either. I don't think it makes much difference surprisingly.
Hey thanks for posting the recipe @JCHateSteve :)

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